
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Devouring Darkness - Part 1

News of a wyvern nest infested with poisonous flying dragons, Wyverns, near the capital city of the Elise Republic, Altar, quickly spread among the citizens. However, surprisingly, there was little chaos. Wyverns, known as powerful creatures, are considered mid-tier among the Dragon species, requiring mages of Rank D or higher for subjugation.

If it were known that a powerful individual of the Wyvern species had established a nest, it would typically cause widespread panic.

However, the Church announced the dispatch of the Holy Knight Order, which resulted in minimal confusion. Furthermore, the current S-Rank Holy Knight, Cellestar Altrain, had arrived, creating surplus forces. Thus, it became possible to send the knights affiliated with the Altar Cathedral.

Upon learning of this, the citizens found solace.

Another contributing factor to this calmness was the parade that took place during their departure.

"Boss, it looks like the information is accurate, right?"

"There truly isn't a Sealed Holy Knight among them?"

"No, we couldn't confirm."

"Good... Then we shall proceed with the plan."

"Understood, boss."

The boss of the dark organization, Firegrass, quietly chuckled with satisfaction. Their organization had long resented the Church after their former boss was killed in the purge by the Holy Knights. This incident presented a perfect opportunity for their revenge.

Initially, they were cautious of the S-Rank Holy Knight, Cellestar, but he remained in Altar. The Church's announcement stated that they were keeping their highest fighting force in place to reassure the citizens.

"Foolish fools. Power should be utilized to be justified. Unused money is nothing more than worthless paper. Don't you agree?"

"You are absolutely right."

The boss of Firegrass chuckled with his nose, seeking agreement from his subordinate. The subordinate, seemingly sharing the same mindset, grinned and nodded.

Certainly, even if it was a mid-tier like the Wyverns, it was standard practice to deploy significant forces to the front lines. The enemy this time was not human but a monster. There was no need to be overly cautious.

On the contrary, it was the correct decision to crush them with their highest fighting force.

That's why both the boss and his subordinate chuckled with their noses.

"How is the positioning?"

"It's already perfect. This is the revenge we've longed for. Our subordinates are also highly motivated, you know?"

"Kukuku. Excellent."

"The number of dispatched Holy Knights is thirty. Our force consists of fifty mages ranked from C to A. Moreover, we will strike when they are exhausted from the battle against the poisonous flying dragons, Wyverns. We will undoubtedly win."

The boss nodded in agreement while his subordinate displayed a relaxed expression.

Unaware that this was a trap set by the Church, and oblivious to Red Claw's ulterior motives, the two raised their glasses and toasted with the wine they poured.

This conversation took place on the top floor of a building facing the main street.


A small forest, quite far from Alta.

There, the nest of the venomous Wyvern, a Poisonous Flying Dragon, was located. Thirty Holy Knights had already activated their Magic Armor and were approaching the nest while concealing their presence.

Furthermore, there was a large group observing them from a far distance.

"Keke... How does it look?"

"Just as I thought, they're heading toward the nest."

"What fools, keke."

The one in charge of organizing the Fire Grass Magic Armor users was the A-rank Magic Armor user, Goldie. However, due to his personality issues, he usually had an assistant with him.

And so, a Magic Armor user with long-range perception observed the Holy Knights while waiting for them to exhaust themselves.

"It seems like the battle is about to begin."

"Is that so?"

"A magical formation has been deployed. Most likely, it's advanced magic."

At that moment, the assistant said that, and in the distance, an explosion could be heard. It was probably the Flame Attribute Seventh Tier Magic, "Great Explosion Explosion." This magic caused a wide-range explosion, and even among the Holy Knights, there were surprisingly few who could activate it.

In essence, magic is considered an advanced skill.

It is an ability to forcefully alter the world using magical power, and the imagination is considered crucial. To be precise, thoughts are projected onto the world by means of magical particles called magical power, and that projection manifests as magic. The magical formation deployed during the activation phase is a shape created by a person that the world can understand.

The larger the magic used, the more incredible thinking power and speed are required. Chanting serves to compensate for that, so it would become easier with practice.

However, at the current stage, being able to use advanced magic is equivalent to being a prodigy.

"Tch! Those church people have it easy, don't they? Being able to use the latest magic."

"The research of the magicians is also mandatory to be submitted. Well, it's limited to magicians registered in the country."

Magicians also have a strong scholarly aspect.

They conduct various studies on magic, such as making it easier to activate or adding modifications to existing magic to make it more manageable. And in the Holy Kingdom of Grinia and its vassal states, the research of magicians is designated as a mandatory submission.

In other words, there is significance in the underground organization conducting research on magic.

By doing so, they can acquire significant power.

Surprisingly, the world of magic still has a long way to go. Beyond advanced magic, there is greater magic, tactical-level magic, and strategic-level magic, which surpass the abilities of ordinary Magic Armor users. Magic research is essential for warfare.

In that sense, the Holy Kingdom of Grinia, which consolidates the research achievements of magic, can be considered efficient.

"Oh my, oh my? There are still eight Poison Wyverns remaining."

"Thanks to the advanced magic earlier, huh?"

"Seems like it. But did the Poison Wyverns catch on to our last move?"

"Hehehe! The Poison Wyverns are taking flight!"

In the distance, eight Poison Wyverns soared through the sky, exhaling purple flames. These fireballs contained poison, dispersing toxins into the air upon explosion. Therefore, controlling the wind was essential to exterminate the Poison Wyverns.

