
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Foolish Fools

Shu and Iris, now in the second-class district, were heading towards the shops in the first-class district as originally planned. Compared to the third-class district, the second-class district was considerably well-maintained and the roads were smoother, making it easier to walk. By the way, once they reached the first-class district, the roads would be paved.

"Ugh... I'm so full, it's painful."

"That's because you overate, you idiot."

"In my case, most of it gets converted into magical energy, so I thought it would be fine."

"Think about the limits, seriously."

Humans and monsters replenish their energy by consuming food and converting it into magical energy. Therefore, magic knights and high-level magicians have a large amount of magical energy and can eat a lot without gaining weight since most of it gets converted into magical energy.

The priority is given to maintaining and growing their bodies. Anything beyond that accumulates as magical energy, and when magical energy reaches its limit, it gets stored as fat.

However, there are exceptions, such as awakening magic knights who can naturally replenish magical energy. Also, monsters like Shu can absorb the magical energy of others by killing those who possess it or by absorbing magic from the surrounding air.

"If we use magic somewhere to decrease our magical energy..."

"Why would we use magic in a big city like this? Just accept the extra flesh."

"Sigh... I guess you're right."

Iris sighed and leaned on Shu's left arm. He must be considerate not to complain about her weight, even though she wouldn't call this heavy.

At that moment, they noticed five men approaching from the front. Their wild appearance and the unified equipment indicated that they were soldiers serving the castle. It was immediately clear that their gaze was fixed on Iris.



When Shu called her name, Iris replied calmly. With her cute appearance, she was no stranger to receiving such attention. Therefore, it was easy for her to sense the vulgar atmosphere coming from the men ahead.

"Looks like trouble."

"Those are the magical knights serving the royal family of the Eldorado Kingdom. It's troublesome when they pick a fight using their authority as an excuse."

"I know. If they annoy us, I'll ask about their situation and kill them if necessary."

Shu casually said something terrifying, but Iris didn't particularly object. She knew Shu well enough to know what kind of person he was.

In any case, as Shu and Iris expected, the five men rushed towards them and surrounded them.

"What do you want?"

"We don't need any business with you."

"We'd like you to at least introduce yourselves."

When Shu said that, the men did nod in agreement. They didn't go into formal introductions, but they began to introduce themselves.

"I am Donpa Ricardo, captain of the Second Prince's Royal Guard."

"I'm Ball, also from the Royal Guard."

"I'm Rize."

"I'm Marcel. Remember it."

"Haha! I'm Giaze. I'm also a member of the Second Prince's Royal Guard."

Five individuals introduced themselves, but Shu showed no reaction. As members of the royal guard, they had always instilled awe in others simply by stating their names. It was because of their power as magic knights and their authority.

However, Shu remained expressionless before them.

Dampa felt uncomfortable.

"Hand over that woman. She's needed by the Second Prince, Linvurdo-sama."

He pointed at Iris in a disgruntled tone.

It was a well-known story that the Second Prince used his power to gather beautiful young women, and those caught by the royal guard during these searches usually ended up with despairing eyes. However, both Shu and Iris seemed unfazed.

In fact, they responded nonchalantly.

"Speak such nonsense after you wake up, third-rate."

"We're grandly declining."

In response to their immediate answers without hesitation, Dampa and the others were taken aback. For a moment, they were bewildered and then hastily drew their swords, resorting to threats. Though it hadn't happened frequently lately, stubborn women were dealt with in such a manner. Shu and Iris were slightly slow to react due to it being a rare occurrence, but it didn't change what they had to do.

Rise and Giaze, who used magic weapons, wielded swords and spears formed from mana. Dampa, Baal, and Giaze unsheathed the steel swords they had at their waists.

"It's a shame, but this is an order from the Second Prince. Besides, this is a respectable tax collection. Calling it third-rate is just disrespectful, isn't it?"

Dampa brushed off Shu's provocation and showed them a piece of paper from his pocket. The document contained instructions for taxation written in imperial language, which Shu and Iris unfortunately couldn't read. However, Dampa explained with a triumphant expression.

"We'll take a woman as a tax from the commoners. It's our duty, protected by the laws of the Eldorado Kingdom. If you don't want to become criminals, don't interfere."

"Well, if you resist and become criminals, I'll execute you on the spot."

"Pukuku. There's no way someone foolish like that exists!"

Following Dampa, Marcel and Baal also took on a mocking attitude. In the capital city, Draine, they had been acting recklessly using the influence of the Second Prince, Linvurdo. Today, as always, they intended to act arrogantly, leveraging the authority of the prince.

With the magic sword in hand, Rise swung it at Shu as if to threaten him. It was a downward strike carefully adjusted not to hit him, showcasing Rise's considerable skill.

Shu didn't bother to dodge and simply waited for the sword to pass.


As the sound of the wind being cut resounded, Shu's clothes fluttered.

Completely unresponsive, Shu drew an unsatisfied expression from Rise. Including Rise, they were all professional fighters, claiming to be part of the royal guard. They could tell whether Shu was scared and unable to move or if he had anticipated the attack but chose not to dodge.

