
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: The Black Scars

Eight days had passed since the capital of the Kingdom of Rhamza was obliterated.

The S-rank Magic Knight Corps, dispatched from the Holy Kingdom of Grinia, had arrived. They would soon be shocked by the devastation they witnessed.

"Captain Altrain, I have a report..."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"We haven't found any survivors, and there isn't a single piece of debris in the area where the capital used to be. Judging from the traces, it seems that it was annihilated by an immensely powerful magic spell."

"As expected."

Altrain bit his lip.

He had rushed to the capital in accordance with the prophecy of the Divine Princess, but it was already too late. The capital of the Kingdom of Rhamza had completely vanished. The crater that remained was so cold that it was difficult to approach, as if the Forbidden Frost magic had been used. However, the scars resembled those caused by a fire magic spell, making it impossible to determine what kind of magic had been used.

In the first place, there was no magic spell known to completely obliterate a city without leaving a single trace.

Even the Fifteenth Tier Magic known as Divine Incantation was of uncertain feasibility.

However, considering the complete disappearance of the capital, it could be provisionally concluded that the magic spell used was Divine Incantation. Undoubtedly, a "King" demon had appeared.

In other words, the demon who called himself the Dark King Arklight was undoubtedly the king.

"Have there been any new communications from our homeland?"

"No, nothing in particular. If anything, our homeland is seeking information from us."

"A mysterious king... the Dark King Arklight, huh..."

Equipped with magical tools that allowed long-distance communication, Altrain maintained close contact with the Magia Grand Cathedral in the Holy Kingdom of Grinia. The farther the distance, the more magical power was consumed, but for Altrain, an awakened S-rank Magic Knight, it was not a problem.

"I also have new orders."

"What are they?"

"Our Sealing Holy Knight Order is to investigate the Dark King Arklight and, if possible, subjugate him."

"That's insane! The Dark King Arklight is at least a Catastrophe Disaster-class. Considering the collapse of the Rhamza Kingdom's army, he's a Ruin-class threat. We won't stand a chance with just our unit, especially if it's Ruin-class..."

According to the classification of demons, a Catastrophe Disaster-class could be defeated by a single S-rank Magic Knight. However, once it reached the Ruin-class, it became impossible to subjugate with a military force alone and required multiple S-rank Magic Knights.

Since the strength of the Dark King Arklight was still unclear, the order to subjugate him was an absurd command, investigation aside.

"There's no other choice, I suppose."

However, Altrain shrugged his shoulders as he answered.

"That's because the homeland is wary of the new king. The divine princess prophesied that he would bring calamity. It's only natural for them to wish for his subjugation."


"When I received the final communication from the Church of the Kingdom of Ramza, it mentioned that the Dark King has the power to manipulate 'death.' I want to investigate based on this."

From Altrain's resolute demeanor, it could be felt that he had made up his mind.

Even the subordinate paladins, who were also vice-captains, did not further pursue the matter.

"Then, let's camp here tonight and expand our journey to the surrounding cities and nations starting tomorrow. We might be able to gather some information."

"That's right. The Dark King is said to be accompanied by a witch who betrayed the Church. So, make sure to focus the investigation on a male and female duo."


The vice-captain responded and hurried off to the other paladins and knights who were preparing the camp. Observing their retreating figures, Altrain indulged in his thoughts.

(The Demon King who slaughtered innocent people... I will definitely subjugate him.)

Altrains eyes were filled with determination.


In the northwestern region of the practically collapsed Kingdom of Ramza, there existed a country called the Elise Republic. This country was also a vassal of the Holy Grinia and was a republic with the Demon God religion as its national religion.

Elected representatives governed the country in each city, and they had no dedicated military forces. Instead, the external defense was entrusted to the Church's holy knights. In return, there was a police organization, and the country appeared to have good public order as they regularly patrolled.

However, behind the scenes, embezzlement and political corruption were rampant, causing problems in those areas. Factional disputes among the representatives were intense, and it was a country where assassinations were carried out without hesitation.

In the capital city of Alta, Shu Arklight and Iris Silverbullet had infiltrated.

