
Hero's Legacy

Seth and Blyke discovering what they are and saving lives along the way

Mason_Gaming11279 · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter Ten

After the explosion is heard The four quickly go to where they heard the explosion just to witness a rampaging… Tsunaka? Not only is he causing harm to the students but he also seems a lot stronger than when he fought Blyke, as if he wasn't using his full power. Atomic walks to Lunar Moon, Starlight, and BlazeBreaker and asks what is going on, the three reply with "I have no clue" BlazeBreaker then says "But i do know one thing we need to stop him." Tsunaka sees Blaze and gets angry as he realizes that Blaze looks exactly like Blyke and all he wants is revenge on him for winning the duel so he starts to charge at Blaze in a hassle Tsunaka then goes for a punch but Blaze jumps attempting to dodge it just then Blaze's leg is grabbed and he is now getting smashed into the ground repeatedly Atomic throws a flaming sword directly at Tsunaka back but somehow he dodged it and it goes for Blaze luckily it was a fire sword and not a ice sword so it has no effect on Blaze but then from above both Starlight and Lunar Moon use Ancient Blade and MoonLight Blade resulting in a combo skill "Celestial's MoonLight, Sword of day and night" a huge sword appears in both their hands and they go to slash Tsunaka but then an Shock wave pushes back Starlight and Moonlight Master Tsunaka then continues to say "Impact Pulse" multiple times to Blaze knocking them out.

Atomic jumps and says Swordbirth and what seems to be ten swords made of Ice start to rain down onto Tsunaka but they get plunged away by an Shock Pulse shield but then gets hit by a Celestial Fist fueled by anger pushing him back a bit the second he gets punched Lunar Moon says "The Clock Strikes Midnight, MoonLight Sword'' and goes to slash Tsunaka but is stopped by Tsunaka grabbing her face then moves his left hand to her ear and says "Impact Pulse" the sheer pain from this attack causes Lunar Moon to scream StarLight says "Celestial Being, Ancient Blade'' and cuts Tsunaka's arm making him let go of Lunar Moon Atomic rushes over while saying "Demon Emperor 70%" and he kicks Tsunaka in the face then grabs his arm and says "Force Control, Frost Kings Slash," the attack hits Tsunaka in the face cutting deep. Tsunaka then says 'SHOCKWAVE" and pushes back all three of them he then proceeds to whisper "Pulse Control" and then starts to dash toward Atomic and says "Pulsating Fist" it hits Atomic right in the face knocking him down he then uses Shockwave to hit MoonLight Master making her fall unconscious Atomic is trying to get up but the attack from earlier seems to have left him in a state of paralysis. Tsunaka looks at Starlight and runs toward her and punches her multiple times with no end until she is rendered useless. Tsunaka then laughs and asks if this is all they got? During that time in Blaze's dreams he hears a faint voice telling him he hasn't even come close to how strong he can actually be, Blaze asks "What do you mean? And who are you?'' The faint voice inside Blaze's head says "You will find out sooner or later just remember I'm an ally and I'm someone you know oh and here is a gift." A gift? Blaze asks. Just then he wakes up but he feels different so he looks at his hands and sees that his hands are on fire but they aren't Red or Blue they are… Black?

Blaze shakes his head and goes to help his friends. After he is at a good vantage he sees Tsunaka charging up a finishing blow to his friends who are on the ground. Tsunaka says "Goodbye pesky bra-" but gets cut off as a raging flame fist hits him right in the face slamming him into a building h-huh? Says Atomic Lunar Moon wakes up and so does Starlight and when they wake up all three of them see BlazeBreaker covered in Black Flames. Blaze says "Hey guys sorry i was asleep for so long i will take care of this so you can rest easy." The three sigh in relief just then an invisible Air Pulse flies towards Blaze but he can sense it and just shoves it away with his bare hands this makes Tsunaka confused but he doesn't take much time to start charging at Blaze and tries to kick his head but Blaze blocks it with his arm and then engulfs his hand in this new flame and punches Tsunaka's stomach then starts to pummel his face over and over again. Tsunaka falls to the ground and says "I-im not d-done yet!" And goes to punch Blaze but he easily dodges and says "TAKE THIS! DEVOURING FIST!" GAHHHH! Tsunaka yells "W-What is this power!?' BlazeBreaker responds with "This is the power of Black Flame Dragon Mode!"

Blaze picks up Tsunaka by his collar and says "if you hurt my friends again I WILL KILL YOU!" And Blaze punches Tsunaka square in the chin, knocking him out. Are you guys ok? Asks Blaze. Atomic stands up and says "we're fine, I think." Blaze says "that's good." Atomic goes to help Lunar Moon up and right when he grabs her she screams and Atomic notices that he broke her leg. Atomic gets up and a strange red sword forms and his skin fades black then Atomic starts to run towards Tsunaka but Blaze grabs the sword then burns it. Atomic yells "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE BROKE HER LEG!" Blaze then yells back "YEAH BUT STARLIGHT CAN HEAL THAT IN SECONDS BUT SHE CAN'T REVIVE THE DEAD!" All Atomic hears is Lunar Moon's voice telling him to please calm down and so his skin starts to turn back to its original color and the Red Sword fades away. Atomic walks back over to Luna and sits next to her "I'm sorry for my outburst," says Atomic, Moonlight Master does the unthinkable and slaps Atomic and says "why did you try to do it? Was it to show off? Or for revenge for my leg? Please come back as the Seth I know and love, not this one who disregards others' lives until then don't say a word to me!" TO BE CONTINUED