
Hero's Regression: My System Is Just Too OP

“Pathetic mortal with no special abilities to defend himself from an enemy — just hurry up and die!” He saw a blinding light at the end of the tunnel, his life playing like a broken tape before his eyes and a mind wrenching pain spreading all over his body. He believed he was going to die. [Host Dying…] [System — Activated!] “You are not dying? You're still breathing? Just die already and save this world the trouble of your worthless existence!” [Potential Awakening…] He couldn't rest, he couldn't give up hope. It was not over yet. Not until he deals with all those that had made his life a living hell in this world he was born into. He wasn't going to die until they are all paid back ten times of what he was fed with. [Arise, Hero.]

Max_Holmes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Fighting Against The Odds

"What is this? This strange feeling coursing through my body? It feels like melted metal flowing into my bloodstream." Liu Feng staggered back as he raised his hands to his face and scrutinized them, "There's nothing, but what is this strange feeling?"

[Awakening of True Soul, 0.1%]

[New (Soul Bound) Quest Received!]

Liu Feng stared at the transparent screens in a daze, his eyes narrowing as he struggled to make heads or tails out of what the text meant. What Soul Bound Quest? What True Soul?

Liu Feng dropped his hands and glared at Daemon, he was stunned to see Daemon staring back at him with a mix of confusion, rage and shock? Liu Feng was a very inquisitive child, and used to ask his parents a lot of questions everytime he stumbled upon a new idea.

Ascendant Heroes. An elite group of warriors with incredible abilities, and terrifying strength. Their fame was widespread, and only a few people would not know about them.

"They awaken their powers under varying conditions, and undoubtedly become physically stronger than the average man after their "ascent." Liu Feng muttered to himself as he took a stance, preparing himself for action after gaining full control over his senses.

The Lower Ascendant, The Mid Ascendant, and The Upper Ascendant — These were the only three ranks in the united legions of Ascendant Heroes. Each rank carries a certain amount of strength alongside it.

A trained Lower Ascendant is strong enough to take down a dozen of demons like Liu Feng, irrespective of their physical abilities or strength in numbers. Just a single trained Mid Ascendant is over a hundred times stronger than dozens of Lower Ascendants.

The gap in strength is so vast that it is impossible for a mere Lower Ascendant to harm a Mid Ascendant. It was because of this reason that Mid Ascendants are respected and revered like demigods amongst men.

"Keke, this bastard that attacked us shouldn't be at the level of an almighty Mid Ascendant. I definitely believe that he is a late Lower Ascendant,"

Liu Feng chuckled dryly as he closed his eyes and focused all his might into his legs. His aura grew calm, and he opened his mouth again to speak to himself under his breath,

"He hasn't even revealed his skill yet, and was still able to toy with Chicken Wings and I, as if we were rag dolls."

Daemon who was able to hear Liu Feng's mutterings effortlessly, sighed deeply in exhaustion. He knitted his brows after a few seconds, then suddenly dashed toward Liu Feng.

Liu Feng leaped away without hesitation, his eyes set on something lying carelessly behind Daemon. If he could get past the demon, he would be able to buy his sister even more time — maybe even Chicken Wings would have awoken by the time he would be beaten up.

"Useless! Weak! Pathetic!" Daemon raised his right hand and clawed at Liu Feng as he leapt forward, his eyes gleaming in a crazed light. He wanted to rip the poor human apart before he faces a "miscalculation".

Liu Feng's pupils contracted down to needle points as Daemon's claws scratched his face— missing by just a single centimeter. Blood was drawn immediately, and the side of Liu Feng's face was diced in one strike!

"Bastard!" In that minute of anguish and despair, Liu Feng lost all his sense of reasoning. The minute Liu Feng landed on the ground, he roared madly in a fit of rage before charging forward as a bull.

The axe! He was going to get the axe no matter what happens! Liu Feng disregarded his safety as he dashed past Daemon and closed up the distance between the axe and himself.

"You—!" Daemon suddenly caught up on Liu Feng's objective, and without hesitation he clawed at his open back. His claws easily ripped through Feng's clothes, and tore open his skin in an instant.

"Damn it!" Liu Feng bit back his pain as he put more energy into his legs, taking one last leap to grab the axe laying in wait for him. As soon as he crashed to the ground, and grabbed the axe in his hands, Liu Feng's aura took a complete transformation.

"Go and die!" Liu Feng roared as his raised the axe and dragged it down with all his might, burying the axe in Daemon's arm and nearly chopping it off. His pupils narrowed a split second later, and he quickly leaped away from Daemon without hesitation.

Just as soon as he had jumped away, Daemon's strike arrived — a vicious wave of claws that would have torn Liu Feng to bit being caught up inside. The strikes persisted for a second or two, before it was dispersed slowly in strange crackles mid-air.

Daemon seemed to have lost it completely as he once again, dashed forward and slapped Liu Feng hard. His pupils narrowed upon seeing Liu Feng only flying two metres back before regaining his balance.

"You've really gotten stronger! Impossible! I do not believe any of them would get themselves tainted by the seed of your kind, nor do I believe one of us can even imagine releasing out seed into your females!"

Daemon grinned crazily, revealing his rows of long and sharp teeth. He seemed to have increased in size, his frame more muscular than it was at the start.

"You all are just livestock! Pathetic creatures reared for food and resources — nothing more, nothing less! If you're truly awakened, then your ancestors have committed the greatest sin."

