
Kewang Tian 3 – Spirit World: Awakening Part 2

"What did you do… you witch!" Kewang Tian stuttered in obvious fear of this woman.

"I just made you show your true form beast. Is it my fault that you didn't know what you are?" the purple woman looked at him, carefully scanning his runic golden scales.

"Wait… you mean, you didn't do this to me?" Kewang Tian was stunned. He couldn't accept that he was this beast. He thought of himself as human. In Lotus City, it was drummed into the mind of the citizens that all demonic beast should be slaughtered. It was Shen Nong that introduced the idea that they may be different, suggesting that some even cross-bred with humans, saying it was 'complicated'. Even with this lecture, he still thought that they were dangerous beasts, that roamed the wilds, destroying everything in their wake.

The woman couldn't help but cackle when looking at this huge beast that took up most of the island go through a range of confusion and fear. "You've awakened, yet you haven't inherited your legacy memories… interesting." The woman started to stroke her chin, to ponder.

"How about we make a deal boy. You pledge to do me a favour, and I will do you a favour. It's a good deal isn't it?" The woman offered, with Luminescent eyes glowing like the moon.

Kewang Tian didn't know how to reply, he thought this woman was shameless! First, she put him through excruciating pain, but now she wanted something from him?! He had asked her who she was, she replied with abuse! He had asked her where this place is, she replied with abuse!

"My name is Ming Yue. A spirit of Moon and Water. I was rude earlier, so I apologise. We don't often get visitors from the physical plane, especially a devouring beast." Ming Yue said graciously, as her once scornful face started to soften, and her voice sounding more girlish.

The way that she had just answered everything he was thinking alarmed Kewang Tian. [Can she read my mind? What if I think of something inappropriate, she'll kill me?!] Kewang Tian mind raced, suddenly noticing her beauty, his eyes wandering to her heavy chest. [Damn, stop that! Idiot]. He smacked his claw against his head, to seemingly try to knock his thoughts out of his head.

Ming Yue blushed, "Don't think about it too much, in Spirit World, it is easy to read another's mind. If one from the physical world comes here, they will be powerless in front of a Spirit. If a mortal met an especially cruel Spirit it could manipulate, change their memories, or even change the nature of their very soul."

Hearing this Kewang Tian couldn't help but let out a massive gulp, amplified by his current form.

"Do you think you can talk in your current form? You have seemingly just awakened, at most you could growl, not even a roar can be heard. We've been communicating through our thoughts for a while now."

This confused Kewang Tian even further, he thought about it for a moment and then realised, since he transformed he hasn't opened his mouth once. [It seems in this Spirit World, one's thoughts aren't their own. Wait if Ming Yue could just manipulate me, why doesn't she just do that? Instead, she wants to strike a deal… Damn! She can hear me. IDIOT!]

Ming Yue giggled.

"So little beast, let's make a deal."

"What are the terms?" Kewang Tian wondered if she could get him out of this so-called 'Spirit World'.

"I will offer you three things. Firstly, a technique that will allow you to come in and out of this world as you please, which will also protect you from any Spirit's corruptive methods. Second, I shall help you awaken your Legacy memories, which shall allow you to discover who you are. Finally, don't you feel that you are starting to forget something important? As you stay here longer and longer, you have started to lose your memories, I will help you recover them."

She explained with a beaming smile.

"Err, thank you I gues- wait, I've lost memories!!!" Kewang Tian said as he shook.

Ming Yue chuckled, "Oh, you can't remember?"

Listening to Ming Yue teasing him Kewang Tian turned solemn. "What advantages will Legacy memories, and the technique you promised me provide." Kewang Tian soberly enquired.

"You really are stupid aren't you, or at least uneducated. Or perhaps you have simply forgotten?"

She smiled, seemingly mocking him.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll tell you already. First off, awakening your legacy memories, will provide vital information about your bloodline, family, so on and so forth. It should theoretically, also provide you with techniques that are best suited to you. You should have them already, but for some reason your awakening was interrupted, or paused, meaning that you couldn't inherit anything in time. It is likely that they are just lying dormant."

"Next, the Spiritual Technique. This is a rare one Little beast, you should be thankful. It is called, 'Worldly Merge'. It is only practiced by Spirit Walkers, luckily I managed trick on into giving it to me!"

"Spirit Walkers? What are they?" Kewang Tian puzzledly asked.

"Ah, yes. You don't know much do you." Meng Yue grinned.

"Spirit Walkers are very prestigious beings. They manage to pass into the Spirit World and bind powerful Spirits to fight for them. They have a lofty place in society and can often battle against those who are higher cultivation by summoning, or even merging with a Spirit depending on its power!"

Kewang Tian wasn't exactly too shocked to hear this. [What's so special about that? It sounds just like a Marital Spirit?]

"It is much like you're Martial Spirits indeed." Meng Yue nodded approvingly. "Do you know why the human race has Martial Spirits?" She inquired.

Kewang Tian simply shook his head, as he had no idea. It had always been a mystery, as to why people had them, many thought it was just a blessing from the Gods!

"I take it you've never heard of the man Chen Hu?" Meng Yue's eyes became hateful.

"No, who's that." Kewang Tian said, slightly confused as to why this woman's mood swung once again.

"Chen Hu, the Heaven Breaker. The Heretic that divided the Worlds and destroyed all who opposed him! Chen Hu was one of the three great Divine Kings and the first to break through to Heretical Lord."

Kewang Tian was stunned, "Divine Kings, Heretical Lord, what's"

Shush! Meng Yue silenced him, wanting to continue her story.

"Eon's ago, the world was ruled by three great beings. A Spirit, a Beast, and a Human – Chen Hu. Chen Hu fought for the prosperity of humanity, for countless years. Until finally, he realised, that the sides are fighting and always will be. So, he came up with a plan to stop it, and allow humans to rise up and become the supreme race! But for this to succeed he required more power. So, he went into seclusion for a hundred million years, finally emerging as an unrivaled expert at the Heretical Lord Stage."

"In the time he had been in seclusion, the Beasts and Spirits had taken advantage of the situation, driving humanity to the brink of destruction. Chen Hu saw what had happened and grieved. His race that had numbered in the trillions, that spanned across the Land had been massacred. He stretched out his Divine Sense, that could now encompass the entire dimension, in total he found less than a million. He screamed in anger, that shook the world."

"With a wave of his hand, he transported all the humans to his side. With his other, he split the realm asunder. Creating the Spirit World, and sealing all the Spirits inside, slaying their Divine King in the process. He then bound the essence of Spirits to the survivors, teaching them how to steal the spirits power, and bind them as slaves." Meng Yue ended, her eyes watering.

Kewang Tian's jaw had officially dropped. How was it possible to attain that amount of power? This man was responsible for Martial Spirits to be attached to man! How was it possible to live for that long. Then Kewang Tian started to smile. "Is this Chen Hu still alive?"

Meng Yue gave a cold glance. "I don't know what you're so happy about! You realise that you're not human."

The words made his eyes dilate in fear.

Thanks for reading guys, tell me if you think the Chen Hu thing sounds like filler I'm not 100% on it.

Again thanks to HaremEmpire and veladriel for commenting and power stones.

Also if you enjoyed, be sure to share it with your friends, and if you hate it share with your enemies!

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