
Here Comes the Villain

A story about a Villain in cultivation world .

DaoistRuan · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 1. Dark Point

There was calm atmosphere all around, cool wind was blowing, which purifies the whole body, There was the sound of two small feet walking, a boy and a girl were going through that forest,

The girl was lying unconscious on the boy's back, and the boy was running away gasping, as if his life was in trouble, and all his clothes were stained red with blood, blood was coming out of his feet, But even then there was no expression of pain on the face of that boy, he was running continuously,

••••(7 year later )••••

Meng Sect ,

a small sect In Seven Mountain Kingdom

There was a sound of some people shouting and screaming in pain from a room, but in a short while there was a sudden silence, that room became completely silent, and only the sound of breathing of two people was coming.

There's a boy sitting on some dead bodies, and his hands are red with blood, on the other side a girl who's down on her knees,The whole face of that girl was deteriorating with tears and blood, her hands and legs were trembling so that she did not even have the courage to stand, she was sobbing, and the boy was staring at her.

That girl was crying and said, "Please don't kill me, I have not done anything, these people had done all this, and I did not even know, please forgive me." But the boy kept staring at her, he didn't speak even a single letter, which made the girl more scared.

After a while the boy took out a collar from his pocket and threw it towards the girl and said "Wear this if you want to live"

That girl picked up the collar with trembling hands and looked at the boy and asked in a scared voice, "What is this thing sir?"

"This is a slave collar, by this you will become my slave and will never be able to disobey my orders, and will be my slave for the rest of your life" the boy said without expression.

On hearing this, the girl dropped the collar from her trembling hands and fell down, the girl started trembling more and said in a trembling voice, "Sir please don't do this, let me live, I will go away from here And I will never bother you but let me go" she started begging.

As soon as the boy heard these words, he raised the sword in his hand and swung it loudly towards the girl. That girl only felt a slight wind and when she turned around, her mouth remained open, behind that girl a pit of about 100 meters was formed which was made by that sword.

On seeing this, the girl tremblingly picks up that collar and wears it, then suddenly that girl's body starts feeling pain and she starts feeling as if someone has tied her soul, And now she can't do anything of her own free will, but what could she do, she still had to find out about her mother, she didn't want to die before that .

Then a holographic screen appears in front of the boy's eyes.

< Congratulations for making Xiao Meng into your slave >

< your dark stat point has increased>

System screen notification in that boy's mind .

"Stats Window" He shouted in mind

[ Name - Lin Fe ( Human )

Title - Villain

Skill - Heaven Devoring , Ark Void

Cultivation level - Qi Dantian Realm

Unique Skill - World Of Realm

Rune - Colourless

Dark Point - 999

Stats - ??? , Luck - ??? ]

Wow , My dark points directly increased by 10 points, that's Good, now I have become even more powerful, Dharma Sect, just wait a little longer, I will definitely destroy you .

∆ In this World Cultivation Decided in 9 level's -

• Martial Body Realm

• Martial Spirit Realm

• Qi Dantian Realm

• Martial Lord Realm

• Martial King Realm

• Martial Saint Realm

• Saint King Realm

• Emperor Realm

• Martial God Realm

• Qi Immortal Realm

∆ Only 50% people of all population are able to do Cultivation, and even in them Body Realm is very difficult, so it is difficult to find Lord and King Realm cultivators even in some powerful sects.

But there are also some Mysterious Sect which have Cultivators up to Martial Saint and Saint King Realm, but they remain hidden from this world, rarely come out.

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Meng and he pinched his fingers, he pinched and Xiao Meng suddenly disappeared out of thin from there without leaving any proof like there was nothing, then Lin Feng shrugged and left like he didn't do anything.

•• ( Sovereign Peak, Dao Heaven Sect )••

Sect Master Ziyan Shi Was sitting in her room She sat staring, probably in deep thought, but her face was bewildered, as if she was waiting for someone, but that person had not yet come.

" This shameless disciple hasn't come yet, for how long has he made me wait ,Does he not even care about me, that he took so much time, let him come, only then he will come to understand that who is master and who is disciple, I will punish him, " By saying this, she was comforting her heart,