
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Rebels Rising

Three days after assassinating Viscount Logan and his entire mansion, Shu and Iris were once again summoned by the Revolutionary Army, Rebellion. They headed to the tavern where the Black Cat had its base and, after showing the "Death's Coin," were immediately led into a room.

There, Rebellion's leader, Reinvald, sat with Rail and Lilia.

"It's been three days, Reinvald."

"Yeah, Death's Reaper, thanks for completing the mission. It was faster than I expected."

"We heard it had to be done within a month. But isn't it better to be quick?"

"No, completing the request on the same day it was made was too soon. We were not prepared for that."

Reinvald said with a sigh. The reason why Rebellion assassinated Viscount Logan wasn't just to get rid of an obstacle. It was to drag down the Viscount, who was corrupt in the Security Force, and appoint Earl Bold's trusted ally as the new Chief of the Security Force.

Handling things this fast presented its own set of problems.

"I have no right to complain."

"That's true. I'd like to talk about the reward... but there's something I want to ask first."

"...What is it?"

Shu gave a weary look, but Reinvald asked the question without changing his expression.

"What was that ice statue? It caused quite a commotion."

"That was my assassination style. Truly that of a 'Death's Reaper,' don't you think? It looked like an envoy had come from the underworld to take him."

"Ah, that's true."

Reinvald nodded vigorously.

However, he responded by slamming the table with one hand.

"That's right. There was no trace of magic, and the target was killed without anyone noticing. Undoubtedly, it would be classified as an assassination no matter who saw it. But..."

Yes, Reinvald wanted to scream for no reason at all. The way the target died made no sense at all. Moreover, it was all the mercenary magi and the entire security force that Viscount Logan had gathered.

It really made no sense at all.

"Was that magic? Or was it magi-tech? From what I talked about with Rail and Lilia, I believe it's magi-tech."

"No, you can't say that."

"I know, but..."

Perhaps they were feeling uneasy.

The "Death's Reaper" was a member of the covert organization known as the Black Cat. If they were paid, their fangs might turn against them. The Revolutionary Army Rebellion might turn into ice statues tomorrow.

That thought was very unsettling.

"Sigh... How foolish."

"What do you mean? Don't get carried away just because you're Death's Reaper."

"Enough, Lilia. So, what do you find foolish?"

After restraining Lilia, who stood up and shouted, Reinvald calmly asked. It was indeed a foolish question, but Reinvald also had his pride. He looked sternly at Shu.

"It's natural to be afraid of my power. I believe I'm the best in the world when it comes to dealing death. Whether they're slaves, commoners, nobles, or royals... I can easily kill anyone. Even with their guards, they'd be of no use if I know their whereabouts. But so what?"

"For me, that's not enough."

"In that case, just keep hiring me. Give me jobs and rewards to ensure I don't end up working for your enemies. If you can't, then pray to the gods that I don't become your enemy."

The Revolutionary Army, Libellion, is certainly a friend to the citizens. However, Shu has no obligation to be their ally.

...That's just a facade.

(Well, for the most part, I've decided to be an ally of the Revolutionary Army, Libellion.)

The reason is that it seems more interesting that way. Also, I can impress the Subarokia Empire with the power of the 'Grim Reaper.'

However, there's no need to tell that to the Revolutionary Army, Libellion.

"Hurry up and pay me the reward. 'Grim Reaper' doesn't intend to be tied to one organization."


When Reinvard signals, Rail sitting next to him takes out a bag of gold coins. After Iris, who received it, confirms the contents, she finds the promised amount of gold coins inside.

Iris nods, and Shu also nods.

"It's good as per our contract. Well then, goodbye. If there's another job, please count on me."


The two stood up and left the room.


"Are you all right, leader? No, Lord Rail?"

"Well, sort of."

In response to Rail's question, Reinvard answered while covering his eyes. To be honest, it didn't go too well. He couldn't help but think about how reassuring it would be to have Shu exclusively working for the Revolutionary Army, Libellion.

"But, Lord Rail's life is precious to us. If he were accidentally killed..."

"We'll just have to strive to ensure that doesn't happen. Just remember that there are people out there who can assassinate like the 'Grim Reaper.' If we meet such a person, there's not much we can do."

"That's not acceptable!"

Neither Rail nor Lilia could accept that. The Revolutionary Army, Libellion, is an extremely small organization with limited influence. Even in Eldorado Kingdom, where the organization has the largest presence, they can't act strongly due to the presence of the Imperial Army stationed there.

The Subarokia Empire dispatches garrisons to its vassal states, demonstrating their authority. Moreover, these troops are perceived to protect the people from the threat of monsters, making it difficult for vassal states to openly refuse. As a result, the uneducated commoners aspire to the Imperial Army that protects them from monsters, and talented magic knights yearn to join the Subarokia Empire's forces.

The Revolutionary Army, Libellion, struggles to gather support and secure military strength. In other words, they also face difficulties in securing funds. They don't have the resources to keep hiring the 'Grim Reaper.'

"Support from Count Bold...?"

"We can't burden the Count indefinitely."

Count Bold is a precious and kind nobleman in the Kingdom of Eldorado, secretly providing support to the revolutionary army, Rebellion. One can consider the entire faction to be on their side.

However, the faction is truly small.

They cannot afford to continue supporting the Rebellion without limits.

