
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: The Impoverished Vassal State

Shuu and Iris, who had left the Elise Republic, continued their journey westward. As they were getting tired of being pursued by the Church, they decided to escape to the Great Empire.

The Subarokia Grand Empire.

It was a massive nation that ruled over the western half of the Slada Continent. However, the territory of the Great Empire was only about half of that, with the rest belonging to vassal states. Nevertheless, the power gap was overwhelming, and the vassal states were completely subjugated by the military might. Not only did they impose taxes, but they also established a system where strong Magic Knights from the vassal states could rise through the ranks. By joining the army of the Great Empire, these powerful Magic Knights from the vassal states were guaranteed a higher status.

As a result, the military strength of the vassal states gradually declined, while the military strength of the Great Empire rose rapidly. The domination became even stronger. That was the current state of affairs.

"Now we've reached the capital... The destitution of the vassal states is at its final stage."

Shuu and Iris, who arrived in the Eldorado Kingdom, one of the nations belonging to the Subarokia Grand Empire, had finally reached the capital. They had passed through several towns and cities along the way, all of which were living in poverty. They had hoped for something different in the capital, but it seemed like a faint hope.

"The streets are filthy."

"The infrastructure seems inadequate. It's going to collapse soon."

"What should we do?"

"I plan to stay in this country for a few years, at least. I have no intention of changing the plan."

The reason Shuu came to this country was for work. Specifically, it was for the job of the Black Cat, of course.

The Eldorado Kingdom was completely exhausted, but the upper echelons, the nobles and the royal family, were still leading luxurious lives. Luxury coexisted on top of the poverty of the masses.

Naturally, there were many assassination requests to the underground organization, the Black Cat.

The Black Cat had strong connections in the Great Empire, and they even had ties to the high nobility. They obtained requests through such channels and earned money.

Shuu had come to this land as the "Grim Reaper."

"Let's find the tavern we heard about."

"Yes, sir."

First, they needed to find the Black Cat's base, which was located here in the capital, Draine. They had obtained information about the base from the towns they visited after entering the Eldorado Kingdom. Starting from the Elise Republic, they had been gathering information about the bases in order and finally arrived here.

Therefore, they knew the names of some places and taverns.

The two of them started walking down the main street.

"By the way, Shuu-san."

"What is it, Iris?"

"Are we perhaps attracting attention?"

"We are indeed."

Shuu and Iris both felt the intense gaze on them. It was easy to guess the reason.

"Our appearance, right? Everyone here looks shabby. But we're dressed fairly well, aren't we? That's why."

"It feels uncomfortable, you know."

"Well, how about using vibration magic to conceal ourselves?"

"Then, please do it."

"If you use magic in the middle of the town, you'll get caught."

Generally, the use of magic and magical attire is prohibited in the city. Unless there is a valid reason, using magic just because it attracts attention is not allowed. Furthermore, corruption has permeated the security organization of the Eldorado Kingdom. If falsely accused and things get complicated, Shu might end up destroying the entire city.

After all, Shu is not a human but a magical creature.

Even if the human cities were to be destroyed and millions of people were to vanish, only Iris would be moved.

However, Shu had enough common sense not to actively bring about their destruction.

That was the extent of his reasonable judgment.

"The public order seems bad. Be careful."

"In that case, I'll have Shu-san protect me."

Saying that, Iris clung to Shu's left arm. She was wearing loose clothing, so it didn't stand out, but Iris had quite a good figure. Shu could sense her softness, although he didn't mention what it was.

Due to being a spiritual-type magical creature, he didn't get excited.

However, it was a lapse to let his guard down because of that. Shu had just warned Iris, but what he had anticipated happened immediately.

"Oops... It hurts..."

Intentionally bumping into Shu, a man pressed his right shoulder and spoke. He had a scar on his face and an unsavory appearance. His physique was decent, so Shu thought he looked like a rough person.

And then, the man interrogated Shu in a low voice.

"Hey, hey. Looks like you're in pain to the bone. Should I make you pay for medical treatment? Huh?"

"It's not the way to ask someone for something."

"Is that so? Should I hand you over to the security for assault?"

The man couldn't possibly be injured.

If that's the case, if he hands him over to the security, the man would be the one charged with fraud and obstructing official duties—whether such crimes exist in this country or not, Shu didn't know.

In other words, this man has some connection with the security forces. Most likely, he's been bribing them. Or perhaps, from the beginning, the man and the security forces are conspiring to frame Shu.

(What should I do...)

Shu pondered for a moment.

There are several methods, but it might be difficult to resolve this peacefully.

However, seeing Shu lost in thought, the man seemed to have thought that he didn't have any money to pay. He made a proposal that could touch a nerve with Shu.

"If you don't have the money to pay, there's no help for it. How about I forgive you if you lend me that woman?"

"...Is that so?"

Shu slowly extended his right hand towards the man and began to close his palm. It was a preparatory motion for activating death magic.

Iris hurriedly stopped Shu.

"Shu-san, stop it! What happened to resolving this peacefully?"

"I intend to kill him peacefully."

"That's not peaceful at all!"

They spoke in low voices, so the man couldn't hear them. He would never have imagined that he was just seconds away from being killed.

"First of all, if I were to heal him with light magic, everything would be resolved. Even if the injury is merely formal."

"Well, that's true."

"Phew... What a hassle."

