
Hero's Downfall

In his first life, he was a hospital patient who fought every year to survive. He had an incurable disease that only children can contract. In his second life, he was a hero who climbed the legendary tower but failed by the betrayal of his companions. On his dying breath, he couldn't help but feel regret. Closing his eyes one last time he heard a ding. *??? skill has reached 100% and integrating*

Darkyreads · Fantasy
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7 Chs

An Hollow Genius

Loud panting could be heard as a child comes into view.

This child is naturally Chang-min. It's been 14 years since he reincarnated and he's been having that same damn dream every single day.

The dream is starting to get worse it's replaying in his head constantly. The only way to stop the dream in his head from replaying is training.

He's been doing the same exercise he did when he was training to be a hero. Those exercises made his body reach the peak just like in the past but for some reason, he did it faster than before.

He knew this body held a secret but he didn't know what. He felt hollow and empty like he was missing something but what was he missing?

As he completed his exercise he turned to face a wooden sword. As he bent down to pick it up.

He did light swings as he tightened his grip around it. As he started to position himself in a sword stance he started to feel a sharp pain throughout his whole body.


His grip around the sword was released as he knelt on the ground.

'Why is it that I can't hold a sword. I always go through that sharp pain whenever I try to'

As he slowly stood back up he looked down at his palm and started contemplating.

"Minny... MINNY!"

Snapping back into reality from his thoughts he turned to face his mother who seemingly didn't age over the years.

"Every time you think deeply about something it's like you go to a completely different world from us."

Hearing this Chang-min could only slightly avert his eyes and give a light chuckle.

"Sorry mother I didn't mean to ignore you"

Looking at her child who's grown up from a small baby to a young teenager she couldn't help but be proud of herself and her husband.

But seeing him train so hard to get the "dream" out of his head worried her.

And seeing him try so hard to try to wield a sword but fail is making her anxious.

'What's wrong with my baby?'

Is a thought that constantly protruded her mind.

"It's fine Minny just get ready soon the examinations are starting soon."

Chang-mins's eyes couldn't help but light up hearing that.

The exam to enter the greatest school in history.


The school was made for the ages of 14 to 21. It has the best of the best of resources, teachers, and has the support of the whole world.

Only the best of the best can go there as the school can hold up to 100,000 people.

100,000 geniuses all fighting to reach the top of the ladder and become the strongest player to exist.

"Alright, mother I'll get ready now!"

As he starts running towards his room. His room had a few posters about hunters a desk and a laptop alongside his school supplies. With tv mounted on the wall and a bed. Even though they lived in a big house he wanted his room small. Walking towards his closet

he quickly puts on the up-to-date clothes. He has light blue ripped jeans on with a black t-shirt. On top of the black t-shirt is a zip-up jacket that's completely white and has a black skeleton ribcage on both sides and once zipped up the skeleton ribcage becomes complete. Inside the ribcage, there is a blue star and the skeleton is outlined by a blue line. He zips it up till near the halfway mark and puts on shoes that are blue and black. And at the outsole of the shoes, they're white.

As he walks towards a mirror he sees himself in the reflection.

A beyond handsome teenager stared back at him.

Beautiful black hair his hair was so beautiful it seemed to shine. His eyes were a crystal-like blue that whoever looked at them would be lost in a world of stars. His appearance would be otherworldly even with those two features on an average body but it didn't stop there. He had a chiseled jaw with a sharp nose. His eyebrows were nice and slanted and perfectly aligned with his eyes. His eyelashes were long but not too long to make him seem "pretty." His body was perfectly sculpted from the hard training he did throughout the years and it made him into the perfect man you see now.

Some people would be arrogant with these looks or feel even better than others with looks as godly as his but he hated the way he looked.

He hated his black hair he hated his beautiful blue eyes he hated it all.

Everywhere he went people stared at him and tried to do heinous things to him.

It made him extremely uncomfortable to the point where he started hiding his face. He wasn't used to human contact even after the years of living in his new life. The past never goes away even when he tries to forget about it his trauma is still there.

But today he wanted to change. This time he was going to the best academy ever and he couldn't hide forever. As he was about to step out without his mask his steps paused.

He started to feel nervous and uncomfortable so he grabbed the mask and put it on.

His mask was a completely black mask with beautiful designs on it. It fit perfectly on it face and it was like it became his skin. It was specially made by one of the best blacksmiths for him as it was used only to hide his face and nothing more.

'Maybe I'll change another day'

As he walks outside he's greeted by his mother who's standing there.

His mother was an otherworldly beauty that whoever looked at her couldn't help but keep staring but in his eyes, he always wondered. Why were looks so important?

He dismissed those questions from his head as he thought that maybe he'll figure out the answer one day.

"Minny are you ready to go?"

Hearing her voice he looked up at her and gives her a slight nod.

They soon walk out of the house and get into a Noranda SUV the newest version.

As he put on his seatbelt he turns his head to the side.

"Why are we driving Dad's car?"

"He took mine to the shop as it broke down from accidentally using too much force on the wheel."

Turning his head to look at his mother he noticed that she had an embarrassed look on her face.

He started to laugh out loud while his mother stared at him in confusion.

"What's funny"

"Nothing nothing"

Wiping his wet eyes he turns back to the window.

"Nothing at all~"

Being teased by her own son she was a little annoyed but quickly put the keys in the car and drove out the driveway.

The school was a 20-minute drive away.

Chang-min felt a little uncomfortable as he knew the moment they pulled up they would attract attention.0

A beautiful lady and a car worth millions who wouldn't want to check it out.

But thinking of the school they were headed he decided to dismiss those thoughts. The school is for the geniuses of the entire world. No doubt multiple tycoons will be there with the latest outfits, cars, jewelry, etc.

