
12. A Royal Welcoming

Funny how right as I had established a tempo, work got extra stupid. Shit, I just got off a 9 day work week, but I'm on vacation now which means ain't nothing stopping progress on the next chapter. I'd like to get that our before Christmas, but we'll see how that plays out. Honestly, the biggest issue was also ensuring that Rory's scene was done right.

You'll see what I mean.

A Royal Welcoming

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth- and the amusing thing about it is that they are."

Father Kevin Keaney1st Marine Division ChaplainKorean War

Hours earlier


"Countess Myui, you cannot be serious." Pina's mouth went agape at the magnitude of what she was processing. "For years my father and yours stood together as allies-"

"I am very serious and Clan Formal has made its decision. The Empire is incapable of protecting its territories. Thus, we have renounced our loyalty."

"Countess, please. These are trying times, for all of us." Gray interjected. "Now, more than ever, we must stand together if we are to survive."

"Oh? Must we?" The countess's grip tightened on the armrests of her father's old chair. What little light provided by oil lanterns was unable to hide the tears weltering up in her eyes. "The same way we did when you sent my father and my brother to die?"

"Countess, you know that was not my call to make."

"No, but it was the Emperor's, your father." Myui pointed accusingly at the knights. "My father and brother are dead, my sister is lost to madness and now renegades plague our very home! Thrice we have called to the Emperor for aid and no reply!"

Pina retained her composure. The countess was lost to her emotions, but the two had been playmates only years earlier. Surely she could see reason.

"Our forces are stretched thin Myui." Pina gestured to her knights. "The enemy is unlike anything we've seen before."

Myui's expression was as stone-cold as her reply. "And yet they have done more for us these few days than the Empire ever has."

"W-what?" Pina's blood froze in her veins. To ride out this far, only to hear her worst fears come to fruition. If the enemy had Italica, then the war was as good as lost.

Myui nodded confidently. "Indeed, were it not for them Italica would have fallen days ago."

Had this been any other time it was very likely the Countess could have been executed then and there for treason. That is if her maids flanking either side of her, who had been quietly observing up till now, even let the knights get close enough to do so.

Before the princess could protest further the city's watchtower began to ring. Its long and sorrowful gongs were a sign that danger was coming.

"If you still value our friendship you'll respond to this attack just like you have done for years before." The countess got up from her father's throne, her nightgown trailing behind her. "Go and see a man named Roger. He will assist you in the defense."

"Roger?" Pina repeated the foreign name as the countess left the room, her maids following close behind.

"Yes, his army may just show you mercy as they did with us."

Pina unsheathed her sword and prepared her knights for the coming battle. "And just who is this Roger with?! Who would be so powerful that you would renounce our sacred alliance?!"

The countess stopped at the door and didn't turn to look back at the knights. "The United States and its ally Japan. The very two powers our 'Empire' foolishly declared war on."



"Itami Youji..."

Itami bolted upright from his seat as the alarm for his watch began to scream at him. Each chirp felt like nails against chalkboard and his eyes struggled to open as he sluggishly swatted at the watch's panic button.

All around him the other occupants did the same as they began the arduous process of waking up. Cramming four grown men into a Toyota was one thing, trying to get some semblance of sleep was another predicament entirely. Sure they could have set up sleeping bags inside one of the unoccupied huts or outside on the grass, but nobody trusted this world enough to do that.

Tomita sat upright from his bench and yawned before rubbing a hand through his hair. "Taisho, when are we rolling out?"

"0900 if I recall." Itami rattled off as he slowly opened the passenger side door. "We have some time, just get yourselves together."

"Way ahead of you, Youji." Kurata whispered from the driver's seat. "I'll just..." The soldier yawned and relaxed back in his chair. "...Sleep here until you're ready."

"As you wish, but you'll miss the beautiful sunrise." Itami felt his knees pop as he swung his legs out and stepped onto the damp grass. The sun was starting to come up and a cool-mist hung low over the land. In a way, it almost reminded Itami of mornings in the countryside back home. Home, he was so close to it and yet so far away at the same time.

Itami cracked his neck and got a good stretch in. Now to find some caffeine then he'd be ready to go do whatever was required of him. Fortunately for the Japanese, a recent trade deal with the Marines had yielded favorable results. Two boxes of canned coffee for two cartons of domestically made Japanese cigarettes. Evidently, they were highly sought after back at Alnus.

