
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

Chapter 26: The Identity of the Monster

Rumors spread like wildfire in the enclosed space of Hogwarts. The morning after, it was widely known throughout the school that Filch's cat had suffered terribly at the hands of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Especially Ron, who had been dealt a harsh punishment regarding the car incident, was considered justified in his actions due to his apparent grudge against Filch.

There were hardly any rumors connecting them to the Heir of the Chamber.

The first Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the second-year students after the cat incident. As soon as Leo took attendance, several students bombarded him with questions about the Chamber of Secrets. Anticipating this, he had already prepared the lesson plan to revolve around dealing with the Chamber and handling dangerous magical creatures.

"Now, since it seems like everyone is curious about the Chamber of Secrets, let me share the information I have. Sharing information that could benefit everyone is a good practice, don't you think?"

Since there hadn't been any explicit instructions not to discuss it, he went ahead and shared Dumbledore's story from the previous day. He covered everything, from the founding of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin's departure, the Chamber of Secrets, events from fifty years ago, to Hagrid and Voldemort. Still, he couldn't help but notice the collective gasps every time Voldemort's name was mentioned.

As soon as Leo clapped his hands to quiet the room, students began discussing the newfound information. Some were being fanciful and not sticking to reality, while others were thoughtfully expressing their opinions.

"Everyone, please calm down. I understand there's a lot to talk about, but we're still in the middle of class. However, I assume many of you are preoccupied with thoughts about what to do concerning the Chamber of Secrets. So, let's continue the class with a focus on strategies related to the Chamber."

Most of the students seemed to agree with Leo's plan. He felt some resentment from Slytherins, but he chose to ignore it.

"Since analyzing the cat yesterday, it's likely that the Chamber of Secrets' monster has some means of instantly killing creatures. However, the cat was only petrified because the effect was incomplete. Even with a cat, we can see that defenses besides magic are possible. I'm currently in the process of analysis. If there's another incident, we should be able to establish countermeasures. Until then, what should you do? Should you learn magical defenses or avoid being targeted in the first place? Since the target is probably Muggle-borns, it's advisable for them not to travel alone, and it would be even better if they stay with pure-bloods. That should make them less likely to be targeted."

Muggle-born students were paying close attention. On the other hand, pure-bloods, especially Slytherins, appeared uninterested and some even yawned.

"Now, let's speculate about what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets might be. Malfoy!"

Malfoy was suddenly called out. He looked at Leo startled. He seemed to tremble in fear, expecting something to happen to him.

"Malfoy, you're a pure-blood, and your family has a high status. You always talk about being from Slytherin. Have you ever heard anything about what happened fifty years ago or about this incident?"

"I... I don't know... I've never heard anything like that... None of the other pure-blood families mentioned anything either."

"I see... Have any other pure-blood students heard anything?"

Pure-blood students from other families shook their heads. It seemed like the Chamber's secrets were indeed exclusive to Slytherin's Heir.

"Then, I have a task for the pure-blood students. Oh, don't worry, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Your task is to inquire about the Chamber of Secrets with your parents or relatives and compile the results. If you discover any valuable information, your house will earn points. Well, I don't expect much from this, to be honest. Others, if you have any valuable information, please share it. Sharing such information is in everyone's best interest."

The class ended, and students went back to their respective dormitory. Especially in Gryffindor, there was a noticeable hostility toward Slytherins, particularly Malfoy.

Hermione, who had stayed behind, approached Leo.

"Leo, I wonder how this commotion will turn out. I'm Muggle-born too, so I want to prepare," Hermione said.

"Here, take this," Leo replied.

He handed her a silver necklace. Hermione was taken aback by this sudden gift.

"What's this, Leo? Why are you giving me this all of a sudden?" Hermione asked.

"I made it just for you, Hermione. It's packed with defensive spells. Based on the analysis of yesterday's cat incident, I don't think it will cause instant death. It might seem like favoritism, but it's our little secret," Leo explained.

"This amazing thing for me? I'm so happy .... Could you please put it on for me?"

"It's my pleasure," Leo replied.

He then put the necklace around Hermione's neck.

(Hmm? Why do I feel so warm? Just because I'm putting a necklace on her?)

He couldn't find an answer to his own strange feelings, but he assumed it was simply the excitement of having such a powerful magical item close by.

"So, keep wearing it until the problem is resolved. If we learn more about the monster or anything else, I'll upgrade it accordingly," Leo said.

Hermione vowed never to take it off.

After that, there were no significant events, and Quidditch season began. Leo didn't attend any games. Instead, he explored the castle. Of course, his primary goal was to find clues about the Chamber of Secrets. He went from door to door, opening each one. However, none of them revealed any secrets.

