
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

Chapter 59: The Invitation of the Phoenix

Leo appears at the Hogwarts stadium. The stadium and the stands are dominated by chaos and fear. Not only did Leo destroy the maze, but he also disappeared from the scene with the championship cup. Then Harry Potter appeared with injuries and the championship cup. Furthermore, the panic was caused by him shouting that the Dark Lord had revived. Leo, who had returned without knowing such things, was looking at the people around him as if something had happened. Since almost no one noticed Leo's existence and it seemed that the Triwizard Tournament of the three major magic schools had also stopped, he decided to return to the study room.

"Wait a minute!"

Then a voice called out. The owner of the voice was McGonagall.

"Mr. Taylor! You're safe! Since you disappeared, Potter has returned saying that that person has revived, and this place is in great chaos. Potter says you were there too. Now, Potter is talking to Headmaster Dumbledore in his office. You should come too. You have an obligation to explain."

McGonagall took Leo to the headmaster's office in a way that left no room for refusal.

"Bell〇―s Original."

As always, with the password the gargoyle statue retreats and enters the headmaster's office. Inside were Dumbledore, Harry, and Snape. Harry confirmed Leo's presence and tried to punch him as he ran up. Ku transformed from a cloak into a combat form and restrained Harry by dislocating his arm.

"Gii! Damn it! What are you doing, let go! Because of what he did... no, because of what he didn't do, he revived!"

"Shut up. If you intend to harm Master any further, I will kill you."

"Both of you calm down. Harry, don't move too much or it will hurt your wounds. Leo, can you hold her down?"

For now, Ku backed down, but Harry kept glaring at Leo.

"Taylor! Why didn't you stop the ceremony! Because of that, he revived!"

"I could have stopped it, but you probably would have died. And even if I interfered there, he would have revived sooner or later anyway. So it's better to say that it was good for later that he revived with your blood."

"Don't try to confuse me by saying things I don't understand! You just wanted to see the ceremony, didn't you!?"

"Harry, calm down. As Leo said, if you had interfered, you might have died. Leo, just to confirm, did he take in Harry's blood?"

"Yes, he's an idiot."

"Yes, foolish indeed. Now then, I've heard about tonight's events from Harry. To confirm, I'd like to hear from Leo as well. Where did you go after disappearing with the championship cup and what happened?"

Leo told everything without hiding anything about what happened. That Voldemort had revived and what his purpose was. That he was invited by the dark camp and then broke off relations and killed Death Eaters.

"Now that we've returned to Hogwarts after all this time, can we go back to our study room?"

Everyone felt eerie looking at Leo talking as if nothing had happened. Dumbledore thought he couldn't let him go back like this. He needed to get him on our side no matter what. And it's not good that he doesn't feel anything about killing people. At least that part needs to be corrected.

"Leo, with your power, you could have incapacitated them without killing. It's not right to kill just because they're evil."

"I could have incapacitated them without killing, but it's troublesome to leave those who aim for my life alive. Isn't death the best form of incapacitation? Shall I put them in Azkaban? Many adults were trying to kill a minor, I think it's self-defense."

"Azkaban is impossible, probably the Ministry of Magic..."

At that moment, the door to the headmaster's office was flung open. The ones who entered were Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, Sirius Black who was worried about Harry, and Leo's father, Erskine Taylor.

"Dumbledore! What is this all about!? Bartemius Crouch kidnapped Harry? Harry came back injured and shouting that 'he' has returned! What on earth is going on!?"

"Calm down, Cornelius. It's all true. Voldemort has returned. You have a lot to do now."

"Hey hey hey, stop joking. It's a lie, right? Ridiculous. Do you believe such childish nonsense?"

"It's not a lie. Not only Harry but also Leonard Taylor was present at the scene and witnessed the resurrection."

Fudge looked at Leo, who was in Dumbledore's line of sight.

"It's true. If you want, I can tell you the details of the resurrection ceremony and the necessary potions."

Fudge looked visibly flustered. Everyone in the room seemed like madmen to him.

"That's... impossible, impossible, impossible!"

Snape showed Fudge the Dark Mark carved on his left arm.

"Minister, I don't need to explain what this is. Let me make it clear. He has returned."

"Fudge. You must immediately release Azkaban from the Dementors. The Dementors will probably become uncontrollable soon. There is also a need to send a messenger to the giants."


Fudge's eyes changed as he looked at Dumbledore. He clearly saw him as an enemy.

"I see, that's it! You want to discredit me! I won't admit it. You're wrong! The great wizard has finally gone mad with age! The boy who pretends to be a hero is being used by an old man! He is praised as an excellent researcher but he is just a child after all! He must have gone mad due to his research failure!"

Fudge ranted and tried to leave. Then a voice called out to him.