"Good morning sir!" Kuwahara smiled warmly and passed Itami one of the canned beverages. Like the other troops he had long taken off his helmet though he still wore his flak vest and kept his weapon slung.

"Arigatou Kuwahara san." Itami graciously accepted the drink, popped the top open, and felt his senses tingle to life at the sweet taste that filled his mouth. He took a long swig and sighed in relief, yes the drinks certainly worked alright. "You're up early Sergeant Major."

"Early to bed, early to rise." The old soldier laughed and drank from his can before taking on a more serious tone. "We have a long day ahead of us."

"And you seem ready for it." Itami replied solemnly. "More than I am, that's for sure."

"Well, that's the Defense Force life for you." Kuwaraha answered matter of factly. "We have a duty to these people and by god will we do it."

"That we do Sergeant Major, that we do." Itami smiled and nodded as he observed the people of Coda. He could tell they felt safe now, comfortable around their new protectors. More than a few children approached the Japanese and American soldiers on patrol. Their bravery was rewarded with photos and candy.

"Our elfish friend appears to be doing well." Kuwahara took another sip and gestured towards one of the other trucks. Behind one of the other trucks and flanked on either side by the two female members of the team, the blonde-haired elf was on her feet. She was a tall dainty thing, impossibly beautiful. The elf still wore her original clothes, dried of course, courtesy of the reluctant Americans. The greens and whites of her dress clashed well with the color of her hair.

"So it would seem, at least she appears healthy." Itami took a sip. "What are we going to do with her?"

"Sergeant Kurokawa has given her a clean bill of health and the village elder has stated they'd take care of her."

"Well, that's good." Itami sighed. "I still can't believe it honestly."

"That Kurokawa was able to convince one of the tank commanders? I agree, those tanks have some powerful engines. Pretty nifty dryers in a pinch."

"No, everything up until now." Itami finished his drink and put the empty can into his hip-mounted dump pouch.

"Neither could Kurata. You should have seen Kurokawa when he wanted to see the elf." Kuwahara chuckled before finishing his drink. "But I understand, it's a lot to take in, even for you otaku."

"Right." Itami sighed as his watch chimed once more, a reminder that there was still a job to be done. Sure enough, a compulsory glance at the Marines revealed that the tankers were already climbing aboard their tanks. Occasionally Aldritch would look over at Itami before yelling at his subordinates.

Soon the telltale sign of turbine engines whining to life filled the air, time to go.

"He's a strange one, that Captain Aldrtich."

"Yeah, stranger yet how he can speak Japanese so well. Would have made things a lot easier earlier on."

"You could always just ask." Kuwahara shrugged.

Itami stood there dumbfounded for a few moments. The brutal irony of his subordinate's response was not lost on him.

"That….yeah." Itami nodded back at Aldritch, a sign he got the message. "I think I will."

"Well, looks like it's time to go." Kuwahara unclipped his helmet from his vest and strapped it back onto his head. "I'll let the rest of the team know."

"Roger." Itami sighed before doing the same. He had a long day ahead of him.


From atop their now running tanks, the Marines watched, with no small degree of enthusiasm, as a CH-53 slowly came in over the trees and hovered above the dragon's corpse. Long cables were dropped from the helicopter and quickly fastened around the beast's massive head by Marines on the ground.

Once this was done, thumbs up were given and the aircraft slowly ascended, its massive prize dangling underneath the powerful helicopter's downwash. Marines and Japanese soldiers in the village cheered as the helicopter continued to climb, much to the confusion of nearby locals and the elf. Its prize secure and free of the treetops the heavy-lift helicopter turned towards the direction of Alnus and flew away.

"Well shit, what do you suppose they're gonna do with that?"

"I don't know, take it back to base and eat it?"

"Bro, that'd be pretty gnarly actually. Think it tastes like chicken?"

"Two, Four. Why the hell would it taste like chicken, it's a flying lizard. It's gonna taste like a lizard-"

"All Horsemen, Horseman One. Standby for traffic break," Aldritch came over the platoon net and broke up the chatter. "Order of march is going to be Two, One, Four, and Three. M88 and LVSR, I want you behind the Japanese trucks. Maintain 50 to 100-meter dispersion between vics. Rate of march, 45mph."