Daemon's grin broadened, and his aura extended to shroud the entire area. His energy seemed to have an effect on the surroundings, causing the wind to turn wild and the earth to quake uncontrollably.

"Sin? Killing innocent people just for fun, reaping families of their loved one and bringing chaos and death to me, and those around me? If my birth was a sin, then what about your actions just now?" Liu Feng countered as he lifted his axe to battle, "What makes me taking you down to pieces on the spot a sin?"

"The true sin, is embracing weakness. Pathetic values and ideals of pathetic humans do not amuse me. It is because of this sin that everyone here would either get consumed or enslaved — Some would even get themselves used for "sports and entertainment" with other lower life forms for our pleasure."

Liu Feng was stunned for a second. He tried his best to keep his cool, but failed inevitably. His eyes flared up as he took a step forward, his aura had turned wild and crazy.

"You'd like to be careful with that plan of yours, it'd not bring you the results you imagine." Daemon said with his eyes gleaming brighter than usual, and then raised his hand for Liu Feng to see.

It was completely healed! Although the regeneration process was a bit slower than it was before. Liu Feng took notice of this, and his aura flared up even more!

Shattering the earth beneath him, Liu Feng took a fierce leap forward with the axe in his hands. As soon as he got into Daemon's attack range, he swung the axe with all his might — aiming for the neck again.

\[Warning!\] \[Warning!\] \[Warning!\]

"Bastard!" Liu Feng roared like a mad beast as his axe slammed into Daemon's neck, "I'll kill you! I'll tear you apart, you vile monster!"

Daemon grinned, he seemed to be cool and collected, but his aura was turbulent and so was the area around him. The axe sunk into his neck, but was still unable to take it off despite the strength Liu Feng put into it.


Daemon grabbed the axe again and headbutted Liu Feng. His victim staggered backwards without an ounce of stability, but before Liu Feng stumble over and fell down, Daemon dashed forward and punched him in the face.

Liu Feng was blown away from Daemon in two direct hits, the axe still held in his hands. Unlike before, he was able to break his fall whilst sustaining a broken nose injury and busted lips.

"Look at yourself. If you're given enough time, you would not be considered human anymore. All that would be left would be a power hungry beast, with a vile lust for carnage." Daemon shook his head, "I really do not believe it, but it seems true now."

"What are you blabbering about you murderer! I'll rip you apart for killing my aunt!" Liu Feng roared madly as he dashed forward again, this time his speed was considerably slower than before, "Die! Die! Die!"

Daemon leaped from side to side, effortlessly evading all of Liu Feng's wild outbursts whilst searching for an opportunity to deliver a vicious counterattack. After a few seconds of jumping around, Daemon lashed out.

He stepped on the ground lightly with one leg, then spins around midair - using the velocity of his spin to power his outburst. His spinning heel kick slammed into Liu Feng's face, kicking him away with ease.

"You're too weak. Throughout this battle, you have done absolutely nothing to me. Why do you believe you have to ability to kill me?" Daemon didn't chase Liu Feng, he balanced his posture as he knitted his brows and sneered in his heart.

Liu Feng growled before charging forward with his eyes still gleaming. Part of his face was done in, but Liu Feng seemed unaffected. He remained as strong as a bull, despite all the wounds on his body.

"I'll put an end to you!" Liu Feng let out a loud roar as he lifted the axe and hacked down at Daemon's head, he was prepared for this since the start. He was not going to run away, no matter the consequences!

"Don't you understand?" Daemon shifted his head to the side and let the axe slammed into his collarbone, "You can do nothing to me! You're to weak to even imagine harming me!"

Daemon grabbed Liu Feng and headbutted him twice before throwing him to the side. He dragged the axe out of his body and threw it to the side with his brows still furrowed tightly.

"When would you humans accept your inability to protect yourselves and just give in to reality? This world belongs to the strong, not pathetic livestock."

Daemon watched Liu Feng struggle, his expression growing more unsightly every passing second. Veins had popped up all over his forehead, and his eyes had attained a metallic silver glow.

Liu Feng struggled up to his feet with a frown on his face. He was hauled into a wall earlier, and shattered his bones on impact. His left hand was hanging down oddly, and his legs were wobbly and weak.

"If you think you can trash talk me into submission, then you are a bigger fool than I am." Liu Feng raised his head completely and flashed a grin in Daemon's direction. His eyes gleamed as he added, "One day, I will rip you apart and feed you to dogs."

"One day? You think I'll actually let you—" Just as he took a step toward Liu Feng, Daemon's pupils shrunk into needle points as all the hair on his body rose. He tilted his head to the side in a blink, but was unable to evade the perceived sneak attack.

Chicken Wings had sneaked up to him, and hacked down on his neck with her axe. She was fast, and her attack vicious. With the energy she focused into the axe, she was sure she could behead Daemon.

The axe slammed into his neck, and was blown apart upon impact. Pieces of metal scraped past her skin, but was unable to harm her because of her incredibly high defense. All that was left were white marks.

"Stupid... Good for nothing... Useless!"

Daemon roared crazily as he spun around and kicked a stunned Chicken Wings to the side, then leaped out of Liu Feng's attack range with crazed rage. After a few seconds of pause, he dashed towards Liu Feng.

"I'll kill one of you, then feed the useless creature to the other! None of you is leaving this place alive!"kn