"So this is the rumored Alta."

"It's famous as a tourist destination! The parliamentary hall has an open garden, and many tourists enjoy meals and games there."

"Oh, I see."

In this country, internal security was well-maintained by the police organization, and perhaps due to the income from tourism, it was easy to enter the city. There were no taxes, and no identification was required. It was unusual for a walled city.

The roads were paved, and the cityscape was beautifully organized.

Smiles could be seen on the faces of people passing by.

"Shu-san, Shu-san, look! They're selling a specialty dish with ingredients sandwiched between bread!"

"I got it, I got it. If you want it, go buy it."


"Are you a child?"

While feeling exasperated with Iris, who is twenty years old, Shu sees her off.

In the meantime, Shu secures a nearby bench and decides to sit there and wait. It seems that this street has many shops catering to tourists, and there are also numerous stalls lined up, resembling a festival.

There are many people walking along the street, and the whole street is bustling.

(But... I don't have any money.)

Shu observes the cheerful tourists and inwardly laments. As a monster, Shu naturally doesn't have any money and is in need of work.

By the way, Iris has money because she helped a merchant escape from monsters on the way to Alta. Shu tried to ignore it, but Iris intervened and swept them away with wind magic. She received money as thanks.

(Even if I don't need food expenses, Iris does... I have to find a way to earn money somehow.)

If Shu can't at least support Iris, he would be a worthless man. He helped Iris out of necessity. He considers it his responsibility to protect Iris, who has been recognized as a witch by the church.

Additionally, the fact that Iris has feelings for him is also one of the reasons.

Aside from being a love between a human and a monster, it's pathetic not to be able to reciprocate anything. For now, he still thinks of Iris as a troublesome younger sister. The truth is that he wants to be able to support her if he can't return her feelings with his own.

"...But she's taking too long. Spending too much time just buying food."

Shu, who had stopped his contemplation, looks for Iris. It's difficult to find her in the crowd, but he thought that he could locate her by using his magical perception to sense Iris's magic power.

Iris is a high-ranking magic armor user and possesses a large amount of magic power. She should be easily detected even through sensing.

He was feeling quite confident.


After searching for Iris's magic power for nearly ten seconds, Shu is seized by a bad premonition.

Could it be that she got lost just a little bit away...? He desperately wanted to think that wasn't the case.

"...That idiot got lost."

He had completely forgotten, but Iris is directionally challenged. On top of that, she's a klutz. She's a foolish girl.

It's unexpected for her to get lost in such a short time, and Shu becomes flustered as well.

(...Is Iris's magic power over there?)

For the time being, Shu expands his perception and tries to perceive a familiar magic power. He heads in that direction. It's difficult to make progress due to the crowd, but if he hurries, he should be able to catch up.

"Since it's impossible to materialize in the city, I have no choice but to continue searching as it is. Even after evolving into the Primordial Spirit, Alpha Spirit, it was of no use in a situation like this."

"I'll give her a lecture once I find her."

Muttering such words, Shu hurried down towards Iris.


"Hmm... I'm in trouble."

While eating a freshly bought bread, Iris let out a groan.

She got separated from Shu while being attracted by the lined-up food stalls, then got lost in unfamiliar alleys while searching for Shu, and ended up not even knowing the way back by trying to take a shortcut through the backstreets.

She was the epitome of a typical scatterbrained lost child.

"I've ended up in a somewhat unsafe place, you know."

Even if the public security in the Elise Republic was good and Alta focused on tourism, shadows would form somewhere in the shining places. This was an alley that led to Alta's slum district, rarely visited by anyone. The only people who came here were those who had connections to the back or were petty criminals.

In other words, Iris, who appeared cute, wore beautiful clothes, and gave off an innocent vibe, was the perfect target.

"Hey, missy. What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Heh heh heh... You're eating something delicious, huh?"

"This ain't the kind of place you should be adventuring in, you know?"


Iris let out a foolish voice when someone called out to her from behind. When she turned around, three rough-looking men were standing there. They wore tattered and dirty clothes, and their bodies were covered in grime. They were dressed like vagrants.

"You're quite cute, aren't ya?"

