
Lovain Menil Arm Forces

Lovain Confederation

Supreme Leader and Defense Minister

•Chariz Slovain/Lynjove Menil/Lovain Menil




• Kiev - Ambassador of Lovain in Spezia

• Merlin - Ambassador of Lovain in Lizardia

• Shue - Ambassador of Lovain in Magantano

• Shion - Ambassador of Lovain in Kiriba

• Teftef - Ambassador of Lovain in Felisha

Defense Minister Secretaries

• Yold

• Lisarius Xanxuslazarus

• Rizal

Military Squads

•Direct Military Personnels (They are directly under the command of Chariz)

•Mystic Squad (Loyal Retainers of Chariz)

•Normal Squad

•Wizard Squad

Direct Military Personnels

•20,000 Wizards

•40,000 Normal Soldiers

Mystic Squad Captain

•Angelica Sentinel

-Valkyrie Army - 7,000 Valkyries

Dragon Dominion

•Magmagon Flygon

-Dragon Army - 99 Dragons

White Ghost Horror

•Liebi Dich

-White Numbers - 300 Ghost White Race

Normal Squad General

• Lisarius Xanxuslazarus

-LM 1 Squad - 50,090 members

-LM 2 Squad - 76,800 members

-LM 3 Squad - 200,000 members

-Sniper Group - 1,500 members

Wizard Squad A General


-1st LM Wizards - 20,000 members

-2nd LM Wizards - 56,700 members

-3rd LM Wizards - 70 Archmages

Wizard Squad B General


-4th LM Wizards - 10,000 members

-5th LM Wizards - 60,000 members

-6th LM Wizards - 100 Archmages

Shadow Elites(Spy like squad) Commander

• Tyfana

Shadow Elites - 10,000 members