All of the vehicle commanders rogered up and on command began moving their vehicles into position and down the road leading away from Coda. There were no heartfelt goodbyes, no promises of coming back. That wasn't what an occupation force did and certainly not tankers. Still, they were heroes and the villagers waved them off all the same. Meanwhile, the elf only stood there, a stranger without a home and a family.

Hers was a story that was only beginning.

For the villagers, the tankers and their Japanese allies had become a legend that day. Songs and stories would be written of the steel chariots and their battle. For the Japanese, it was a trial by fire. For the Marines, it was just another mission.


Ahead of the trucks, the four tanks of headquarters platoon cruised down dirt roads as they made their way to the market city of Italica. Everywhere the convoy went, traveling merchants ran for the hills or quickly got off the road in an attempt to save their wares.

It was, to put it mildly, boring. Another road march on another deployment. The only thing keeping the Marines' spirits up was the promise of target practice at Italica and maybe a chance to snag some exotic wares. If Aldritch turned a blind eye, that is. The sun was high in the sky now and cast warm rays of light down upon the convoy, another mild Special Region day.

"Out of one mission and into the next." Wilkes grimaced and took another drag from a half-bent cigarette. "My fuckin' balls are rank cuh."

Kincaid leaned back against his seat and stared up at the turret ceiling, the melancholy in his voice audible even over the grinding of tank treads. "Nobody has had a shower in days man, everybody's balls are rank."

"Yeah? There you go, now you know how the locals feel." Elton lit a cigarette of his own and fidgeted with the traverse mechanism for his weapon station in a vain attempt to keep himself occupied.

"Damn wind." Back on his tank and in the center of the platoon, Aldritch dropped down into the turret and squinted at the ancient parchment Cato had given him. Cato, yes that was the wizard's name. The wizard who had given an ancient map for Aldritch to guide his platoon along. The implication of it all was almost humorous, but this was no joke deployment.

Things would only get more bizarre from here on. How much Itami or anyone else wanted to push the boundaries remained to be seen.

The map itself was a fairly straightforward series of drawings, but defining landmarks was proving to be trouble. The tank commander keyed back on his helmet as he glanced at a compass mounted to the side of the turret. Its magnetic arrow shook left and right but otherwise still oriented north. "RCT3 Actual, Horseman One. Are we going the right way?"

There was a brief pause before Itami's less than chipper voice responded over the net.

"Yes, Cato knows these roads and says we're going the right way-"

"That'll be all, One out." Aldritch responded flatly before ending the transmission.

Hearing this exchange Clancy waved his hands about in the air in an exaggerated manner. "Oh woop de fuckin' doo. Maybe we'll find the legendary treasure of Gengle Doo next."

"Shut up Clancy." Aldritch ordered his loader before emerging from his hatch. "Two, One. Follow this road till we hit an intersection, looks like we make a hard right there and it's a straight shot to Italica."


"All vics, once we pass the intersection I want good aggressive scans. We're in the wild west now."

All of the tank commanders rogered up as the convoy continued on its way towards Italica.

Upon passing the predetermined position each tank brought its turret over the side and began scanning assigned sectors of fire. The change in tempo brought the tankers' spirits back to life even if some crews still had their minds on other things.

Elton lit another cigarette and used a boot to nudge the back of his gunner's vest. "Okay so run it by me one more time."

"I did, the hell more you want me to say? I already told you last night."

"Look man, all I'm saying is-" Elton put his hands up defensively as a trail of smoke drifted out from his nostrils. "-Maybe it was a bad dream."

"A bad dream and now I can speak the language? That's bullshit and you know it." Kincaid slowly brought his reticle over a distant cluster of stone pillars arranged in a circular pattern. Kincaid raised an eyebrow; the design was remarkably similar to Stonehenge back on earth.

"Something talked to me man."

Benitez lit a cigarette of his own and chimed in. "Okay, and what did it say?"

Kincaid continued to observe the pillars until they moved out of the edge of his optics. "It said someone named Rory Mercury was going to meet us."

"Rory Mercury?" Benitez responded quizzically. "Like uh, Freddy Mercury?"

"Yeah." Kincaid responded matter of factly. "Swear to god that's what it said."

"Then what?"

Kincaid shrugged as he scanned his reticle over a distant cluster of huts. "Just that we were going to shake things up."

Silence fell over the tank's internal comms as each tanker regarded the strange story, the rumble of tracks continuing to serve as ambient noise.