"Yeah. I'll show you a good time."

"We'll make you feel real good. Gyahaha!"

Iris was indeed twenty years old. Although she was a scatterbrained person, she wasn't so naive as to not understand the situation. Considering her background as a Holy Knight, she could predict the intentions of the three men.

"That won't work. I already have someone I want to devote myself to!"

"Hey, hey... She's not interested."

"I'll entertain you more than that guy."

"Well, she doesn't have the right to refuse, though!"

The men had no intention of letting Iris escape.

Starting with those words, they launched their attack. However, Iris calmly activated her magic.

"This is the First Step of Wind: Impact."


Blown away by the invisible impact, the men rolled on the ground. Seeing the magic circle unfold in an instant, they realized that Iris was using magic.

However, she had used the First Step.

It wasn't a particularly strong magic.

In fact, the men only felt a dull pain, without any serious injuries. This infuriated the men even more.


"Don't think we'll forgive you just because you screamed. Well, if you show sincerity, I might consider it."

"Yeah. We've got the underground guild 'Black Cat' backing us up. It's too late to regret now, huh?"

"...'Black Cat'?"

While frowning, Iris murmured softly.

As a former holy knight, she knew about the famous underground organization. It had a significant presence not only in the Holy Kingdom of Grinia and its vassal states but also in the Western Empire. Its true nature was hardly known, and even if one thought they had evidence, it would slip away like a cat through their fingers.

It was said to have many undercover magic knights, and the Demon God Church, which recognized only magic knights outside of the church and national army, was pursuing the Black Cat.

(Black Cat is backing up such small-time punks?)

In that instant, Iris's mind wandered.

"Sorry, but this foolish girl is mine. I won't let you touch her."




Suddenly, Shu appeared from somewhere and rendered the punks powerless in an instant.

He must be considerate not to kill them here. Although a few bones might be broken.

"Ah, Shu-san."

"This fool."

"I got huuuurt!"

"Don't get lost right away."

Iris, who was struck on the head with a karate chop, held her aching head and teared up. However, Shu showed no mercy. He repeatedly swung his hand down lightly and continued lecturing her.

"Why do you get lost so easily in a moment? Huh?"

"It hurts, it hurts so much! If you hit me so much, I'll become an idiot!"

"You have always been an idiot."

"It's so cruel!"

While Iris protested with tears, Shu ignored her completely.

The three punks groaning behind them were completely ignored as well.

"Moreover, don't get lost in the back alleys. At least wander on the main streets."

"Hmm... I thought it would be a shortcut."

"That's a typical pattern for someone who's lost."

Shu wore an exasperated expression.

However, his expression suddenly sharpened. Shu gathered magical power in his right hand, creating a formless magic bullet, a type of unstructured magic. He aimed it at the wall of the alleyway and released it.

The wall's pattern dodged the magic bullet.

More precisely, something integrated with the wall's pattern had evaded it.


"Quiet. Who are you?"

Shu quickly embraced Iris and addressed the entity that was still camouflaged among the wall's pattern. The pattern crumbled, revealing a masked man clad in black garments. The mask concealed only the eyes and nose, allowing the movement of his mouth to be visible.

"Oh my, to think that my camouflage would be exposed... You have an impressive magic-sensing ability."

"An adaptation of the Wind's Second Staircase, Wind Barrier Veil, I suppose. What do you want? Answer quickly."

"Don't be alarmed. I have business with those punks lying over there."

"Those guys?"

Shu tilted his head.

He momentarily considered that they might be petty thugs, but quickly dismissed the thought. They lacked the distinctive atmosphere of serious criminals.

Though he hadn't expected much, Shu decided to ask just to be sure.

"By the way, what's the reason?"

"Well, you see, I'm actually a member of the underworld organization 'Black Cat.'"

"'Black Cat'!? Is that true!?"

Shu, who intended to straightforwardly ask for the reason, and Iris were both surprised by the mention of 'Black Cat.'

And it was because they saw the expressions of surprise on their faces.

The masked man began to explain the reason with a mischievous expression, resembling that of a child who had succeeded in a prank.