
Here Comes the Villain

A story about a Villain in cultivation world .

DaoistRuan · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 6. Samara Forbidden Place

Next Day..

Mayon City , Mayon Dynasty

There was a stir all around, cultivators from distant Kingdoms also came to participate in the competition.

Mayon City is the capital of the Mayon Dynasty, where the King himself resides,

There was a lot of noise all around, "Heard that Angh Dynasty has also sent its genius Mau Dan to this competition, Heard that he sent a marriage proposal to the Saintes of Shiling But Saint Jiang Li didn't give him the slightest face and simply refused,"

" Oh yes, I heard that Saint Jiang Li has also participated in this competition. " another person said

Then one of the boys in the middle said, "I have heard that Sect Master Ziyan has sent her disciple as well."

"Seriously, then there will be a big ruckus, see how much you will enjoy it" said a man dressed in black.

Then a person said, "Of course Saint Jiang Li is very powerful, she has Purple Ruin."

"Purple Ruin" Everyone was surprised to hear this, because there were only a handful of people on this whole continent who have Ruin Power, And even among them Purple Ruin was very rare, hardly anyone else had it.

And Ruin is activated only when it reaches Qi Lord Realm, that too happens to someone in millions, so it is very rare.

∆ Ruin Power × Boost Power Rank :-

° Green - Boost Power × 2

° Yellow - Boost Power × 5

° Red - Boost Power × 10

° Black - Boost Power × 20

° Purple - Boost Power × 50

° Silver - Boost Power × 100

° Gold - Boost Power × 1000

Ruin Power boosts the cultivator's original power by several times, using its vitality, the cultivator can increase its power by activating Ruin.

Through this power one can rises above From all cultivators of his level, that's why the kingdom protects him very much, because those cultivators are priceless.

There are also some mysterious ruins called forbidden ruins, such as Lin Fe's Colorless Ruin.

These Forbidden ruins were beyond the common sense of this world, those who had these ruins had one or two special powers.

That's why the Martial Arts Cultivator's winning rate against the Forbidden Ruin Cultivator almost impossible .

That's why not only dynasty, even emperor level cultivators are afraid of them.


Competition Area..

A crowd of about thousands is gathered there, there is noise of speaking and talking all around.

Suddenly a loud noise made everyone quiet , There was an old man standing on the stage, he was looking like an old poor man on the surface.But as soon as he spoke, his hoarse and powerful voice stopped the hearts of all the people, people came on their knees, they also started having difficulty in breathing. Even the martial artists who came to participate in the competition were down on their knees except for a few.

The old man started saying, "This time this competition will be held at a special place, and that place is ' Smara Forbidden Place ' ".

'Samara Forbidden Place' As soon as the name came out of the old man's mouth, all the people who were talking fell silent, even the competitors took a step back.

' Samara Forbidden Place ' This is the second most dangerous place in the entire continent, from where it is impossible for a cultivator below Qi Dantian level to escape. Even inside that place, the more you go inside, the more the danger increases, it is impossible to go to the center of that Forbidden Place. Even the powerhouses are unlikely to come back .

That's why that place is also called the second most dangerous place, the biggest mysterious thing is that there are many tombs of fallen gods.

The gods who died while fighting against Demon Gods and Asura God are called Fallen Gods.

And there's the legacy of the Fallen Gods who have to pass their trials to get them, which is kind of impossible, and whoever start that trial He must pass, otherwise he dies there and his soul wanders in the same tomb till eternity.

That's why this Samara Forbidden Place is a very dangerous place.

The old man spoke again, "One more thing, we will give you a talisman for your protection, which will automatically activate when your life is in danger , But this will put you out of competition ."

"Then the competition starts now... "the old man shouted

As soon as he said it, there was only dust and wind, and all of a sudden there was silence, as if no one was there before.

Competitors ran so fast in that competition area ' Forbidden Place ' as if someone is running with their wifes and they want to catch her.

There were only four people standing there who did not run away like wolves, among them a girl was standing, who was wearing a red pink dress, she looked like a angel in that outfit . Two more people were standing near her, one of whom said, "Saints Jiang Li, would you like to join me?" A different kind of greed was visible in his words and eyes.

Then Jiang Li said, "I'm sorry, Prince Mau Dan, I've already made a promise to go with someone, so I can't go with you."

On hearing this, a boy standing a little far away from him laughed out loud, he could not stop laughing, that boy was wearing a blue color dress, he looked like a common man. Innocence was shining from his face as if there is no other straight and gentle person in this world better than him .

Mau Dan turned red in anger after hearing this laugh, he looked at the other boy standing near him and points something to him, that other boy goes ahead And was about to grab the neck of the blue clothed boy, when Jiang Li comes to the blue clothed boy and grabs his arms " I didn't speak to you today, so you got angry with me, it shouldn't be like this."