
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Relying on the Grim Reaper When in Trouble

In the eastern city of Irista, the headquarters of the revolutionary army, Rebellion, resides. The residents here are filled with vitality, as they are liberated from heavy taxes imposed by the Eldorado Kingdom and protected by fair taxation. Their belief in working together to improve the corrupt kingdom also serves as a driving force.

Currently, the Rebellion is at its peak, having overcome the brink of destruction.

"I think it's time to attack the capital and succeed in the revolution," declared Rainvald at the Rebellion headquarters. A strategic meeting was being held, with maps spread across the table. The leaders of the Rebellion, gathered around the same table, nodded in agreement with Rainvald's words.

Rainvald's aide, Lilia, explained while placing a red piece on the capital on the map.

"Currently, Prince Medline has formed a defense force and counter-attack unit. It seems they have no intention of attacking from their side. Many nobles are cooperating, perhaps realizing the seriousness of the situation."

"They are just a bunch of disorganized nobles, right?"

"Seems like it. They lack coordination."

Among the remaining royal family members, only King Lotus and Prince Medline remain, as Linwald, Lusana, and Wirus, who were once behind the scenes, have switched sides. Therefore, the influence of Lotus and Medline has become significant, but they are originally nobles from different factions, making it difficult to coordinate their forces.

The leaders were somewhat optimistic, but Lilia warned them, "Don't be too optimistic. Dealing with the kingdom's nobles might not be difficult, but the interference of the Svalokia Empire could be troublesome."

The Svalokia Empire, being the suzerain state of the Eldorado Kingdom, would surely send its troops if the revolution succeeded, leading to the kingdom's independence. But the problem arises when the kingdom breaks free, as the Empire's legions would come to confront them.

Rainvald asked Lilia, "Which legion is stationed in the garrison?"

"The Shadow Legion led by the S-ranked Mage Knight, Kruger Pier."

"A Mage Knight said to manipulate shadows. We don't have anyone in the Rebellion who can deal with an S-ranked opponent. In fact, it would be difficult for the Rebellion alone to defeat the Empire's army."

"I'm afraid that's true. As much as it pains me to admit it, Rain-sama is right."

The Empire's army's strength is immense, with several S-ranked Mage Knights, each leading a legion. Kruger Pier is one of them, known for controlling shadows, and the Rebellion's leaders know they cannot defeat them.

"That's why it's premature to confront the Empire directly. And we don't have the luxury to choose our methods. That's why we decided to use the secret organization, Black Cat," Rainvald said, scanning the surroundings, addressing the leaders.

"Don't complain. We'll request the 'Grim Reaper' to deal with Prince Medline and the noble faction. We'll prepare for the revolution. Our main goal is to capture King Lotus and Prince Medline. Since we can't afford to use unnecessary forces, we'll at least weaken the kingdom's military power with our financial resources."

No one opposed the leader's instructions. While some members of the Rebellion were fueled by justice, the higher-ups were more pragmatic, willing to accept the aid of the secret organization for the sake of the future.


Meanwhile, Shu Arklight, also known as the Grim Reaper and the Dark King, was in the capital, Drain. Iris was with him as well. They stayed at a slightly higher-class inn and spent most of their days learning the Eastern language, Civil Script. Iris was also studying the language, while spending the rest of her time leisurely.

Occasionally, they went to the Black Cat's tavern to check for jobs. Usually, they received requests from the Rebellion, earning money from completing those tasks.

"By the way, Iris."

"Yes, what is it, Shu-san?"

"I'll be going on a job tonight. Wait patiently while I'm gone."

"Alright, I will."

Iris had grown accustomed to Shu's job as an assassin. Whether it was a member of the royal family or a noble, he could easily kill anyone. Originally an Original Spirit, he was a spirit-type monster. He could pass through any solid wall, and with advanced magic and death magic, he could break through any defenses.

Death magic was particularly lethal, capable of taking lives in an instant, making it perfect for assassination.

"Who's the target this time?"

"I have to kill Prince Medline and some nobles. I received a considerable reward upfront, so I plan to finish it quickly."

"Is Rebellion really wealthy?"

"They might have more straightforward power than the current kingdom."

Since they seized the Eldorado royal family's wealth, Rebellion has been thriving. They still collect taxes from the cities they control, although it's not too much, they have accumulated a considerable fortune.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Prince Renvald of the Rebellion, has been publicly announced, causing the people to devote themselves to the just prince with overwhelming enthusiasm. It was a natural flow to support the Rebellion, which fought for their sake, rather than the oppressive kingdom.

