
Hero's Awakening

003 was a child raised to be an assassin by the 'Order.' His only interests in life were completing his missions and being a recluse. He had no friends other than the anime characters on his order-issued laptop. One day he was assigned a mission with two others that resulted in a large failure and ended with his life being taken from him. He wakes up inside the body of a weak boy named Hero Daenerys. Hero had already lost his soul, being deemed brain dead from lack of oxygen and blood loss. 003 was excited about life without constraints only to find out there were so many more. He is given a powerful system by a Ruthless God who wants nothing more than to see chaos, conflict, people struggling, and the other gods thrown from their thrones. For someone named Hero, he is bound to become the anti-hero. Artwork by ShizukaProject

LichQueen · Action
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6 Chs

The Domain

003 stood on top of a vast ocean. A teenage boy was squatting with his knees pressed to his chest as he dipped his fingers into the water in front of him. He didn't sink into the ocean, nor did the ocean go above his feet for more than an inch. 003 wasn't sure how he knew this boy, nor did he understand how he was currently standing on an ocean, waves splashing his own feet as large sea creatures roamed the water beneath him.

"Yo" the young boy moved his fingers. "My name is Hero. You're the lucky one that got my body?"

'This can't be real right? What does he mean I got his body?' 003 thought. He chose not to respond to Hero, simply looking around the never ending ocean. The sun was beginning to set as he turned his eyes back to Hero. The guy was handsome, appeared to be the same age except for his white blonde hair and light blue eyes that appeared to have red and black specks scattered throughout them.

"It is real, you will learn about the body in due time. This is the last of my soul, I suppose I'm supposed to fill you with my regrets and urge you to solve them for me. However, I don't want to push my life onto someone else." He murmured. "Can I tell you a story?"

"Do I have a choice?" 003 crossed his legs as he sat on top of the ocean, the water splashing onto his clothes.

Hero smiled softly at him. "I suppose you don't." He took a deep inhale before looking at the slowly descending sunset, a distant look crossing his face "Once upon a time there lived a very powerful family. Not ours of course, but powerful enough to overthrow an empire and worse? The fate of the planet rested on their shoulders. Instead of decimating the one born in darkness, they chose to protect it as if it that child were their sun. They had two sons born with light affinities and yet, they couldn't sacrifice the darkness to protect the world. Instead, the darkness was brought up in the light. It grew to love, cherish and behold the people around it. However, darkness always escapes once the light has been extinguished. A raven, a lion, a bear, and a jaguar all decided that there would no longer be a need for the light. They first took the mother wolf, the white rose of the family, plucking her family as she held the fourth baby." Hero shuddered, moving his hand through his hair before continuing "They soon took the third thorny pup, inciting that they had no need for another white rose. They plucked the thorns off of the main rose, the one that was deadly enough to take down an empire, that was until the rose was nothing but a hollow shell. The black rose soon fell into darkness where she belonged, the last remaining rose of light was caged and chained into submission. The light soon began to dim and with it, a new sun was born. The light was tossed away and it was all blamed on the darkness. Why is it you ask? Because there is no light without darkness, and there is no darkness without light. So the thorny pup of the White Rose died alongside everyone else in her family."

"What a depressing story." 003 said while watching Hero's face, feeling none of the emotions that currently crossed Hero's. The waves were getting larger in the distance, growing more violent the higher the moon went.

"I suppose it is. I told you the story of Kaia Ares. She is the Abyssal Queen. Something I am to discover much later in life but I'd like if you could prevent the downfall of her family. You don't need to avenge my life, nor protect those around me. I only ask you save her family of light from the darkness. With her wholly by your side, you'll be able to unleash upon the world anything you'd like to." Hero stood up from the water before walking to where 003 sat. He placed a white rose in 003's lap before smiling at him.

"How is it you know of this story?" 003 asked in skepticism

"I have lived this life once before, Kaia turned back time and things began to change. Including my assassination. That wasn't supposed to happen, instead of dedicating my life to the sword as I did in my first life. I chose to research. I suppose that is where I messed up." He murmured "You should start calling yourself Hero now, after all we are one in the same. Regardless, it's my time to go. Be wary of the branch families, they are not nearly as kind to the main family as one would think." Hero flicked 003's forehead as he walked towards the sunrise. 003 watched him walk, though he felt no emotional attachment to the boy it suddenly dawned on him that maybe they did have some things in common. With that, Hero's emotions slammed into his chest, coursing through his veins causing him to tightly clench his fist.

"This is your domain by the way, use it well!" Hero shouted waving his hand over his head, disappearing in a small set of clouds and angry ocean waves. Memories flooded his brain as a migraine began to set in. The betrayal was the worst though, unbridled rage filled him to the core. Something he had never experienced before. Yes, he wanted to ruin everyone that had tried to ruin Hero.