Especially, Captain Donpa quickly understood that Shu was a seasoned fighter in battles.

(This guy isn't just an ordinary person. He's a seasoned warrior. I didn't notice it earlier, but he even emits the distinct aura of an underworld figure...!)

The moment he realized that, Shu's demeanor changed. Just like the switch of a rise's threatening attack, he began to emanate a dense aura of death.

Feeling overwhelmed by this presence, the five of them took a step back.

Shu slowly manipulated his magical powers and spoke.

"I'm sorry, but she belongs to me. I have no intention of handing her over to the likes of you. If you retreat now, I'll let you go."

His condescending tone from a position of strength infuriated Donpa and his comrades. While they had acknowledged Shu as a formidable opponent, their pride as strong figures within the Eldorado Kingdom hindered them from making a rational decision.


Marcel, who was in Shu's blind spot, thrust his steel sword sharply.

After all, since there was a document from the second prince, taking the woman by force was legal - well, technically illegal. This fact motivated Marcel. Being small in stature, Marcel was adept at quick and precise movements, and the sword thrust towards Shu's heart with accuracy.

However, it was blocked by a small magic circle that appeared just before.

It was an acceleration magic circle that reversed the vector.


A steel sword with almost no magical power could easily be repelled by a small magic circle. The rebounding momentum caused Marcel's wrist to ache. If not for his haphazard magic reinforcement, his bones would have been broken.

Groaning in pain, Marcel dropped the steel sword.

Shu turned around, extending his right hand and making a gesture as if crushing something.


Deadly magic was activated, and it absorbed all of Marcel's magical power.

Silently watching Marcel collapse, Shu continued speaking.

"If you oppose me... I'll kill you as planned."

"Sigh. It had to end up like this, huh?"

Ignoring Iris, who was exasperated, Shu activated his death magic again. This time, he stole the magical power from three people simultaneously, converting even their life force into a part of himself.

Baaru, Rise, and Giaze perished and fell to the ground.

Only Donpa, the captain of the guards, remained standing.

"What's happening!? Marcel, Baaru, Rise, Giaze! What are you doing?"

He couldn't even imagine that his comrades would die so easily.

However, the fact that he could still counterattack without stopping here showed that he was a top-notch warrior.

"Damn it! Haahhhh..."

Donpa jumped backward and exhaled widely in a wide area. Shu's magical sense detected that his breath contained magic.

(A magic-enhanced form of martial attire. Probably a type that adds specific effects to his breath.)

Enhanced forms were magical attire that amplified specific abilities inherent in a person. Donpa's breath was imbued with magical effects. Shu didn't know this, but it was an enchanting breath with a charm effect.

The resisting woman would forcibly get subdued by this sigh.

And of course, the enchantment effect works on men as well.

However, the effectiveness of this kind of magic depends on the magical power of the target. If the opponent possesses vast magical power, the enchanting effect in the breath becomes meaningless. Naturally, it had no effect on Shu and Iris.

"It's futile."

Without even dodging, Shu disposed of the guards with death magic.

As the last person fell with a thud, cheers rose from the surroundings. However, it wasn't the kind of exuberant joy with raised hands and loud shouts but rather a quietly contemplative atmosphere.

Just that was enough to understand how much these guards were despised.

Of course, it was natural since they had been taking away young girls under the pretense of taxation.


"Well done!"

"But are you alright?"

"They were still the prince's subordinates."

"It was clumsy..."

"Fool. They've been taken down! Those bastards!"

While many were celebrating, there were also quite a few who worried about the fact that they had defeated the prince's subordinates. Some were concerned that they might be implicated and face punishment in the second district as well.

"You stood out, Shu-san."

"I'll let it be. Besides, there's no evidence. My death magic takes away magical power, so there are no magical traces left. To identify the culprit, we'll have to rely on eyewitness accounts."

"But what if someone snitches?"

"No problem."

Ignoring the onlookers, Shu began walking towards the first district.

The fact that Shu had killed five men without hesitation seemed to be tolerated by those around him. Iris wondered if the people being on their side meant that the information wouldn't reach the royal family.

"But Shu-san, if they were to be questioned willingly, it would be okay, but what if they were threatened or tortured? I feel like they would easily spill the beans."

"...? What are you saying, Iris?"


Shu asked with a puzzled expression.

Iris replied, unable to comprehend.

For a moment, there was silence between them.

"...What misunderstanding do you have, Iris?"

"Well, if they were threatened..."

"No, that's not it. I'm not expecting anything from that."


"Besides, it's only natural that regular people can't do anything when threatened by someone related to the royal family."

"But, still..."

Certainly, there wouldn't be any material evidence like magical power left behind.

However, with enough determination, one could gather circumstantial evidence and testimonies, and in the worst case, even fabricate evidence. In other words, from the beginning, they knew that preventing information leakage through testimonies would be impossible.

As Shu walked away briskly, he whispered to Iris, who was sticking close to his left arm.

"I'm aiming for the root of the problem. Prince Linvurdo... Don't you think everything will be resolved if he disappears?"


Even Iris was taken aback by that.

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