
Chapter 22 : The Little Thief

At some sea in East Blue on The Stormbreaker.

"Captain why don't we just go straight to the Cozia Island ?" Ask Lance.

"I promise her to go there tomorrow, we still have a time for having some fun" Ramus said.

"Oh, okay..i wonder if they have some cute idol or actress there" Lance murmured.

"Lunch is ready..whehee !!" Shouted Shin while spinning around with several food plates in his hands.

"This was smoked brisket beef serve with creamy corn bread, this is was diamond eyes sea bass fish and chips, this is giant chicken gyoza..please enjoy" Said Shin.

"Let's eat together" Said Ramus.

"This is your iced lemon tea captain" Said Sam while preparing the lunch utilities on the tables for the crew.

"Why i got no plate and drink" Ask Lance confused.

"You can get it yourself you lazy idiot" Said Sam.

"Damn it pervert butler..even Shin got some, why i am not !!" Lance retord.

"He cooked the meals" Said Sam.

"Just you wait i will burn your magazine" Said Lance.

"I will do the same with your figurine" Sam replied.

"Okay that's enough let eat !!" Ramus said.

"By the way Captain..i think we need more crew..our ship is really big and there only 4 of us" Shin Said.

"Don't worry this ship will become very lively someday..hahaha" Said Ramus.

After quick lunch Ramus and crews was gathering on deck and relaxing there.

"Guys , there were something ahead !!" Shouted Lance sit on the ship mast scouting cabin.

"Huh..i hope it's pirates..we need to gather some money !!" said Ramus.

"It's look small sailing boat !!" Said Lance.

"Hmm..let see..swishh.." Ramus releases his Observation Haki toward the small boat.

"Ohh...this is interesting.." Ramus said.

"What did you find captain" Ask Sam.

"What did he do" Ask Shin.

"It's called Observation Haki.." Said Lance who just leaping down to deck.

"What is that" Ask Shin.

"That was very useful abilities, captain will teach you soon in the future " Said Sam.

"Okay guys..gather here, i want to tell you guys something" Said Ramus.

Soon the crew making a circle and Ramus started to tell them something and the crews was laughing.

"Okay we will do as you said captain" Said Lance.

The small boat finally already in front of giant Stormbreaker. There was someone there, a teenager girl.

"Pleaseee..help me..i need help..please" Said the teenager.

"Oh..wait we will help you.." Said Sam.

"Here take the rope" Said Sam while throwing the rope down in to the small sailing boat.

Finally the teenager girl was on the Stormbreaker deck. The teenager is cute and beautiful, she have short cut orange hair wearing some stripe shirt and skirt.

"Th..thank you" Said the girl weakly while painting.

"What happen to you ?" Ask Ramus.

"I just got chased by an evil pirates who targeting my treasure chest on my boat over there !!" Said the girl weakly.

"Oh.." The crews were replied with uninterested tone and expression.

"Yes my treasure was over there"


"It's big filled with gold and jewelry..can you guys help me bring the big chest here" Said the girl


"....." the girl was bit nervous and began to suspicious.

"Ahh..i need..water.." Said the girl while weakly falling down as if she got dehydration.

"Sam bring some water for her" Said Ramus and soon Sam bring some water for the girl.

"Glup..glup..thanks" Said the girl.

"Guys can you please help me bring that big chest or telling your other friend to help me, i am afraid those pirates will found me and my chest" Said the girl.

"I am busy" Said Lance.

"Me too.." Said Shin.

"I just tired so see a treasure chest again..it's boring..we have a tons of it..it's tiring especially my eyes..i am almost get blinded by those shiny gold" Said Sam sighed.

"There only 4 of us in the ship..sorry we are tired from our activities before.." Said Ramus.

"You got treasure too ?" Ask the girl nervously.

"Yeah..a lot of it.." Said Ramus.

"Why there only 4 of you on this big ship ?" ask the girl.

"Because we want to" Ramus replied.

".....please help me that treasure chest is really important for me" said the girl.

"Sorry but no..."

".....i will gave you guys some of it"

"No thank you we are rich already.."

".....i am maybe just 14 years old, my body is quite..i can gave you my body if you wanted to help me bring that chest here" the girl said while acting hot.

"Really..?" Ask Ramus.

"But please be gentle.." Said the girl with innocent tone.

"Okay then it's a deal then ?" ask Ramus.

"...yeah" Said the girl with sexy pose.

"Tornado !!"

Suddenly a wild gust of wind forming a huge tornado from Ramus hand toward the boat and lift it then it's moving toward the ship deck until it's disperse and dropping the boat with the chest in front of the girl.

"Eehh.." The girl was shocked, her hair was messy because of the tornado wind flow and her eyes were twitching thinking that she just met wrong people.

"Okay..follow me" Said Ramus toward the girl.

"Boom" the girl suddenly throwing some kind of white ball and it's exploded with some kind of strange white smoke.

"Anesthesia huh..child play" Said Ramus then using his wind power to suck the smoke and gathering it and compress it into small gas ball.

"It's cool right ?" Ramus said and the crew started to laugh.

"You..who are you" ask the girl.

"You will know soon..take this" Ramus thrown the gas ball toward the girl face and in second she falling weakly and fainted.

"Sam tied her and bring her to my room and Shin bring some food to my room" said Ramus.

"Aye captain.

1 hours later, on Ramus room.

The teenager girl was tied and lying on Ramus bed unconsciously while Ramus was waiting for her to wake up. Outside the room the crew were waiting behind the door.

"That girl is very cute.." Said Lance.

"Pedophile !!" Said Sam and Shin.

"You guys..." Lance was speechless.

"I hope captain is only scarring her and doing something else..." Said Lance suspiciously.

"Captain is not pedophile like you" Said Sam.

"I hope soo, but you know he is pervert inside.." Said Lance honestly.

"....."Sam and Shin were silent and began to have suspicions too.

"I hear that !!" Shouted Ramus from inside his room.

Ramus loud shouted is waking the girl and immediately she was shocked to see herself was tied and lying on some kind of weird shape bed and Ramus who smiling creepily in front of her.

"Hello..where should we start now ? ehehehehe" Ramus laugh i'm creepy way.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa" the girl screaming.

"Hahahaha..relax..." Said Ramus.




"Calm down !! im not going anything to you..i just teasing you" Said Ramus.

"Really.."Said the girl who already crying.

"Why you are so mean" said the girl.

"You are the one who meanie, you want to rob us right ? Nami ?..hahaha"

"Ho..how do you know" Ask the girl shocked.

"I know everything about you little girl !'"