(Well, that's to be expected. If it were this easy to find, it wouldn't be much of a secret. Maybe I should install some surveillance magical items around the castle.)

He placed about a dozen crystal balls that could discreetly record hidden footage throughout the school. It was for safety and his research.

(That should do it. Now, I'll continue my leisurely exploration. After all, I'm a half-blood, and based on the cat incident, I'm probably a high-priority target.)

He walked around, but he encountered nothing but ghosts.

(It would be nice if the monster showed up... But, well, I don't know what could happen with an unknown opponent. Huh?)

He stumbled upon something strange. Spiders of all sizes were scurrying outside in unison. This unusual behavior was likely related to the current situation.

(Running spiders, Slytherin's monster, Slytherin, snakes, unconventional methods of killing, incomplete petrification... A Basilisk, perhaps?)

With the information he had at hand, Leo made a tentative guess. Now he just needed to see the real thing or, better yet, someone, preferably a human, turning into stone so he could heal them and ask questions. However, he didn't hold out much hope for such good fortune.

That night, there was a knock on Leo's study room door. He used magic to check the situation outside from his bed. His defenses were significantly enhanced compared to normal times, so it shouldn't be easy for anyone to enter. Nonetheless, as a precaution, he opened all the functions of his research room.

It was Professor McGonagall at the door.

"Mr. Taylor! Wake up! It's an emergency! Come with me!" 

It seemed that something had happened, probably related to the Chamber of Secrets. Leo quickly got ready and followed McGonagall to the infirmary. In the infirmary, Headmaster Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey were looking at a student lying on one of the beds. It was Colin Creevey, a Gryffindor first-year student.

"I apologize for disturbing you so late, Leo. We have a student who has become a victim. Fortunately, he has been petrified but not killed. Just like with the cat incident, can you reverse it?" Dumbledore explained.

"Please show me... It's similar to the previous case, isn't it? It seems to be an incomplete petrification. This should be manageable," Leo replied.

He placed his hand on Colin's head and began the counter-curse, similar to what he did with the cat. Colin suddenly woke up.

"Whoa! ...Huh? Uh, what? Oh! Professor Dumbledore! I was visiting Harry, and then a snake, a camera, and then..."

"It's alright, calm down. Poppy, prepare the Calming Draught," Dumbledore said.

After drinking the Calming Draught and calming down, Colin began to explain what had happened. He had known that it was dangerous to go out alone at night just to visit Harry Potter, who was injured during the Quidditch match, but he couldn't resist. On his way back, he heard a crawling sound and felt someone watching him. He took out his camera to capture whatever it was and turned around. In front of him, a giant snake was staring right at him. The next thing he knew, he couldn't move, and he woke up on the bed.

McGonagall sighed. "I understand you wanted to visit, but you should choose your timing more wisely. Mr. Taylor's presence is the reason you've returned to normal. You could have lost your life with one wrong step. Gryffindor loses 30 points for this, and remember not to engage in such dangerous behavior again."

"Yes... I'm sorry. And thank you, Mr. Taylor," Colin replied.

Leo had been busy analyzing Colin's camera during this conversation. The film in the camera had melted, and the lens was shattered. However, there was a significant residue of magic, which seemed promising for analysis.

"Hmm, a giant snake... It's safe to say this is what Slytherin left behind. Leo, have you identified its true nature?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Considering the evidence so far and the fact that it's a giant snake, I believe it's a Basilisk. The cat didn't see it due to the circumstances, but Colin likely survived because he saw it through the camera, which mitigated the Basilisk's instant-death gaze," Leo explained.

"A Basilisk... We must take precautions. Will you cooperate, Leo?"

"Of course. I'm interested in the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk, so I'm more than willing to help."

(Fortunately, I was able to analyze the person who turned into stone and the camera that acted as a buffer. This should help with defense against the deadly gaze. Now, what should I do next? Should I wait for the Heir's actions, or should we take some initiative?)


I attempted to gather information from pure-blood families and conducted investigations, but ultimately, we concluded that it is indeed a Basilisk, based on Colin's camera analysis and testimony.

The necklace Leo gave to Hermione uses the same magical enchantment (including those not introduced yet) as Leo's ring for defense. However, its strength is not as high as the ring, so it will break after several uses.

Hermione's face grew warm. She was starting to realize something.

Just as in the original story, Harry had his arm broken by Dobby's Bludger. Since we don't have a Mandrake Restorative Draught, he didn't get his bones removed, but as a precaution, he had to spend a day in the hospital wing.

So, stay tuned for the next chapter.