"You're supporting the Revolutionary Army too, Shu-san?"

"Basically, yeah. It seems like I'll have more work that way. Now I have plenty of regular customers. Looking ahead, I think I'll even accept requests despite being a bit short on cash. Well, as long as the economy stays good, I'll take what I can get."

"Assassination must be profitable."

"Thanks to it, I can stay at luxurious inns. If I go to the capital of the Great Empire, I might even consider buying a house."

"It'll be your love nest, Shu-san! You should definitely buy one!"

"No, that won't happen."

Ignoring the somewhat... no, quite disappointed Iris, Shu closes the book. The reason is that he sensed a magical reaction approaching the inn's room.

The ability to sense magical power through non-systematic magic can be used on beings with magical power in general. Since humans, big or small, all possess magical power, it was a useful means to detect people.

The sensed magical power was faint, revealing that it belonged to one of the inn's servants.

As there was a knock on the door, Iris stood up and opened it.

"Excuse me. Is this the room of Shu-sama and Iris-sama?"

"Yes, it is."

"I have a letter for you."

Saying that, the servant hands over an envelope placed on a tray. It was sealed with wax, and upon closer inspection, there were magical seals as well. It was securely sealed, but there was no sender's name.

However, Iris accepted it without hesitation.

"Thank you very much."

"No, excuse me."

The servant closes the door and leaves.

Iris heads back to the room's innermost part, holding the letter, and hands it to Shu.

"Shu-san, a letter has arrived from the Black Cat!"

"It seems like it."

The letter was sealed with magical enchantments, and the sender was unknown. In that case, it must be from the Black Cat. Both Shu and Iris knew that.

Shu uses necromagic to undo the magical seal and takes out the letter from the envelope.

Then, he reads the contents for a while.

"...Looks like they've gathered the information properly."

"Is it about the assassination target?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be troublesome, so I asked the Black Cat to gather information. Well, it's just about the location of the house and family composition, so the fee won't be that high."

It was a document with necessary information for the assassination of the fourth prince Medrain, who had been commissioned by the Revolutionary Army and the factional nobles.

"I thought it would come soon, but the timing is good."

"Ah... Does that mean you'll take the job tonight?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

The power of the Black Cat, a covert organization, was formidable.

Not only the strength of the executives but also the organizational power was tremendous. If you asked them for information, they would gather it properly by the deadline. Of course, even as a member of the organization, you had to pay a fee.

Shu spread out the map of Drain, the capital city he bought from the Black Cat. Based on the documents, he marked the locations of the assassination targets' residences. By the way, since the fourth prince Medrain was in the royal castle, there was no need to mark his location.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 10? 11? 12?"

"There are twelve nobles to assassinate. Thirteen if you include Medrain."

"That's quite a lot."

"I can freeze the entire mansion with 'Cocytus, the Frost of Hades' except for the fourth prince... But that would be too lazy. I'll kill them with necromagic."

As a magical creature, Shu would cease to exist if he used too much magical power. He could recover magical power by killing creatures or having meals, but the most efficient way was to extract magical power with necromagic.

Using wide-area magic to kill thirteen people at once would consume a lot of magical power.

Therefore, he chose a method to minimize magical consumption.

"Because of the trouble, I'll freeze all the nobles' mansions except the fourth prince's with 'Cocytus, the Frost of Hades.' I'll just expose the prince's head somewhere."

"Freezing the entire mansion... How lazy."

"Let the family and servants think they were just unlucky. Well, I'm a magical creature, so I don't really care about that kind of thing."

Though he had a human appearance, Shu was a magical creature. He didn't trust humans too much. He might interact with them as contract partners. However, he didn't feel any affection toward anyone other than Iris. At most, he would sympathize with them.

Even if innocent people were involved in the assassination, it didn't affect him emotionally.

"When it gets dark... I'll mark the nobles' mansions with magic. Then, I'll kill them all with 'Cocytus, the Frost of Hades'... and then go for the prince."

"Are all the nobles in their mansions?"

"Don't worry. According to the documents, tonight and four days later, all of them will be sleeping in their own mansions. Sometimes, nobles might stay at the royal castle or their relatives' mansions. Lucky for us."

"I see."

It would be easier to finish the job at once. Moreover, it would instill fear.

Ordinary assassins would successively carry out assassinations one by one, but for Shu, he would deal with all of them in one night. This contributed to the mythification of the fear of the "Grim Reaper."

People... particularly the darker side of the upper class, feared the "Grim Reaper."

"Well, until night falls, I'll just spend time casually..."

Shu draws a small magic circle and burns the documents gathered by the Black Cat.

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