Alternatively, the power to defeat the Poison Wyverns unilaterally from a distance was necessary.

"Prepare yourselves. Create a encirclement."

"Understood, Goldie-san."

"Hehehehe! The feast begins! Right, everyone?"


Small cheers rose as the Firegrass Magic Knights unfolded their respective magic armaments.

From now on, they would avenge the previous boss.

That was the only thing on their minds.

They never even imagined that they were being monitored.


Far away, Shu and Iris observed everything. They were on top of a large tree, both standing on its thick branches.

The Holy Knights fighting the Poison Wyverns. The Dark Organization, Firegrass, deploying an encirclement around them. Another Dark Organization, Red Claw, observing from a different location. Finally, the Dark Organization, Lotus, attempting to watch from a high vantage point by masking their scent and magical reactions as much as possible.

The stage was perfectly set.

"I never thought that 'Takame' would go this far."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Because of this chaotic battle, the four factions continued to fight without retreating. There were indeed many magical sources scattered around their surroundings, which some of the Dark Organization members must have sensed.

However, due to the extremely chaotic situation, there was no room for suspicion. They even mistook the magical power of the enemy's Dark Organization as their own separate unit.

"If all of this was triggered by one person's information, it's terrifying. In a sense, scarier than the 'Grim Reaper'."

"That's right."

Even Shu, who was easily enticed by money, couldn't argue because he had fallen for it. And 'Takame' had manipulated such a large organization. At worst, it would be wise to assume that Shu and the others were deceived or important information was being concealed.

That's why they were observing from a distance that even magical power detection couldn't reach.

"By the way, it's strange. Why can we see faraway places with circular water?"

"The refractive index of light is different in air and water. By utilizing that, we can observe distant scenes. Normally, it's done with glass or something, but if you use two lenses cleverly, you can achieve this. It's an application of combined magic to manipulate water and teleportation magic."

"I still don't understand at all."

"I figured as much."

Accurately speaking, I manipulate light with vibration magic and adjust the focus.

But since Iris wouldn't understand anyway, I chose not to say anything.

"Hikusa has already completed the encirclement. We have Akatsume to the southeast, Yoirenka to the east, and us coming from the north. There might be other organizations as well."

"Can't you sense them, Shu-san?"

"Well, I have a means to deal with the worst-case scenario. Usually, things work out fine."

Shu's death magic has various applications. That's because it doesn't possess the power to kill living beings but rather the power to completely deprive them of energy. It can even kill magical power.

"You won't use that pitch-black magic?"

"You mean 'Gluttonous Black Crystal Belze Material'? Are you kidding? We would get caught up in it too."

"I suppose you're right."

"If I were to use anything, it would be 'Slash Void Territory Divider Line.' Thanks to evolving into the Primordial Spirit Alpha Spirit, my control has improved, and the range has expanded, making it more convenient to use."

However, Shu doesn't intend to fight much. If he were to reveal his power, it would be after the appearance of the trump card of the Holy Knight Order, Celstar.

Hikusa, Akatsume, and Yoirenka will be lured out, and Celstar, an S-rank holy knight, will wipe them out in one fell swoop.

That is the most critical part of the plan this time.

And Shu's aim is solely Celstar.

He has no interest in other dark organizations.

That's why he entrusts the three-way battle between the Holy Knight Order and the three dark organizations to Iris.

"Use the Eighth Staircase of the Wind, the Grand Discharge. You shouldn't have used it in actual combat yet."

"Oh, that? Hmm... There's a chance it might fail, you know?"

"If that happens, so be it. This time it's an experiment. Besides, I'll assist you to expand the scale. There won't be any failure."

The Eighth Staircase is a high-level magic known as the Grand Magic. It involves releasing a wide range of high-power electric currents, known as the Grand Discharge. Shu intends to assist Iris by manipulating the electrons and expanding the effective range.

"...Is it about time?"

Shu looked into the distance and adjusted the lens made of water. When it focused, he could see the figure of a fire grass attacking a Holy Knight in the distance. The venomous wyverns were already exhausted, and blood was flowing in abundance.

If the viewpoint shifted to another location, Red Claws waited for an opportunity, while the Demonic Lotus observed from an even larger perspective.

"The chaos is about to begin. Iris, start the incantation."

"Yes, understood."

Following Shu's instructions, Iris began chanting the Grand Discharge, which she had never used in actual combat before. As she did, a pale blue magic circle appeared above her head. The magic circle gradually became more intricate, forming a massive pattern.

However, casting a high-level magic like the Grand Discharge took time.

During that time, Shu prepared dismantling magic by covering his right hand. By extracting electrons from molecular bonds, he would assist Iris. A pale blue magic circle emerged from the tip of his right hand.

"Iris, calm down. Electrons are what generate electricity. It's not an incomprehensible phenomenon like thunder. Imagine electrons going wild and rampaging through space."


"There is meaning in the incantation. Feel it, visualize it, and let it ride on your thoughts."

Mana is a pathway.

A conduit to carry one's thoughts.

At the same time, it is also a form of energy that must be transformed into a shape suitable for magic. Iris focused on that.

(But still...)

While Shu observed the chaotic battlefield using the simultaneous activation of his water-based magic for distant viewing, he searched for a particular person.

(I can't see Sylstar Altrain anywhere. According to the plan, he should definitely appear. Where could he be hiding? Even if he's using recognition interference, he's too strong.)

Shu felt suspicious about the S-rank Holy Knight whose presence was invisible.