
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Heartless Sorcery

Finally, in the capital city of Drain, the El Dorado Kingdom's Royal Guard and the mercenary corps of the Mage Knights faced off against the Revolutionary Army, Rebellion.

They stood ready with weapons drawn, their magical energies simmering.

However, the morale overwhelmingly favored the Rebellion. For they not only possessed the determination to rise for the people, but also the confidence gained from repeated victories. On the other hand, the El Dorado Kingdom's Royal Guard exhibited signs of strong fear upon hearing of the Rebellion's swift advances.

"Lord Ray. The time has finally come."

"Yes. You've all been through a lot."

At the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Rebellion, the final war council was convened. There, leader Reinwald, along with other high-ranking members of the Rebellion, had gathered.

"Now then. We have turned away from the corrupted El Dorado Kingdom and risen as a new light. Though we were pushed to the brink of destruction, we have finally managed to turn the tide!"

It was an unspoken understanding that the Black Cat, the 'Grim Reaper,' played a role in these achievements. The deeds of assassins should be shrouded in darkness. This was something every person in power knew. Thus, Reinwald deliberately refrained from mentioning it here.

"Now is the time to reclaim our homeland with a true king. I, myself, Reinwald Kain Rihitāru, will reclaim the El Dorado Kingdom as its new king. From the Subarokia Grand Empire!"

Upon this speech, every member of the council rose from their seats and saluted. They had already recognized Reinwald as their king.

"Now, let us march! Capture Prince Lotus and King Yanbaar, and reclaim our nation!"

This was the first step towards escaping the oppression of the Grand Empire. Though it was just a step, it was a crucial one. There was no room for mistakes. Retreat was out of the question.

"Execute the plan: We will breach the castle gates as if launching an attack, but we will engage them head-on. Members of the royal family will likely attempt to escape through hidden passages. We will capture them before they can do so. The Royal Guard is necessary to maintain order in the El Dorado Kingdom, so do not kill excessively."

"Yes, sir!"

The decisive battle had begun.


Meanwhile, the Dark King Shu and the Witch Iris were positioned along the military road connecting the Grand Empire's garrison and the capital city of Drain. Their aim was to interfere with the showdown between the Revolutionary Army, Rebellion, and the El Dorado Kingdom, while General Krueger Pier, an S-rank Mage Knight, led a corps from the Grand Empire.

Shu's task was to annihilate them.

While assassinating only Krueger would have sufficed to fulfill the mission, Shu decided to face the entire corps due to its suitability for Iris's magic practice.

"It's about time."

Using water magic, Shu created a lens and adjusted the focal length with vibration-based magic to track the distant Shadow Corps led by Krueger. The distance was still considerable.

However, they were entering the range of Shu's magic.

The Wind Ninth Tier "Inexorable Vacancy Concentrate" was a tactical-level spell. If it hit, wiping out the corps would be relatively easy.

Activating a difficult tactical-level spell and hitting the target accurately was quite challenging. It was especially so for Shu, who activated magic based on a vague image and incantation rather than analyzing it.

"Are you really going to do this?"

"Just start chanting already. I'll assist with aiming and control."

"Fine, fine."

Though reluctantly, Iris began her incantation. Shu wasn't interested in the Apopris-style magic she was using, so he focused solely on control.

(Area designation, analysis of air molecule composition, completed, distribution understood.)

Since the Shadow Corps was moving every moment, the designated area was a prediction of its future position. With Iris's incantation and Shu's control combined, they should be able to activate the spell without issues. That part was fine.

The main concern was whether any traces of information manipulation in that space would be detected.

Skilled users of advanced magic or magic gear could sense signs of such power. Particularly, area-designation magic left distinct traces of transmitted thoughts through magic. If they were attentive, they would notice.

Concealing this was a major challenge for Shu.

"Iris, can you do it?"

"Y-Yes, I can!"

"Do it. Wipe out the Shadow Corps."

"It's the Wind Ninth Tier, 'Inexorable Vacancy Concentrate'!"

The tactical-level spell was cast.


"General, it appears that the Revolutionary Army and the Rebellion are already facing off in the capital."

"I see. This works well for us. By the time we arrive, things should be at the perfect stage. With the legion entrusted to us by His Majesty, we shall crush the rebels known as the Revolutionary Army."

"Indeed, General Pier."

Krueger Pier, an S-rank Mage Knight known by the moniker "Shadow," was a general of the Grand Empire. Having received the emblem of the Golden Lion, his achievements were formidable.

From single-handedly capturing enemy strongholds to defeating over five hundred soldiers in a single battle, and quelling uprisings in vassal states swiftly, his list of accomplishments was extensive. This had earned him the second-highest rank in the army, the position of a general. Furthermore, the rank of Grand General, a higher position, was within his reach.

It was rumored that he would be bestowed with the Gold Dragon Medal, a symbol of the rank of Grand General, following his suppression of the Rebellion in the El Dorado Kingdom.

Krueger was quite confident that this would come to pass.

"The success of this suppression is non-negotiable."

