
Hero's Legacy

Seth and Blyke discovering what they are and saving lives along the way

Mason_Gaming11279 · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter Five

A few hours later the news shows that out in the wastelands behind the city there was a huge explosion and lots of ice and fire everywhere, "could this be an attack from a FrostFlame dragon?" The news reporter says. And Luna turns off the T.V., "If you guys got caught there you guys would be wanted with probably a bounty." We know, Blyke says "sorry I'll be more careful next time," Seth says. Luna says "that's ok Seth, but Blyke, really? Look at all the fire, you turned most of the sand into ASHES!" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Do you not see all of the ice? Seth just created a frozen wasteland. Why are you only going off on me?" Blyke replies "BECAUSE YOU MELTED MOST OF THE ICE!" Luna Screams, "NO I DIDN'T" Blyke says "know what you're giving me a headache," says Luna and goes to sit down. Seth says "hey at least we didn't get caught that's the good thing." Luna responds "I'm happy you weren't hurt babe," "What about me?" Blyke asks. Luna responds with "I'm sad you didn't break your jaw while fighting." Blyke says "damn…" Alissa walks in the room and sits next to Blyke. "I could hear the argument from outside, be careful with what you guys scream," Blyke and Luna apologize. Anyways look at this, Alissa shows a video of something flying onto the mountain almost completely destroying it. "BLYKE?!" Luna screams at Blyke, "You punched Seth into a mountain almost DESTROYING IT!" "To be fair he used my biggest weakness against me, ICE I COULD'VE DIED," Blyke screams. Luna says "IF I WERE SETH WHEN I TELEPORTED BEHIND YOU I WOULD'VE AIMED FOR THE HEAD but he's nicer than me so he just slashed your back." "YEAH WHICH STILL HURT LIKE HELL I FELT MY SKIN BEING TORN OFF!!!" Blyke Replies. "FINE SHOULD I AIM FOR YOU BALLS!" Luna says "UHH WAIT NO NOT MY BABY MAKERS" Blyke says, "then we're done here." Blyke whispers to Seth "You know you're girlfriend is really mean to me" Luna screams "I CAN HEAR YOU" Blyke replies with "AHH PLEASE DON'T HURT MY BALLS"

The next day for some reason Seth wakes up in his house and feels like there's something next to him, he turns around and sees that it's Luna. Seth then wakes her up and Luna asks if they can walk together to class and obviously Seth agrees. As they are walking in the hallway they see Blyke and Alissa and Seth lets them know he and Luna are there by saying "Hey Blyke and Alissa!" Blyke and Alissa hear Seth and look towards his direction then Blyke asks if they could walk to class with them and Seth and Luna agree. As they are walking to class they hear a monster alarm and they make quick work of it but then right before they go back to the school they hear a voice saying " Where do you think you're going daughter?" Luna stops dead in her tracks from fear and slowly turns around then she says "D-dad?"

Dad w-what are you doing here? She exclaims I have come here to bring you back to your home and if you don't resist your friends will not be hurt then suddenly the strange man hears an angry voice saying "Who do you think you are you can't just barge in here and try to take Luna away look at her face she is petrified if your her dad act like one!" the man looks at the voice and says "ah the Demon King I presume?" Blyke is thinking to himself *Wait the Demon King? That wind spirit said that his comrades will come after the demon king w-wait so does that mean that Seth is t-the D-Demon King?* Blyke then asks the strange man if he is that wind spirits comrade and what is your name? Ah that I am and I am guessing you are the son of the infamous strongest hero BlazeStorm for your answer my name is...Prometheus" Alissa then takes a second to think about how he knows so much about Blyke Seth and Luna then realizes that she has heard the name Prometheus before… *FlashBack Begin* when Alissa was a little girl she was being trained in heaven then her father the leader of the Guardian Angels tells her "If you ever come across the name Prometheus run ok DO NOT fight him for why he is the current Leader of the Demonic corp some of the strongest Demons are in that organization *FlashBack End* Alissa then tells Blyke and Seth to be careful because he is the leader of the strongest Demon group in hell, Seth then says "The strongest Demon Group? Well if I'm the demon king then be gone, never come back here," Prometheus then exclaims "your power as of right now cant even compare to mine now i will be taking my daughter back." Seth then looks at Luna and could tell that she is terrified Seth then looks at Blyke as Blyke looks back and realizes what's about to happen so he tells Alissa to back us up. Alissa then agrees Blyke says True Azure Lightning Flame Dragon Mode and Seth says Demon Emperor 25% and Alissa says Celestial Being as they all charge Prometheus. With one swing he knocks out Alissa and knocks both Blyke and Seth many Blocks back into a nearby building Prometheus then flies over to them so fast it seems like he is teleporting even to Blyke who is a speedster. Then hits Blyke in the face with a demonicly charged fist knocking him through many buildings and grabs Seth and smashes his face in the ground. Then Blyke runs back and Uses Azure Flame Control, ThunderClap Strike which hits Prometheus straight in the face but it does nothing then Seth teleports behind him and hits him with a sword made from Ice and another sword made from Fire at the same time Blyke is hitting him with a stream of Blue Blaze Barrages but it still seems to have no effect then Prometheus makes a spear out of sheer demonic energy and stabs it through Blyke's stomach and hits him in the face and grabs his leg and smashes it to the ground breaking it and knocking him out now all alone Seth realizes he needs to escape with everyone and that's what he tries to do.

Seth picks up Blyke and teleports over to Alissa picks her up and right before he can get to Luna *smack* Prometheus punch's Seth back through a couple of buildings Seth then decides to go for Luna first. Seth teleports straight for Luna then Blyke and Alissa and once he has them all he says "we'll be back," and teleports. "Wait, where are we?" Seth asks but no response. Luna is frozen from fear and Blyke is all beat up then Alissa wakes up and sees Blyke and goes straight to heal him while asking what happened after she passed out. Seth proceeds to explain the situation to her after Alissa is done healing Blyke which took 3 minutes she goes to heal Seth and then right after she is done healing Seth for 2 minutes Alissa, Luna, and Blyke all seem really tired and exhausted while Seth is perfectly fine then he realizes that this is a pocket dimension and people who aren't attached to it can't stay in here for long and Brings them outside and then teleports multiple times to get to his house to stay there for a little while. Seth is worn out for teleporting so many times in a row but he doesn't care about his health he goes to see if Luna is ok. Luna has no response as she is still frozen in fear then suddenly Blyke wakes up and realizes that he is in Seth's house and asks what happened? Seth then explains everything that happened after Blyke got knocked out. After Blyke understands what happened he then says "I guess it's Time To Train!" TO BE CONTINUED