
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

Chapter 62: Trials and Prefects

Leo and the others, who have demonstrated their abilities, are currently participating in a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix.

Even if they don't actively participate in missions, they need information.

This is because there is a high possibility that Leo himself will be targeted by the Dark Lord.

The current activities of the Order are mainly information gathering and guarding Harry Potter. Other activities include gathering trustworthy comrades and persuading giants and remaining werewolves.

"Well, there doesn't seem to be anything that requires Leo's power at the moment. So, I'll return to Hogwarts for now. I ask each of you to do your missions."

As Leo and the others were about to return to the Taylor residence, they were stopped by Moody.

"Kid. Is that defense you use, something like a wall that bounces back or blocks spells, generated by magic?"

"No, I use a magical tool."

"I see. Can that magical tool be mass-produced? If possible, I want one for every member of the Order. It would greatly increase the survival rate."

"I can make it if I have time, but it would be difficult to use it."

"Is it difficult to handle? Or is there some kind of restriction?"

"No, anyone can use it. However, it requires a considerable amount of magical power to properly operate even one magical tool. I have a lot of magical power inherited from my father, so there is no problem, but for an average wizard, it would become either attack or defense if they properly use one. In that case, it would be more efficient to use the shield spell yourself."

"Hmm. So it's not that easy. Tonks! Come here!"

Tonks, who was talking with Lupin, looked at Moody with a start. Her face was very reluctant, anticipating what was to come. She was slowly heading towards the exit.

"Um... What is it, Mad-Eye? If it's not a big deal, I'm going on a mission!"

"Don't run away. From now on, I'll train you in your spare time between missions."

"Whaaaaat!? Why!"

"You'll die in real combat if you lose to a student. There's still a little time before the mission. Let's go!"

"No way! Help me, Remus!"

Tonks, who was being dragged away by Moody, left the room. The ones left were Lupin and the three of them, Leo.

"Well, I have to go on a mission soon. I have to tell you two. I can't go to Hogwarts this year. My mission is to persuade the remaining werewolves who have not returned to the extremists. Someone else will be in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year."

Hermione was shocked at that.

Lupin's classes were very popular, and Hermione also liked his classes.

"Who will be your successor, Professor? As far as I'm concerned, you were the best teacher so far."

"Haha, that's nice. But wouldn't your boyfriend Leo be better? Well, seriously, the successor hasn't been decided yet, but I think there will be some pressure from the Ministry of Magic. I wanted to continue teaching."

Saying that, Lupin left for his mission.

Those who came into the room where no one from the Order was left were all red-haired. The Weasley brothers.

"Yo! Long time no see."

"You're always together as usual."

The first to greet were Fred and George. Then Ginny came in and greeted.

After that, two more faces that they saw for the first time were added.

"Oh, So you're the rumored Leonard Taylor. I'm Charlie, the second son of the Weasley family and a dragon keeper."

"I'm the eldest son, Bill. The trap you devised for intrusion prevention is amazing. I hear a lot about you at Gringotts."

They shook hands with the two older brothers. Ron and Percy were not there, but Ron did not come out of the room, and Percy seemed to have parted ways with his family because he was working at the Ministry of Magic.

After enjoying the tea party for a while, they returned home. The development of the twins' products was going well. At this rate, mass production should be possible in about half a year.


After a while, they were informed by the Order and Erskine that Harry Potter was going to be put on trial at the Ministry of Magic. It seems he's being blamed for using the Patronus Charm against Dementors.

"It seems the Ministry of Magic has finally lost control of the Dementors. Scrimgeour was worried that the Emperor's evil hand might have infiltrated the Ministry," 

Erskine said, expressing his indignation at the corruption of the Ministry of Magic. The Order seems to have decided to escort Harry to Grimmauld Place. There was no particular request for assistance, perhaps because they judged that it would not be a problem if it was to that extent.

Afterwards, the escort and trial were successfully completed, and it seems that Harry Potter's innocence was confirmed. However, there was a complaint written in a letter from the twins that Harry was upset and it was tough. It seems he was dissatisfied because he was the only one who didn't know the situation. After that, there were no particular incidents or missions, and the summer vacation passed peacefully.

September 1, 1995, King's Cross Station, Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

Leo and the others boarded the steam locomotive bound for Hogwarts. At the end of their farewell greetings with their parents, there was a warning from Erskine.