"But, Lord Ray? Count Bold is your grandfather, and I've heard he cares for you deeply."

"That's precisely why, Leilia. I can't just rely on my grandfather."

"You cannot afford to do so, Lord Ray. We've already spent considerable funds on our request to the 'Grim Reaper.' While the Count will handle the security forces, we need new funds for our upcoming activities."

"I understand your point, Rail, but..."

"Use whatever resources are available. You are our future king... and currently, the third prince of this country, Reinvald Cain Lichthard."


Reinvald falls silent.

The reason the Rebellion can present themselves as an army is that the leader is the third prince of the Kingdom of Eldorado, Reinvald. Rail and Leilia are Reinvald's childhood friends and close aides. Furthermore, their fathers are nobles belonging to Count Bold's faction.

Count Bold's relatively small faction holds significant influence due to the achievement of his daughter marrying into the royal family.

"The name Lichthard has been abandoned."

"However, to rectify the corruption in this country, we must execute not only you, Lord Ray, but also the other royal family members: the first prince Lotus, the second prince Linvruld, the fourth prince Medline, the first princess Lushana, the second princess Wyles, and even the current king, Yanbar Keel Lichthard."

"That's why I cannot abandon the name Lichthard. You are the ones who are our true king."

"But, Leilia, and Rail too..."

Reinvald was wise from a young age. He questioned the conventional education his brothers and sisters received, which taught them that the people were the property of the royal family, existing to be exploited and enrich the royals and nobles.

That's what they were taught.

But Reinvald had objections. He didn't know much else, but he knew that. However, his siblings, educators, and even his father, the king, treated Reinvald as an outsider.

They found him unsettling, treated him as something different.

(Indeed, other royals... and the noble aides around them are a lost cause. I know this isn't the stage for persuading or changing their minds.)


They, who believe it is fine to exploit the people, are only concerned about the present. Therefore, they give no thought to the future of the Kingdom of Eldorado.

Even if the farmers living in the rural villages have reached their limits, they won't consider dealing with it. The Great Empire, too, will maintain its policy of non-interference in domestic affairs and do nothing about it.

No, rather, that is precisely the Great Empire's intention.

They mock the upper echelons of their vassal nations, causing the countries to fall into chaos and internal strife. Then, they seize everything from these vassal nations under the pretext of quelling the internal rebellions. Already, there is a history of three nations being swallowed by the Subarokia Grand Empire through this method.

Naturally, the Subarokia Grand Empire conceals this history from its vassal nations.

"Rail, Lilia. I have forsaken my claim to the throne of Richter. I am now just Rainvald."

"Lord Rainvald..."

"But even so..."

"I understand. However, I have not forgotten the duty that comes with this bloodline."

Rainvald stands up from his chair and declares to the two.

"I will definitely defeat the Richter royal family. Then, I will overturn the tyranny of the Grand Empire and save our homeland. I bear that responsibility."

His eyes were filled with determination.


In the capital city of Eldorado Kingdom, Drain, there is a castle at the center. This castle serves as the residence of the king and the place of governance. However, governance takes place in a wing located on the front side of the castle. At the back is the residential area of the royal family.

"Hmph, I'm getting tired of this soon."

In a certain room in the royal residential area, such a voice resounds.


Along with a dull sound, a moan is heard as a battered woman collapses to the floor. As there are luxurious carpets on the floor, the impact of the fall might not be too painful. However, her body is covered in numerous painful wounds.

And the man who caused these wounds sighs from the bed.

"Tch... I guess I need to find a new woman. Hey, get rid of her."

"As you wish. You have my permission, Prince?"

"If you like such a ragged woman."

"In that case, without hesitation."

The man who answered, apart from him, two men who were waiting approached the fallen woman and lifted her up. They then opened the large door of the room and left.

Watching them, the man spoke.

"So, Prince... No, Lord Linvurld."

"What is it?"

"There are no more beautiful women here."

"I know. That's why I need to find new ones... Ah, the usual permit, right?"

"Yes, please. Even we, the Royal Guards, would be charged with kidnapping without Prince's written permission. Please grant us the authority to capture beautiful women for tax collection."

"I'll prepare it right away."

Prince Linvurld, the second prince, got up from the bed, put on the gown hanging on the chair, and took a pen to begin writing the permit.

Linvurld was notorious for his womanizing among the princes. This was well-known even in the capital city of Drain, and everyone knew that he kidnapped the city's women for his pleasure, unless they were foreigners who had recently arrived.

"Bring about ten women this time."

"Well... It's quite challenging to find women suitable for the Prince's taste."

"Silence and obey. I am of royal blood."

"...I understand that. If there were ten women who suited the Prince's taste, we, the Royal Guards, would search the entire capital to bring them. However, if such women don't exist, it's impossible."

"In that case, bring them from other cities."

It was an absurd proposition. It reflected the thinking of a despicable person who didn't even regard common people as human beings.

However, the Royal Guards did not dare to offer sound advice. That's because, after the Prince was done using those women, they were set free. Linvurld was violent and would beat and kick the women he violated.

As a result, the women quickly became exhausted, and they had to find new women to replace them.

"Here, I've written it. Go and bring them quickly."

"As you command. I'll go with the usual four to get them."

"Hurry up, Donpa."

Donpa, the name by which the Royal Guard was called, bowed and left the room.

He wore the usual lecherous grin, just as always.