
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon faces for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death" My discord: Terrorsovereign 4389.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Mysterious werewolf

Commander gordon looked inquiry at ling after he finished talking.

"she speaks the truth"

ling added calmly. commander gordon asked Lora some questions which she kept on answering vaguely.

after the questions, commander gorden gave up on trying to retrieve information from the stubborn girl, every single person in the room knew that she was hiding something yet she refused to talk.

if not for her background the would have called a holder with mind reading affinity.

"your father is waiting outside for you. you can go now"

gordon dismissed her and she left after performing a light bow.

" my Savior is definitely a human, but the goblins called him a werewolf. but there is no such thing as a half werewolf. I managed to hide some details from that troublesome commander and I can only hope he drops the investigation or it will only be a matter of time before he finds out about my savior "

Lora inwardly mumbled to herself as she left the building.

" I have a feeling that we will meet again Savior. and this time I'll l never let you go"

she grinned and let out cute cackles.

Duke wane an S grade holder and Lora's father saw his only child grinning mischievously and subconsciously walking to towards him.

her eyes were filled with passionate obsession and her mouth curled mischievously.

he cringed inwardly and shuddered subconsciously.

" what's world is going on in that naughty head of hers?. has she lost it?."

wane thought but he dared no voice them out.

"commander, there is something more to this than meets the eye"

ling said seriously immediately lora was gone. his playful and lazy attitude had suddenly vanished.

Gordon was shocked by ling's change of tone "care to explain"

" the remains of the goblins showed that they were brutally eaten but there was no signs of a werewolf at that place only humans and goblins were detected. we used a grade six Scent detector but there was no werewolf presence" ling replied

" and what are you implying?"

gordon asked curiously

"I'm implying is that is either that the werewolf had learnt how to morph his paws into hands or there was no werewolf there at all. werewolves that have that high morphing trait are either werewolves of high nobility or higher leveled ones. let alone goblins none of those bunch would ever eat animal that is below D grade yet this one ate the whole members of a settlement, that comprises of Frank goblins!!. it just doesn't make sense". gorden looked at the serious ling and his eyes flickered. he was clearly digesting and contemplating on his words. yet, no matter how he thought about it. it's all just doesn't make sense.

"I have enough yet I have a feeling that it was a werewolf that saved them and that he probably did it due to the influence of tomorrow's full moon"

ling added. he seemed to have sensed his commander's dilemma.

" you're right. I heard that the Blue Moon has calming effects on the werewolves"

gordon agreed.

"that's what I first thought but even if they've werewolf was highly trained and could morph his paws,he was still bounded by his primal bloodline, he had to fight as a werewolf at some point" ling added with a light frown

" let's just keep investigating for now"

gordon finally said and coupled it with a sigh and Ling nodded.

" those overgrown dogs are in for a huge surprise, I heard from a reliable source that the MVO had decided to join the explorer and adventurers guild in tomorrow's dog hunt and organised is special event for their members even the Dark are making their movements" gordon smirked and went back to his paper work.

ling looked at the tired commander whom was trying to keep himself busy but his face was clearly conflicted and sighed.

" commander don't you think it's time you take some time off and go on a vacation?"

ling asked

"I know. but the I have to do this. the military exams for the new rookies is just around the corner" gordon replied nonchalantly

" fine then. forget I ever asked"

[ daily quest completed 5/5 ]

level: 10/10 (19,040/1,500) exp

"let's go inside"

Lucien woke up his sister and stood up.

dea looked at her watch and saw that it had been 3 hours she looked at lucien shook her head.

"how does he always know that it was three hours despite not putting on any watch?".

Lucien told dea not to bother with his dinner and went to his room. he ate 3 steaks immediately and quench his growing hunger " only 8 steaks remaining. I need to refill"

Lucien thought before he was slowly drifted to sleep.

late at night, Lucien's room opened and dea entered inside while he was asleep and began ransacking his wardrobe.

she found the clothes that Lucian had worn when he saw fighting the goblins, the clothes had dried up but it's still had stains of green blood.

" why does his clothes reek of blood, what is big brother actually doing"

dea thought.

she dropped the clothes, arranged his clothes and went back to her room.