"I understand, General. Moreover, with your title as 'Shadow,' defeat is inconceivable. Additionally, the Shadow Corps consists solely of A-rank and B-rank Mage Knights. Although they are strong, they are merely rebels who have risen in a rural vassal state. There is virtually no chance of failure."

"Listen, it seems that the shadow organization 'Black Cat' is lending its strength to the revolutionary group 'Rebellion.'"

"Did General also hear about it?"

"Don't underestimate me. It seems the 'Grim Reaper' has allied with them. It's surprising that the capricious assassin would lend a hand to a doomed band of thieves."

"Yes, but since the actions of the Black Cat are uncertain, it might be pointless to dwell on it."

The organization known as the 'Black Cat' holds significant influence within the Subarokia Grand Empire. Eleven executives, including the leader 'Black Cat,' are said to be in charge, yet their true purpose and activities remain unknown. Nevertheless, the Black Cat organization operates freely.

It's understandable that their purpose remains unclear.

"However, the 'Grim Reaper' is just an assassin. They won't stand a chance against our legion."

"If that's the case, it would have been better to hire someone like the renowned 'Black Steel Kurogane' who excels in combat."

"Kukuku. That's true."

In the realm of protective duties, none surpass the Black Cat's 'Black Steel.' They are considered on par with an S-rank magic armored soldier, boasting considerable combat prowess. Of course, their true identity remains unknown.

However, that moment was the only time they could jest so casually.

"Everyone, brace for defense! There's an unprecedented magical reaction!"

The one who shouted was a member skilled in detection.

In military marches, the vulnerability lies in the group. A single large-scale magic attack can wipe them all out. Of course, it requires substantial effort to execute such powerful magic, but if it means obliterating the Zetsumei Legion with a single spell, sacrificing a few high-level magicians seems worthwhile.

It wasn't an implausible scenario.

Kruge issued instructions to everyone.

"Everyone, erect magical barriers!"

Indeed, they were a trained legion. Following Kruge's orders, they established defensive barriers using unstructured magic. This involved creating a basic spell to envelop the body with a magical shield, a skill that could be acquired through training by most.

It could fend off a certain degree of magical, magic-armed, and physical attacks.

However, it proved to be futile.

"Ugh... Ahh..."



The members clutched their throats, struggling. Then they paled and collapsed in pain.

Kruge widened his eyes.

"This is...!"

In an instant, even Kruge felt suffocated.

He instinctively covered his mouth.

(Poison... no, that's not it! Could it be—)


"They're dead."

"The Ninth Tier was activated..."

"Of course."

The Wind's Ninth Tier "Merciless Void Concentrate."

This magic skewed the composition of the air to one hundred percent nitrogen. Essentially, it caused all living beings within the area to suffocate. The Zetsumei Legion's unstructured magical barriers proved entirely useless.

"However, they were unexpectedly competent. I had concealed it, but... they noticed it in the last instant."

"Ugh. The activation was quite challenging."

"But it worked. You'll eventually be able to activate it on your own."

"Really? That sounds tough."

Generally, tactical-level magic isn't designed to be activated by a single person. It typically requires a group of court-level magicians or magic-armored soldiers working together to succeed.

Although with Shu's assistance, Iris managed to activate it alone.

That should be commended.

However, praising her might lead to overconfidence, so Shu refrained from it.


At that moment, Shu noticed something.

Looking around, Iris inquired, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."

Shu had sensed magical power. There was also a sense of concealment. However, it vanished in an instant. Unable to shake off the unease, he continued to survey the surroundings.

(If it's related to magic...)

Shu's specialty was his origin magic spirit, Alpha Spirit. He excelled at absorbing magical power, converting all kinds of energy, even life force, into magical energy.

If something was concealing itself using magic, absorbing its energy would do the trick.

Shu used Necromagic to siphon energy from his surroundings.

Of course, he avoided Iris and temperature changes.

"Guh... You fool!"

Suddenly, Kruge Pierl emerged from Shu's shadow. Using his magical armored manipulation of shadows, he had hidden in Shu's shadow.

When he had been hit by Iris's Ninth Tier "Merciless Void Concentrate," he instantly activated his magic armor to escape to the world of shadows. He traced the magical energy signature and concealed himself in Shu's shadow.

In this manner, he aimed to find an opening to kill Shu and Iris. However, he had been discovered.

He likely hadn't anticipated his energy being drained.

This method of breaking magical armor was unprecedented, and it was reasonable that he froze momentarily. Magical armor had been absolute power.

"You and your legion!"

However, it was true that those adorned with the Golden Lion emblem were formidable. He quickly recovered.

Utilizing his magical armor, he tried to kill Shu and Iris with a shadowy spear.

"Too slow."

Nevertheless, he had revealed too much of his weakness to the Demon King, Arklight. During this interval, the activation of "Spatial Divider Line" was complete.

The shadowy spear extended from the ground, nearing Shu and Iris.

However, just before it impaled them, it dissipated like mist.

"Y-You fool..."

Kruge's body began to shift, and he collapsed on the spot.

Then, an overflow of blood stained the ground.

"Well, that's that."

"That was seriously close, you know!"

Iris's shout resounded.

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