
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon energy for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Weird core 3

Inside the Castle they found a huge throne room illuminated by a silver chandelier hung at the middle of the throne room and light crystals scattered everywhere. At the middle of the of the throne room was a a large and throne made of gold and silver Lucien felt oddly attracted to the throne and his subconsciously walked towards it, when he reached the large throne he saw he saw a black stone with exclusive silver patterns placed on the throneseat, out of curiosity he picked up the stone, immediately he touched the stone it gave out a dull glow and he pocketed it making sure that the brothers didn't notice.

"bro we are rich, these are white crystals of at least grade 2 and the throne is made out of real gold, I told you that there would be more treasures in here" the man on glasses said to the other "well I think you're right" the other one mumbled

the duo were still discussing when the door of the throne suddenly open and a girl with short silver hair and killer figures together with a beautiful appearance walked in, the girl was all about 6. 5 ft tall and was quite busty, her appearance could be considered pearless and many men would have being smitten by her it but her silver furry wolf ears and how long tail wood cause those men to change their mind and run away in an instant "that's a mmmm mayhem" Lucien sluttered "I thought this was a gray portal, what's a mayhem doing here?" the man without glasses asked hysterically his face had become a pale due to fright

the mayhem calmly scammed across the room with knitted brows her eyes seems to search for something she disregarded her trembling visitors and kept on looking at the throne, she released a murderous aura after some moments of silence "where is it?" she asked angrily "who took it!!?" she yelled and a huge pressure descended upon the trio, she released a loud howl and her bones began cracking I'm in a blink of an eye she morphed to a 16 ft humanoid wolf with white furs her constricted silver eyes we are staring at the unwelcome the visitors and she open her elongated mouth revealing the neatly arranged canines "who took it!!!?" the girl who is now a werewolf asked and she dashed at the two holders without waiting for an answer both men shot out multiple water slashes and bullets at the incoming werewolf unfortunately for them their attacks barely dealt a damage to the werewolves hides, is defence was surprisingly astonishing

"so do we have water type holders"

Lucien mumbled, he gently dropped his backpack and fled. The werewolf of course noticed his actions but she totally ignored him, his aura was the weakest of the three and to her he's just a prey that was delaying the inevitable. the werewolf took only some minutes detach the heads of the core holders from their body

"is not here" she mumbled after sniffing both bodies, "the other boy must have been with it how dare him take my Master's core" the werewolf was clearly and raised enraged

" I will show him who is the real predator" she howled and dashed out of the throne room

Lucien ran till he reached a place deep inside the forest 4 m away from him was a huge gold furred lion with blazing whiskers limbs and tail sleeping leisurely on the floor "f*** another high-grade mystic" Lucian thought "damn, how can this guy be taking a nap while am being Chased by a werewolf"Lucien cursed his faith, the weird thing was that after the cursing he grinned the next instant.

he caught open his left palm and placed some of his blood beside the corpse of a huge brown wolf that have been mercilessly devoured, it seemed to be the Lion's recently meal then he ran out of the place, he ran till he reached a huge waterfall. he tried climbing the waterfall so that he could wash off his smell and make the werewolf unable to tracking without magic and also to get to the other side of the portal unfortunately for him he slipped from one of his Boulder, the Blackstone with weird s silver patterns flew from his pocket to his mouth while Lucien hit his head on a rock and fell into the waterfall completely unconscious.