"Leo, it seems that a big troublemaker will be dispatched from the Ministry of Magic under the name of an audit this year. Just be careful."

"I understand. Probably, Harry Potter and Dumbledore will be the targets of the attack."

With the thought that it seemed to be a troublesome year, the train started to move.

In the compartment, they exchanged opinions about magic with Hermione and Ku. Having opinions other than your own broadens your conception of research. Leo, Hermione, and Ku have different perspectives as a wizard, a Muggle-born, and a non-human, so it's interesting just to discuss one magic. While doing so, it was soon time for lunch. Fun times pass quickly.

"Today, I tried making a lunch box. Please enjoy."

"Thank you, Hermione. Let's eat right away."

Under the guidance of Phyllis, Hermione's cooking skills have improved considerably. Due to her quick learning ability, she will soon surpass Phyllis.

"Yeah. It's delicious. It's like... it's comforting to eat."

"It's delicious! Love is indeed the strongest seasoning!"

"Hehe. Thank you. If you say it's comforting, it means it's Feriss's taste, which means it's the most familiar and reassuring taste for Leo. I'm glad if my cooking can make Leo feel that way."

The three of them enjoyed their meal. But that atmosphere was shattered when the door was opened. Standing at the door was Draco Malfoy, accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle. Leo and the others ignored him and Ku tried to close the door.

"Wait, wait! I came to talk to Taylor! Hey, don't ignore me, I'm a prefect!"

He was so persistent that they reluctantly opened the door and decided to listen to what Malfoy had to say.

"Really, your pet's discipline is not up to par."

"If you don't speak up quickly, I might attack you at any moment."

"Fu!? ...Hmm. Taylor, first a message. 'It's not too late. If you join us, we won't treat you badly.' ...I have something I want to ask you. Who will win?"

"Even though he was saying he would kill, the dark lord is quite pessimistic. Well, it's okay. The answer to the question is that the Dark Lord will lose. I don't know how far his ambitions will be realized, how much he can conquer, but he will eventually perish."

Hearing that, Malfoy looked desperate.

"...Is that so? Do we have no future?"

"Well? At least I don't think there's a future for Death Eaters."

Malfoy closed the door and left.

Whether his father was a Death Eater or something had happened to Malfoy himself, it didn't matter.

As soon as Malfoy left, the door was opened with a bang.

There was Ronald Weasley, looking at them as if they were enemies.

"Malfoy was talking about something... Taylor! You're on their side after all!"

Leo couldn't keep up with the understanding because of the too meaningless remark.

Ignoring Ron's rant, he asked Hermione.

"Harry and Ron are hostile to you, so they saw you talking to Malfoy and thought you were on their side? These people don't correct once they recognize."

"I see."

"Hey! Don't ignore me! Listen! If you're planning something at Hogwarts, I'll punish you. Prefects have authority. Hermione, it's strange to be dating a guy like this. Wake up!"

The moment he said that, Ron was blown away and rolled down the hallway.

Of course, it was Hermione who did it.

"That's unpleasant. I'm ashamed to be in the same dormitory as someone who says such things."

"Speaking of which, Malfoy and Weasley, do prefects want to brag?"

"Malfoy seems to be able to do something with money and connections, but I wonder why Ron was chosen? The selection criteria are not clear."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Let's put a barrier on this compartment so we don't get any more uncomfortable."

They decided to enjoy the rest of the journey to Hogwarts by setting up a noise barrier and an unrecognizable barrier to prevent any further disturbances.

The one who found Ron collapsed in front of the compartment that no one could recognize was his twin brother. When he woke up his brother, he muttered, "Why him, I'm not wrong," and returned to his own compartment, grumbling. The twins just shrugged at the situation.


Leo and the others get along well with the Weasley family, except for Ron and Percy.

They had their first meeting with the top two brothers, but there was a connection with Bill because he had set up a curse for breaking into Gringotts' vault.

If Harry had been close to Leo, he would have been given a magic tool to hide the smell and the trial wouldn't have even happened.

The Malfoy family doesn't want to antagonize the Taylor family. But they can't betray the bow.

They are currently swaying in conflict. Let's see which way they fall.

Hermione is not a prefect unlike in the original.

It's natural since she's spending time in her boyfriend's room with her parents' approval.

Please think that a well-known girl like Lavender was chosen for the Gryffindor girls. The other dormitories are the same as in the original.

So, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Now, it's the frog witch's turn!

Please try to predict what fate she will have.