
Hero's Legacy

Seth and Blyke discovering what they are and saving lives along the way

Mason_Gaming11279 · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

The class goes by rather quickly and when the bell rings Blyke gets up from his seat and begins to walk towards the door but before he opens the door he hears a familiar voice inside his head, coming to the back of the school the voice said Blyke thinks "I know that voice! No way!" he sprints outside leaving everyone still in the class surprised. Blyke is now waiting outside and hears a twig snap, he swiftly turns around smiles and says "Yuukimura Ashford long time no see! Childhood friend."Yuukimura smiles and says "Hi! How have you been?" I've been fine, what about you? Blyke replies Yuukimura says "I've been amazing!" Blyke and Yuukimura sit on a bench and catch up. Seth, Luna, and Alissa walk up to the two guys and Alissa asks Blyke who the guy sitting next to him is. Blyke looks at Alissa and says "This is Yuukimura Ashford, my childhood friend!" Yuukimura intervenes and tells the three to just call him Yuuki. Blyke gets up from the bench and asks the three if they wanted to show Yuuki around the city with him as he is new, the three agree and proceed to go around town showing Yuuki all the fun places to go to at certain times and all the best places to eat. They're having so much fun that they completely forgot about the time, Oh crap Blyke says out of the blue Seth looks at Blyke and asks "What's wrong?" Blyke looks back at Seth and yells "LOOK AT THE TIME, and not to mention i haven't even started the essay AND IT'S A THREE PAGE ESSAY!!!" Alissa begins to run back to her house as she didn't start either, the rest of them go back to their house as Blyke is running he stops and runs back towards Yuuki and asks "Do you have a place to crash?" Yuuki answers by saying "No why would I, I got here today" Then come to my house Blyke says. Alright Yuuki says and they start to walk towards Blyke's house. Blyke opens the door and walks in same with Yuuki and they go upstairs Blyke shows Yuuki the room he will be staying in and gives him some pillows and blankets as Blyke is walking back to his room Yuuki randomly says "I know you, something is up what happened?" Blyke stops and turns around he asks Yuuki if they could talk in the room and Yuuki agrees when they both sit down Blyke tells Yuuki everything about what happened with Haruki including the part he left out when telling his friends as Blyke's breathing starts to become irregular he tells Yuuki "I-i'm scared, Haruki said if I don't become strong enough in one week he will come to kill everyone i cherish as friends but the last time we fought he annihilated me how am i supposed to clear the gap between our strengths in just one week?"

The next day Blyke gets up sweating from a dream of Haruki, Yuuki walks in his room and sees Blyke sweating bullets "Bad dream huh? Yuuki asks, y-yeah, Blyke says nervously "well if you're so nervous why don't you tell your friends, they look pretty strong, and those two are pretty." Says Yuuki "what are you talking about, white haired girl, her name is Luna and she absolutely hates me, the other one is Alissa and she's fine, the guy, his name is Seth and he's the smartest of the group and if I go down he would probably be the only one to survive, but if we go down then he will go insane, he probably won't stop with Haruki after killing him." Says Blyke nervously. Then why don't you train and get strong enough for that not to happen? Says Yuuki that's because you haven't seen his strength. He is way too strong for me to beat even all of us won't be able to. Blyke exclaims Yuuki thinks for a bit and a light bulb pops in his head he then asks"You said he was a demon and a dragon like you correct?" Blyke is confused but says "yeah but he isn't a deity like me just a demon and dragon" Ok you also said while fighting you he used a mixture of demonic energy infused into his wynter cloak am I right?" Yuuki asks, Blyke responds telling him "Yeah but what does that have to do with getting strong-" Blyke's eyes widen and he starts to chuckle a bit Yuuki tells Blyke "I knew you would get it" Blyke stops laughing and aks Yuuki "You want me to do the same thing...right?" Yup Yuuki says while smiling "I swear you come up with the best yet weirdest ideas Yuuki but thanks!" Yuuki says "I know I do and you're welcome" Blyke gets up and goes into the shower once he gets out and gets dressed he sees Yuuki ready and waiting for him. Blyke walks to the door and asks "What are you ready for? Where are you going?" Yuuki tells him with extreme excitement "With you obviously I am transferring to your school" Blyke stares at Yuuki then yells "WHAT!?!?!?! WHEN?! HOW?! EXPLAIN!!!" Yuuki puts his hands up like he is trying to calm Blyke down "relax dude lets just go" Blyke breathes and says "fine" he locks up the door and starts to walk to school with Yuuki. On his way to school he hears someone yell 'Hey jerkwadd" Blyke looks to his right and sees Luna, Alissa and Seth he greets them and they walk to class. When they are at the entrance of the classroom, the four walk in while Yuuki waits to be called in. Blyke, Seth, Alissa and Luna sit down and Mrs. Hitsuna tells the class that they have a new student and for him to introduce himself. Yuuki comes in and stands at the front of the class and says "Hi! My name is Yuukimora Ashford. It is a pleasure to meet you all!"