As they finally reached the school they entered a parking lot.

Looking at the hundreds of different expensive cars and different tycoons getting out of them Chang-min couldn't help but feel happy.

'Maybe I can keep a low profile'

As they got out of the car they attracted some attention from people once his mother came into view but they both ignored them and continued walking.

As they finally entered through the school gates they started walking to where the examinations will take place.

There were at least 1,000,000 million people here. And the school would only take 100,000.

Don't underestimate the small number tho. It's a school made for the greatest geniuses to exist in this new generation did you expect millions of contestants? Wrong.

Everyone person here is a genius of genius. Nothing short of monsters. Each one of them has talents either S grade or higher.

(A/N There are 3 talents. Comprehension, Magic, and Physical. Comprehension talent is how fast you can learn something or learn a skill. With a comprehension talent of F, it will take someone 10 years to learn a skill when someone with a comprehension of S would only take them 10 seconds. Magic talent is how well you can learn magic. How fast your magic power will increase etc. There is also what element your magic is but that will be more properly introduced later on. Physical Talent is how strong your body can reach. A person with F physical talent will only be able to be stronger than the average human. While an S-level talent can be as strong as a green-colored giant beast that appears when it's angry. Talent numbers can range up to F-D-C-B-A-S-SS-SSS-EX)

As people looked around a stage started to appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Some people were in shock while others were surprised.

Chang-min looked ahead and muttered softly

"Space magic"

As the stage appeared loud footsteps could be heard.

Soon someone appeared on the stage.

Wearing a black suit with a red tie. He had white hair and his eyes were red as well.

He seemed to be old but at the same time looked as healthy as a middle-aged man.

As the stage appeared the parents were escorted towards a spectator area leaving only their kids behind.


His voice was loud but held considerable weight after realizing that this school could change their futures forever.

Noticing that the kids beneath him were quiet and attentive a slight smile started to appear on his face.

"My name is Avion Walker and I'm the principal of this school.."

Seeing that he prepared a speech I tried looking for a spacious area as the one I'm in is pretty crowded.

Walking around I find a secluded corner 'Perfect'

Sitting there I rest and put most of my focus on thinking of what to do during the trial period rather than listening to a boring speech.

'They won't let all 1,000,000 of us enter so I'll assume that their trials have taken place. Maybe I should scout out for the tougher opponents beforehand.'

Looking up I start to look scout out the other participants. Even tho I can't feel magic for some odd reason I can still feel the danger from others luckily I still kept my killing intent but my body refuses it even tho it's ingrained in my soul.'

(A/N: Killing intent is a serious thing and it's not just a legend. The more you kill the more it grows alongside you. It's supposed to represent how dangerous you're and can induce fear into your opponents. Of course, the reason why his body is refusing his killing intent will be known soon enough)

When the old man finally finished his speech a multitude of students cheered which filled the examination area with noise.

The old man soon clapped his hands which in response the students soon stopped their cheers.

With a slight nod, he continues. "For the first trial you'll go through a Rank F dungeon and you have to complete it alone."

Everyone was silent. Drop a pin in the mix and everyone here would hear it.

As I looked at the old man my eyes widened.

"Is he insane?" I accidentally blurted out loud and everyone turned to look at me.

Feeling everyone's gaze I looked down and turned to my side.

'Why did I even say anything damn it I'm such an idiot.'

Even though the gaze was only for about 2 seconds they quickly turned back and started questions left n right.


"Maybe I should have gone to Rosefillet"

"This will be easy as pie!"

Everyone's reactions were different but I simply shook my head and started walking.

'Insane that's what that old man is. Completing an F rank dungeon alone without even being F rank yourself is seemingly impossible. But I doubt he's even expecting us to complete it. He wants to watch our performance instead.'

The moment he finished his last words I noticed the portal forming over to the side. I walked past the people and slowly reached the portal.

As the old man turned to his side he saw a black-haired youth with a mask on walking towards the portal. A devilish smile appeared on his face as he was anticipating an encounter about to happen.

As I was about to reach the portal I notice a girl there. She was my age seemingly but looked like the perfect definition of a loli.

She had beautiful silky white hair that went all the way down to her back and was the height of 5'2. But in front of Chang-min who's height was about 5'8 she seemed short. She had a slender body that was youthful and filled with energy. She wore sweats and a baggy t-shirt and her white hair was also a little messy just like she just woke up. Her eyes were special though. One of her eyes was a deep colored purple while the other was an ocean colored blue. They were beautiful that's for sure. While Chang-mins eyes were crystal-like her eye seemed to reflect the ocean itself alongside the purple that seemed to reflect the color of the stars. Her looks were devasting as is and her beautiful face didn't make it any better. Even all his life he has never seen someone so beautiful regardless of how young she is.

As I kept walking I completely ignore the loli sitting there.

'I have to get into Hertfilia maybe they'll cure me.

"Hey you" The loli called out to me.

Turning my head towards her I answer in a deep voice.


Yawning the loli simply snapped her fingers and memories of the dungeon came into my mind. I felt a tinge of pain but It was manageable. Turning my head to the side I noticed that everyone here was receiving the same memories. I turn back to the portal and started walking once again.


I muttered those words as I walked in.

The loli simply nodded her head and soon left the area.

Entering the dungeon was like entering a new world. I started walking forward.

This feeling it's been so long since I felt this.

What is this feeling? Is it fear no maybe it's the excitement? No, I know this feeling better than anything. It's anticipation the anticipation to fight a battle.

My glowing blue eyes had a red tinge on them before it went out almost like a flame that was running out of fuel.

"Let's go!"

Punching a wall that was near him his face was completely red reaching to his ears.

"That was so embarrassing"