
Short History of Menil Empire and their Five Patrons

Principality of Menil Year was one of the nations that was affected greatly by the great flooding. All records of its history were wiped out making the current leader of the nation in year 300 as the first ruler instead. The Principality of Menil was established around the year 165 together with its strong and aggressive neighbor, the Dukedom of Silkiana.

Menil was the largest Principality nation in Lireo Continent. Its land area is 143,000 km², a nation whose main source of income is farming and logging.

It transitioned to Kingdom of Menil in year 700 and participated in the 1st Continental War siding with East Geramana and West Geramana.

Its greatest achievements during this event were; Defeating their aggressive neighbor, the Dukedom of Silkiana was absorbed as a part of the Menil territory. Destroying the Dragon nation of Ignelia. Occupying the vampire nation of Vampiri.

With the first continental war ending, West and East Geramana united into the Great Geramana. The Southeria Republic was also established and became a well funded nation by both Geramana and Lyndonaksha(later on Lyndon) as it became the most invaded nation in Lireo. Its invaders are nations from the Laxima Continent.

In the year 1591, the crown princess of Menil Republic started the expansion of Menil aiming to transition it into an Empire.

This was a very tensional time for everyone as the South Empire is already hostile and completely broke the relationship it has towards Menil and Geramana.

Lovain Menil started the 2nd continental war. Lovain challenges every country who questions their actions. Lizardia, the nation that unified the previously 6 dragon nations declared war on the Menil Republic but suffered a devastating loss. Lizardia lost 2 Dragon Kings that succeeded the crown.

The South Empire was forced to sign a peace treaty. The North Empire banned all citizens coming from Menil.

Lyndon cut all trades with Menil.

Geramana condemned Menil and stopped its military alliance.

The 2nd continental war ended in 1604 with the Menil Republic becoming the Menil Empire.

Lovain Menil became the first ruler and queen of the Empire. She was also the only ruler to be a queen of the nation.


The Five Patrons of Menil Empire. These are the first five rulers of Menil Empire. They are the most respected and honored people.

1. Lovain Menil

Born ( 1576 )

Became a Demigod in 1594

( 1604 - 1616) 12 Years of Imperial Reign

-Established the new Imperial Government of Menil.

-Declared the annihilation of Demons in the Menil Empire as great cleansing.

-Established the alliance treaty with Lizardia.

-Declared North and South Empire as its sworn enemies. Any one who will harbor likeness with these nations will be executed.

-Established the Magic Academy.

-Established the Royal Navy.

-Established the Great Golem Group. During her reign, Menil Empire had the largest Attack Golem in the Lireo Continent with a total number of 20,000 Attack Golems.

2. Lacade Menil

Born ( 1598 )

Death (1666)

Ruled ( 1616 - 1666 ) 50 Years Reign

-He was the second son of Lovain Menil. He inherited the crown after his brother the first son who was the crown prince refused to inherit the throne.

-Lacade established the law that prevents any woman from becoming a queen of the Menil Empire as an official respect to his mother being the only queen in their nation's history. Any spouse of Kings will be addressed officially as Queen Consort or simply wife of a king.

-Lacade died and appointed his grandson to be the new king which causes his son to declare a war with the royal family for being abandoned by his father.

-Lovain respected the decision of king Lacade and destroyed all rebels including his grandson which refused the king's decision.

3. Partich Grim-Menil

Born ( 1643 )

Died ( 1714 )

Ruled ( 1666 - 1699 ) 33 Years Reign

-He was a prince of both the Menil Empire and heir of the Kingdom of Furnoidland. His mother was the queen of The Kingdom of Furnoidland who married his father who was the crown prince of the Menil Empire.

-Hin becoming the appointed king after his grandfather's death caused his father to lose it and declared a civil war.

-Partich Grim-Menil established the Temple of Lovainia, a place of worship for his Demigod Great-Grandmother.

-During his reign, her mother died of extreme sadness due to his father's death. Partich became the king of Furnoidland for 4 years. He abolished the monarchy and made Furnoidland a republican nation.

-During his reign, he led the Menil Empire with the 10 Years War agains North and South Empire. This war was the largest Attack Golem war in history. The estimated amount of Golems used in this war is 15,000 Attack Golem. This war also caused the decline of the Military of Menil. Lovain Menil was not present during this event because she was travelling through different dimensions.

4. Willhelm Menil

Born ( 1679 )

Death ( 1741 )

Ruled ( 1699 - 1741) 42 Years Reign

-Grandson of Partich Menil.

-He was known as the pirate nightmare. Pirates avoided the territorial waters of Menil Empire during his reign because of fear as his Naval power is unrivaled. He was known as the greatest Water Wizard in Menil Empire's history.

-He declares Lovainia as the official religion of Menil Empire.

-South Empire declared war against Menil Empire, supported by Lyndon and Elf nation Elvina.

-Menil Empire losses 200,000 km² of their territory against South Empire. South Empire refused to let go of this land area to which Menil instead demanded payment. South Empire payed 2 Billion gold coins to Menil Empire.

-Willhelm shaken by this great loss, he committed suicide but the 2 Billion gold coins payment Menil Empire got saved the Empire's poverty rate making the country flourish.

5. Willhelm Menil II

Born ( 1721 )

Died ( 1755 )

Ruled ( 1741 - 1755 ) 14 Years Reign

-He succeeded his father Willhelm Menil.

-He became an Archmage Wizard in 1745. He wages war against South Empire in order to take back their stolen territory. The war lasted 6 years which resulted on Menil Empire losing more land. The Empire failed to keep up fighting against multiple nations.

-In 1751, Willhelm II spend all his wealth to fund the Menil Empire military. Unlike his father who lost his will to keep living, he wages another war against South Empire and its allies. In 1753, half of South Empire fell against Menil Empire and became the most heavily militarized region of Menil Empire. South Empire demanded their territory back but Menil always respond with bombardment of South Empire. South Empire was forced to sign a treaty giving half of their territory to Menil Empire with a compensation of 500 Million gold coins. Willhelm also abolished the 'Duke Ministry' of Menil Empire causing Dukes to lose more power in the government.

-He was assassinated in 1755. His last words before dying was 'Welcome back, our glorious queen.' to the person responsible for his assassination, Lovain Menil who just came back from her dimensional travels.

-Lovain hated Willhelm Menil II for establishing slavery in Menil Empire. He declared Southerians(captured citizens of South Empire) as slaves of the Menil Empire.