The day passes relatively quickly but the last period is math class. There is a test today and I forgot to study. Seth says "shut up you brain of a demon," says Blyke "you guys are quite lively," says Yuuki. "Why are you friends with that loser Blyke?" Asks Luna, Yuuki doesn't hesitate to say "He accepted me," Luna turns slowly and says "let's just get to class to start this stupid test." Once they arrive at class they sit down and review the study guide. "Yuukimora, you don't have to do this test," says Mrs. Hitsuna, "No I insist that I do respond to Yuuki" "ok then" says Mrs. Hitsuna. About thirty minutes pass, Seth stands up and walks over to the front desk to turn in his test. Mrs. Hitsuna asks Seth "Seth you can leave now, have a nice day," "thanks," says Seth. An hour passes and Blyke finally finishes, he goes to the place that the group is waiting for him at, "What's up guys? Sorry it took so long.," says Blyke "We gotta go home," says Seth"Why's that? It's only four," says Alissa "sorry, we have something private to do…' says Luna "im quite tired and i really don't know why," says Seth while holding his head "ok, get home safe," says Blyke as they walk away Blyke says "let's check up on them later," Alissa responds with "yeah that's a smart idea, hopefully he's ok." A couple of hours pass and it's 9 pm, Seth wakes up to Luna squirming in the bed "are you ok?" Asks Seth "I'm cold," says Luna, Seth rolls over and holds her. A minute passes and Luna starts moving weirdly, Seth notices that she's grinding against him "what are you doing?" Asks Seth "I'm ready for you, I want you." Luna says with seriousness written all over her. Seth remembers what his dad told him *flashback starts* "Now Seth, there will be a time and a place where you will need to take charge as a man," says. Zathar ``what do you mean dad?" Ask young Seth "you will have intense drowsiness when your lover is ready for you, but this only happens if it's a strong demon like yourself, once you fall asleep, when you wake up, be prepared not to sleep that night. Says Zathar *flashback ends* "ohh that's what he meant," says Seth

"Luna I don't know if I'm ready for this, but if you really want to," Seth says hesitantly, but when Luna turns towards him and he sees her face, he immediately forgets what he was saying. "Seth, please, I need you, my heart can't stop pounding when I'm next to you, and I, I love it," begs Luna "ok, I can't get out of this one," Seth thinks to himself. Seth starts to unbutton his shirt and Luna starts to reach down towards his belt to unbuckle it until… Blyke and Alissa walk in and Blyke says "Hey Seth and Lun-'' Seth looks at the open door and yells "WAIT THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK!" Alissa runs outside and Blyke slowly walks backwards and says "I'm sorry for interrupting you" while slowly closing the door "FUCK! Why does Blyke always ruin my time alone with Seth! Now I'm not ready! I'm going to KILL Blyke when I see him!" Luna exclaims angrily. Seth sighs in relief and buttons his shirt back up, "hey, maybe we can try when we're older," says Seth "I was just ready but now the embarrassment has stopped me, I'll at least have to wait a month," says Luna. "Let's go to sleep and we'll both kill them tomorrow," Seth exclaims "Alissa's fine, Blyke on the other hand, he'll be dead," whispers Luna while having a crazy face "just get in bed and go to sleep," Seth tells Luna, and she follows Seth to bed. Seth wakes up and hears Luna shouting "WAKE UP SETH!!!" Seth gets up quickly and says "What's wrong?" As he says that he notices his voice is lighter again. Luna bursts into his room and he sees that she's younger. "Our dads are fighting again," says Luna "what should I do about it?" Asks Seth. Before Luna can say anything else they hear "WELL ZATHAR? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN HUH? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THE ANGELS AND GODS ATTACKED NOW? YOU GIVING AWAY YOUR POWERS TO YOUR YOUNGEST AND WEAKEST SON!" From Prometheus "SHUT UP PROMETHEUS! JUST BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY MAGIC YET DOESNT MEAN HES NOT POWERFUL! ALSO I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR DAUGHTER AWAY FROM MY SON! IF I SEE IT HAPPEN AGAIN SHE'S BETTER OFF IN GOD'S PUNISHMENT THAN WHAT I'LL DO TO HER!" Screams Zathar, Seth looks over at Luna and he sees she's visibly hurt and she starts to cry. Seth stands up and goes straight towards the door, Seth starts walking towards the living room and he sees them there. "STOP ARGUING! YOUR MAKING LUNA UPSET" Screams Seth "know what." Says Zathar while he walks straight towards Seth's room. Once he opens the door he sees Luna crying while wearing one of Seth's hoodies, "what are you doing in here? I thought I told you to stay at the DOOR!" Says Zathar "NO! if Seth tells me to leave I will leave, but I will no longer be listening to either of you!" Says Luna, Zathar walks up to her and says "Why is that? Also, why do you only listen to Seth?" "Be-be-because w-we-we are getting m-m-m-married when we're older," says Luna with a flustered face. Complete and utter silence passes by but in the blink of an eye Zathar walks out of the room and Luna is laying on the bed. Seth sees there is a hole in her chest, when Zathar walks past Seth he feels something is missing. Prometheus sees that Luna is dead and he pushes everyone out of the way to get to her. "How could you" Prometheus says with pain in his voice but when he turns around he sees that Zathar is missing an arm? But where is it? TO BE CONTINUED