"Well fuck me then." Seeing no other explanation and not willing to alienate a man he considered a brother, Elton could only do what a tank commander did best. "Guess we'll just have to keep our eyes peeled now won't we?"

"You guys are fucking bonkers, ¡Qué barbaridad!"

Wilkes, ever a man grounded in reason flashed a toothy grin at his tank commander. "Ain't never killed god before."

"Yeah well you may just get your chance yet there Kratos-"

"One, Two. We uh, got a potential problem up ahead."

The crew banter stopped as worried radio chatter came over the net. The tanks ahead of them were beginning to halt and Benitez was quick to do the same with their tank.

"Say again?" Back on his tank Aldritch got up higher in his cupola in a vain attempt to see over the tank ahead of him.

"Someone is standing in the middle of the road."

"Two, Three. Pop a fucking pen flare, that usually works."

"We did, she isn't moving."


"Copy, she. Armed female."

That was when everyone started orienting weapons towards the front of the convoy.

"Horseman One this is RCT3 Actual, the convoy's stopped is everything okay?-"

"Situation is under control RCT3." Aldritch cut the lieutenant off and changed channels. "Two, One what is she armed with?"

"Some uh, some sort of giant halberd. She's got some weird fucking robes on too, like, really weird looking robes."

Ordering the Two tank to just run her over would've been the easiest thing to do. She was armed, impeding their route to the mission objective and SOP demanded it. But Aldritch still had some sense of tact, maybe not as easily trusting as Itami, but he had tact nonetheless.

Aldritch grabbed his binoculars and got up high enough to see over the tank ahead of him and down the road.

Sure enough, he could see the female. She stood in the middle of the road garbed head to toe in jet black robes. A dark black veil covered her face, but her small frame marked her as a middle-aged woman. Red trimming accentuated certain parts of the robes including the sleeves that extended past her arms and towards the bottom. This was when Aldritch realized that she wasn't wearing robes, but rather, some sort of ceremonial dress.

Something about her unnerved the captain and it wasn't the massive decorated halberd she effortlessly held onto either. Years of intuition ordered Aldritch to have the Two Tank blow her away and keep pushing. He never got the opportunity and it was a missed opportunity that would come to haunt him for the rest of his deployment.

"Uh sir, the Japanese are pushing up." Clancy reached over and tugged at his tank commander's trouser leg.

"What?!" Aldritch dropped his binoculars and watched, with no lack of growing agitation, as the three Japanese trucks pushed up past the right side of the tanks.

"RCT3 you are cutting off our fires, hold your position!"

No response.

"RCT3 this is Horseman One, if you proceed any further we will be unable to provide any fire support. Stand down!"

"Horseman One, this is RCT3 Actual. Cato and his apprentice wish to make contact, they say she's an important oracle in these parts."

"Since when the fuck do we take input from fucking dirt-eating wizards?!" Hicks complained over the platoon comms. "Two, do not let these fucking nip bastards take point. Blow the bitch away and push on!"

Aldritch was about to explode over the radio, but it was too late. The trucks had already stopped in front of the platoon. The Captain's anger was beyond words, but there was still one last option.

"Two, One. Battle carry HEAT. If the situation goes south you have the green light to engage."

"Way ahead of you One and….what about collateral?"

Aldritch chamber checked his shotgun. "What about it?"


"Sir, it's a gothic lolita. Look at the dress and the weapon! I don't believe it."

Itami ignored Kurata's frantic muttering as the truck came to a halt.

"This, Rory Mercury. Is she a friend?" Itami nervously glanced at the woman standing in the middle of the road as Cato and Lelei peered over the center console.

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Her being here is no coincidence." Cato responded grimly.

"Oh, great." Itami gulped and checked his gear. "Is she powerful?"

Lelei shook her head. "As an apostle, she has no equal amongst the ranks of mortal men."

"Well, those mortal men didn't have tanks and guns." Itami responded with some degree of confidence.

Cato nodded. "And that is why she is here, you killing that dragon and fighting the Empire has shaken our world." The wizard took a deep breath and pushed past Kurata and Kuwahara. "She is here to test your mettle."

With that the elderly wizard made his way outside, Lelei following close by.

Itami did the same but not before looking at the rest of his men. "The rest of you stay here, but be ready for anything."

"Don't have to tell me twice sir." Tomita responded dryly as he unsafed his weapon. "If she drops you I'll be sure to pay her back in kind."

