
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon faces for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death" My discord: Terrorsovereign 4389.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
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38 Chs

extermination 4

"how can you start having the fun without me"

the goblin King heard a disappointed whisper from behind. the voice was full of mockery. turning, he saw a blue haired individual gently walking towards him.

"you don't smell human, what are you"

the red goblin asked, he was extremely alarmed.

" can't they mask tell " Lucian replied with a question of his own.

" when did the werewolves start having complete human features"

the goblin King thought. his expression took 90° turn after hearing him. his cold and cruel face turned compassionate and benevolent. "e-ee-rrmm, mister werewolf, what is that you seek in my territory, perhaps I could help a bit" he asked in a friendly tone and Lucien smirked

"my accomplice from the gnome tribe showed me a treasure cave that help me quite a lot and a return for his favour he ask for the salvation of his tribe and the extermination of yours. let's start with your head"

lucien replied as he did a 'bring it' gesture to the goblin.

" look, my good sir, don't you think there is a way of bagainig out of this?"

the goblin King asked

"nope, unlike you low life scums, I keep my words" Lucien retorted coldly. this coward was beginning to annoy him.

immediately, a loud explosion was heard by the duo.

" oh, I guess ob should be freeing the prisoners and his shackled brethren now"

lucien said to the hearing of the startled goblin.

" human head towards West of this settlement where they prisoners dwell and search for a gnome named ob, tell him I sent you"Lucien told the pale girl, completely disregarding the shocked goblin.

" the girl's eyes lit up with a bit of hope and she West immediately ran west abandoning the bowl of fruits.

the goblin King stared at her disappearing figure with a pained heart.

" Mr werewolf, can't we not bargain this in a more peaceful, don't mean to treat you. but you know that you are currently a mile in my territory and there is one of you and plenty of Us" the goblin King said slowly as his mouth curled up and his eyes narrowed viciously

"scan" Lucien mumbled while staring at the goblin King.


Name: dak

specie: fire-end goblin

bloodline: fire

rank: low d grade

threat level: 57% (quite significant )

status: confident

lucien finished scanning the goblin King and brought back his attention only to see him still blabbing.

he the gently picked up a smooth little stone and slinged it with all of his BP towards the green tent opposite the goblin King's throne

"you talk too much"he mumbled softly.

the stone created a small hole at both sides of the tent and coupled with his strength outburst the poorly made tent collapsed on impact revealing over 60 goblins.

3 were over 18ft and were holding different sharp weapons behind this huge ones were over 10 hobgoblins ranging from 10 to 12 ft tall, then around them we are about 30 melee goblins and 25 long-ranged goblin archers.

going back to the champions.one of them was on his knees, green blood dripping from his mouth. his eyes we are wide open and blood profusely gushed out from the small hole on his chest.

" seems ob miscalculated there are three champions. or were three champions. one down"

lucien thought

the confident face of the King turned a bit panicy and he staggered back a little.

" now that I'm here " mumbled Lucie as he cracked his knuckles and neck

" let the fun begin!!"

he howled.

he swiftly evaded the champions and hogs dashing towards the archers.

within few minutes he had brutally massacred all of them and aimed at the melee goblins, his killing intent was fully unleashed.

don't forget to join my discord: terrorsovereign 4389

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