Iris let out a deep sigh, then released Shu's left arm and approached the man. The man misunderstood that Iris had come to him on her own and became excited, breathing heavily.

After all, Iris had a lovely appearance.

She had grown accustomed to such situations since her days as a holy knight. It was unpleasant to be seen by perverted men, but she still had enough reason to make a calm judgment.

And then, Iris extended both hands toward the man's right shoulder and activated light magic.

"I will heal you."


Suddenly, a magic circle appeared, representing the activation of magic. It infused a faint light into the man's right arm. Since it was a healing magic, the man felt a strange sense of fatigue dissipating.

"There, you're healed. I don't think any medical fees are necessary."

"Well, um... uh..."

"I don't think any medical fees are necessary."


"I don't think any medical fees are necessary."


The man must have felt overwhelmed by Iris's constant smile. Moreover, he had lost the excuse to extort money through healing magic. He could only nod in agreement.

Upon hearing his response, Iris swiftly returned to Shu's left arm and pressed against him once again.

"Well then, let's go, Shu-san!"

"Yeah, let's."

The man, who had never experienced such a response before, stared blankly at the backs of Shu and Iris.

Even though he could be easily recognized as a formidable man at first glance, his dumbfounded expression made him look utterly foolish.


A dimly lit tavern in the capital city of Drain, located in the Kingdom of Eldorado. The trio led to the back of the tavern were engaged in a quiet conversation without touching the drinks prepared for them.

"Hey, are you sure it'll be alright?"

"No problem. It's thanks to Count Bold's introduction. You guys also know that Count Bold is one of the few people who will support us, right?"

"How pathetic. If you're a man, act confidently like the le... like a leader."

The person referred to as the leader had their face covered by a hood, rendering their features invisible. However, judging by their build and voice, it was clear that they were a man.

Moreover, it could easily be deduced from the title "leader" that he held a position of authority among the three.

"Rail is too timid."

"Hey, quit your whining, Rilia! Say 'cautious' instead!"

"It's not wrong to call him a coward, is it? He's always hiding behind the leader's back."

"I'm not good at fighting. Can't help it."

"Am I inferior even to a woman like me?"

"What did you say?!"

"You two, quiet down."

Seeing Rail and Rilia arguing, the man referred to as the leader reprimanded them in exasperation. Although the room had been soundproofed to some extent, it wasn't foolproof. Unnecessary noise was to be avoided.

Startled by the leader's words, Rail and Rilia quickly regained their composure and fell silent.

The leader addressed them.

"I understand your concerns. We're going to request an assassination from the underground organization Black Cat. It's true that this strays a bit from our principles. However..."

"We understand, leader."

"We're convinced as well. This country has reached a point of no return."

"I see."

As the leader muttered those words, a knock echoed in the room. Finally, it seemed that someone from the Black Cat side had arrived. Rail approached the door and cautiously opened it.

Standing there was the owner of the tavern.

"I've brought the client, as requested."

With just those words, the tavern's master turned around and left. Then, two people who had been concealed behind the broad back of the master came into view.

A young man and woman.

That was the impression Rail had. Both had black hair and were quite attractive. It was a little hard to believe that these two were members of the Black Cat. However, considering that they were brought by the master, Rail decided to assume they were genuine and allowed them into the room.

"Please come in."


As soon as the two entered, Rail closed the door and returned to the leader's side. At that moment, the man and woman took a seat facing each other across the table, ready to start their conversation.

Thus, Rail spoke first.

"Will you accept the request?"

"For now, yeah. On the contrary, let me ask you, are we taking on an assassination request?"

"That's correct."

Once the conversation fell into place, they got down to the main topic.

That's when the leader, a man, spoke up.

"We are the Revolutionary Army Rebellion. We're not just fighting against the corruption rooted in the Kingdom of Eldorado... We're fighting to free the people from the oppression of the Great Empire. And I am the leader, Reinwald."

"The Revolutionary Army Rebellion... huh."

Shu had also been listening to the conversation.

It was an organization that aimed to overthrow the Great Empire, which had subjected its vassal states to oppressive rule and decay. Shu also knew that they were engaged in scattered activities in various places.

However, it was a surprise to see that the man in front of him was their leader.

"Well, it doesn't matter much to me. Who is the target for assassination? Who and where?"

"Before that, I have something to ask."

"...If I can answer, I will."

"Do you have unquestionable skills? Let me make it clear, the assassinations we request are of nobles or higher. They will have considerable protection. Assassination will be extremely difficult."

Shu understood what Reinwald wanted to say.

Certainly, Shu looked young and didn't seem to have the ability. However, Shu himself was the world's strongest class, a royal monster who had stepped into the realm of magic. Whether they were nobles or members of the royal family, he could assassinate them if he was asked to.

Shu possessed that level of ability.

"No problem. If you pay the price, I'll kill anyone you want."

Reinwald hesitated whether he could trust those words. However, this was a talent brought by the Black Cat, a powerful underground organization with significant influence in the territories of the Great Empire. His skills were undoubtedly real.

Moreover, Reinwald had come here because he had the introduction of Viscount Bold, the only person he could trust in the Kingdom of Eldorado.

Therefore, he had made up his mind.

He had never intended to rely on the underground organization with an optimistic mindset.

"...Let's talk about the details of the request."

Reinwald began to speak quietly.