"Nobody is dropping anyone, I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding."

"Your funeral sir."

Itami took a deep breath and exited the vehicle to join the two wizards. Cato had already begun deliberations, planting his staff into the ground as a form and taking a bow.

"Rory Mercury, esteemed apostle of Emroy. I am Cato El Altestan and this is my disciple Lelei-"

Itami felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. An apostle was a much different beast than an oracle.

"I know who you are, old man. I remember when you were younger and less closed off." Rory looked at Lelei. "She was but a child when you found her, my how strong she's grown."

The apostle giggled and gave her halberd a few spins. The weapon made a ghostly whistle every time she waved it. "But you're still too early to take me on girl."

"I'm stronger than you think." Lelei shifted her posture and hunched her shoulders slightly as a blue shimmer began to appear over her body. There was a distinct change in the air, an almost increase in pressure.

Cato raised a hand in front of Lelei. "Stand down my apprentice. Let us not act hastily."

"Yes, teacher." Lelei relaxed and the shimmer began to dissipate.

"An impressive display Lelei, most impressive." Rory giggled. "But my business isn't with you." The apostle slowly removed her veil and finally revealed her face. Itami was no stranger to the wiles of women, but this Rory Mercury was something completely different. She had pale white porcelain skin that stood in stark contrast to her crimson lips and glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce Itami's very soul. Rory reached behind her head and unfastened a ribbon allowing her jet black hair to flow down past her shoulders.

"It's with you."

The apostle now stood right in front of the dumbstruck Itami. He wasn't sure if she was that fast or if he had been so awestruck to notice her walk up to him. Given that both the mages were just now starting to turn around, he assumed it was the former.

Itami tried to compose himself "M-my name is Youji Itami, I am a friend."

"Yes, Emroy told me you'd be here. I've been waiting for you."

"Y-you have?" Itami raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, didn't your friend Kincaid tell you?"


"Hmm, well no matter. I'll see him next." Rory slammed her halberd into the ground sending a shock wave that shook Itami and the two wizards. "Now let's take a look at you."

With the same speed as before, Rory reached up and clasped both sides of Itami's face in her hands. Her skin felt soft and cool to the touch. It had been some time since he had felt a woman's touch and Rory's silky smooth voice sent shivers down Itami's back with every word.

He had been so entranced by the apostle he almost couldn't hear the frantic chatter of his now dismounted troops behind him.

"Hmm, yes there is potential in you yet." Rory tilted Itami's head to the side. "Still very fresh, you are but a pup to battle."


"Indeed, there's an impressive body count to your name, but you still lack conviction." Rory clicked her teeth and let go of Itami. "In time we will mold you, yes. I feel a pact can be made, but…."

Rory slowly looked over at the tanks and smiled. "They're the ones that really intrigue me."

"You would do well to not approach them as you did with Itami." Cato warned Rory.

"Oh but, I can feel the killer's intent from here." Rory cocked her head to the side. "Where is Kincaid, I must gauge his person."

"You can conduct your business with me Rory." Itami stood between Rory and the first tank in the convoy. "You may meet him later."

"Hmmm." Rory put a finger to her lips and pondered for a few moments as she weighed her options. "Very well, a battle is the surest teacher anyways and there is certainly one awaiting you at Italica."

Itami sighed in relief. Had she tried any of her theatrics on the Marines they would've likely shot her.

The apostle shrugged and returned her attention to Itami. "You are heading to Italica, yes?"

Itami nodded. "Yes, they need our help."

"As are you, it would seem." Rory removed her halberd and giggled. "Well then, this Warband is now under Emroy's guidance. I expect great things from you, Itami Youji!"

"Come again?" Itami stood there dumbstruck.

"I will be accompanying you. Or are your ears as clouded as your purpose?" Rory responded matter of factly.

Itami looked at the wizards then back at his flabbergasted troops. There was no budging Rory, she had made her decision.

Itami raised his radio. "Horseman One, RCT3 Actual-"

"Send it for One." Aldritch responded flatly.

Itami gulped. "Uh, be advised. I have made contact with the apostle." The lieutenant paused and tried to find his words. "She's non-aggressive."

No response, Itami wasn't sure if Aldritch was waiting for him to finish or just didn't want to respond.