At that moment, Fudge couldn't move. He intended to ignore whatever Dumbledore or his subordinate teachers said and return home anyway. But the moment he heard that voice, he had no choice but to stop. That voice had that much power.

The owner of the voice was so angry that he couldn't control his power. The leaking magic alone was affecting the surroundings. The magical tools in the room were starting to break everywhere.

The owner of the voice, Erskine Taylor, approached Fudge and spoke to him.

Just by doing that, Fudge felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Fudge. What did you just say to my son? Are you out of your mind? You can't believe what Leo said, is that it?"

Fudge could only open and close his mouth without making a sound.

"Dad, calm down. I don't mind."

The son's voice suppresses the magic. The heavy pressure that had been pressing on the entire principal's office disappeared, and Fudge ran away with a parting shot.

"Erskine Taylor! You're fired! I have a mountain of things to do when I get back. Excuse me!"

Everyone sighed at his pathetic figure. Dumbledore regains his composure and continues the previous conversation.

"As you can see, the Ministry of Magic is no good. Azkaban will soon be non-functional. Leonard Taylor, I want you to join the Order of the Phoenix."

"The Order of the Phoenix? What's that?"

"It's an organization established to counter Voldemort, who once wreaked havoc. We need to form it again to stand against the darkness. I want you to be a member. You have more than enough qualifications in terms of power and wisdom. Please, listen to this old man's request."

"Is there any benefit for me? Honestly, I feel like I'll lose my freedom."

"I'll listen to any request you have as long as I can do it. I won't force you to do any mission unless it's absolutely necessary. How about that?"

"...Why do you want me to join the Order of the Phoenix so much? I think there's a high chance of discord if I join."

"...I understand. I'll tell you the truth. I just don't want to be hostile to you, that's all. I want to keep you, a huge uncertain factor, in my camp as much as possible. If I'm hostile to Voldemort and you at the same time, I'll definitely lose. It would be best if you could be hostile to Voldemort, but it's good enough if you don't turn against us. That's why I don't want to do anything that would upset you, and I'm willing to fulfill your requests as much as possible. This is my true thought without any lies."

Dumbledore's words were true. Even Voldemort was a formidable enemy, and he didn't want to be hostile to a threat greater than that. Even without the prophecy, that was his true feeling without any lies. However, there were those who were not convinced by Dumbledore's overly submissive attitude towards Leo. Harry Potter and McGonagall were among them.

"Professor Dumbledore! Why do we have to rely on this guy's power! He will surely betray us even when we are about to die!"

"Headmaster. I also oppose Taylor joining the Order. There will definitely be problems."

While listening to Dumbledore, McGonagall, Harry, Sirius, and others talking, Leo was thinking about what to do. Then a voice called out to him.

"Leo. Do as you like. I will accept and forgive whatever you do. Of course, I will scold you when I need to. That's what parents are."

"Thanks, Dad. But if I join, I want something attractive."

At that moment, something in the headmaster's office caught his eye. It's decided.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I will join the Order. But I will act freely only in name. And I have a favor to ask you later."

"Thank you, Leo. You must be tired today, so go back. Let's talk in detail tomorrow. We're going to be busy from now on. Harry, go to the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey is waiting."

Leo returned to his study room. On his way, he passed by other teachers and members of the Weasley family who had come to watch. Upon seeing Leo's safe return, Lupin was so relieved that he cried tears of joy. In the headmaster's office, Dumbledore was probably about to start planning various strategies.

Hermione was waiting in front of the study room.

"Welcome back. And congratulations on winning."

"I'm back, thank you."

Hermione didn't ask anything. She had absolute trust in Leo. Leo felt this and reaffirmed that it was not a mistake to refuse the invitation of the Dark Lord.

Moreover, no one had congratulated him on winning because of various things, but it was enough to be congratulated by Hermione.

He decided to sleep well today and talk about what happened tomorrow.


Leo returns. The venue is in great chaos due to Harry's scream.

Harry, whose bones were dislocated by Ku. Sorry for treating the original protagonist like this.

There was a high possibility that Harry would have been in a terrible situation if the ceremony had been interrupted.

And it should have been better for Voldemort not to use Harry's blood in the future, and it should have been okay to let him revive as it was. Dumbledore also recognizes this.

Fudge's rejection. If they had cooperated there, there would have been less damage.

Erskine's anger. If Leo hadn't held back, Fudge might not have been in one piece.

Dumbledore "I'll do anything!"

From Harry's point of view, Dumbledore is too humble towards Leo, who thinks Dumbledore is a traitor, and is disillusioned.

Leo joins the Order of the Phoenix in a way. It's mostly just a formality.

What will he get in return?

The heroine Hermione quietly waits and says only "welcome back".

That's enough.