
Chapter 1(the jealous goddess )

Iong ago,the great god zues had a baby son

Called hercules .All other gods loved him but only one did not .

The goddess hera was jealous of hercules from the start . ,"I will soon rid of him,thought hera . She sent two poisonous snakes to him , But hercules was already so strong he strangled the snake easily .Hera was furious .As he grew up,hercules got stronger and stronger .One day he had that a wicked lord was stealing horse from the king hercules challenged the lord to a battle . Then he waited on a narrow path and ,all on his own , he killed the lords soldiers,one by one .

The king was delighted .

"thank you very much the king said ."you may marry my daughter merga as a reward .

Hercules and merga were very happy and they gave birth to 3 children .hercules loved teaching them everything he knew .but hera grew jealous ."I will put a spell on him"said hera .under the spell hercules killed his beloved sons .what have I done?he cried.