"She believes she can be of some assistance to us and wishes to accompany-"

"Lieutenant, my tank now, One out."

Itami looked at the mages then back at Rory before grimacing. "Roger, en route."


Off to the side of Aldritch's tank, Itami received the ass-chewing off a lifetime. The other tankers nearby couldn't hear it, but their captain's body language was all they needed to decipher how angry he was.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Aldritch glared at Itami and then pointed past the tanks and at Rory. "Are you fucking out of your goddamn mind?!"

Itami put his hands up defensively. "Captain, look. She's a very important figurehead, some sort of apostle, a religious figure. She could be vital to securing hearts and minds."

"Hearts and minds?" Aldritch ran calloused fingers over his eyelids. "Do we look like we're here for hearts and minds lieutenant? Tell me."

"Well, maybe you're not. But we are." Itami would quickly regret those words as he felt himself get yanked by the collar.

"AND WHO HAS LEAD ON THIS MISSION LIEUTENANT, WHO OUTRANKS YOU?!" Aldritch's glared burrowed harder and deeper than anything Rory could have done. Itami was no stranger to being berated. His whole life had been filled with disappointment and discipline, but this was different.

The captain let go of Itami and started to pace. "Now I was understanding with the wizards, I took a step back. They had something to offer us, a deal to make, but her?"

Aldritch pointed back at Rory. "I don't give a shit if she's the goddamn pied piper! There's way too much strange shit going on and I am not about to let that thing come anywhere near my men!"

"She doesn't need to be near them, Captain you have my word she'll be under my watchful eye-"

"And what if she goes rogue? Can you vouch for her, hmm? What if she's a spy? What if everyone we brought along is a fucking spy?"

"Sir, with all due respect, listen to yourself." Itami shook his head incredulously. "This isn't Afghanistan or Iraq. We have a duty to these people to learn about them and make this occupation as smooth as possible."

"I have a duty to nobody except my men, my mission, and the foreign interests of my country." Aldritch retorted.

"Captain, I swear to you I will not let her jeopardize your-our mission. I care about your men just as much as I would care about mine."

"Evidently you don't if you're willing to let a psychopath among them and you don't know a goddamn thing about my men-"

"Then let me learn about them! Teach me, work with me, something but for god's sake stop being against me!"

Itami switched to his native tongue; he knew Aldritch would understand him. The question was, would the captain accept the olive branch.

"I am blind here sir. Serving the people is all the SDF knows. I am not you, I am not a battle-hardened veteran, but I am eager to adapt. So please." Itami took his helmet off. "Just, work with me."

Aldritch stood there for a few moments before donning his CVC helmet and quickly responding in Japanese of his own. "If she goes rogue I will not hesitate to order my men to open fire on your vehicle, do you understand? From here on you listen to what I have to say."

"Hai, arigatou Captain Aldritch." Itami bowed his head.

"Get back on your truck and prepare to move out."

Itami nodded before redonning his kevlar and returning to his vehicles. Whatever he said seemed to excite Rory and the apostle waved at Aldritch before gracefully flipping onto the top of Itami's truck.

"Freak." Aldritch spat on the ground and clambered back up the top of his tank and into his cupola. Upon reconnecting his helmet he keyed out over the platoon net. "All vics proceed as normal."

"One, Three. And the new join? We're just gonna let the Joker come along with us?"

"She's their issue. If she goes rogue you have the green light to engage, collateral or not."

"Roger that, all I needed to know. Three out."

"Yo, does anyone else see that bitch? On that superman shit, think she can dodge bullets?"

"Never met someone who can dodge MPHE. I'd love to see the bitch try."

Aldritch shook his head as the tanks drove past the trucks and continued back down the road. "Fucking boots."

Thus the Apostle of Emroy and the coalition formed an uneasy alliance there.

So originally I was going to have this short and nasty scene where Rory got too cocksure. Basically, have her act out of line and get slapped for it. We would have seen her regeneration and all that good stuff. I feel this way was better, doing more with less. Plus I want to make her a less tropey goth loli and more mysterious almost sagely warrior priestess.

Our cast knows something isn't right about her, but perhaps Italica will really shed some light on what she can do. HINT HINT. As for Tuka, look. I tried okay? I tried to think of something to do with her, but I've got nothing. Could she come back? Maybe, but that's gonna remain to be seen.

Anyways I hope everyone is having a fun time and a good holiday season. Until next time!