
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon energy for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Extermination 2

"The normal goblins are about 100 with about 30 hobgoblins, a goblin champion and with the goblin King making them over 130, they kidnap human females and mate with them. they captured me and my tribe of over 70 gnomes and turned us to slaves forcing us to work for them, now we are less than 50 because the goblins had killed all those who tried to rebel including our King they made us find treasures, build traps and walls for them and so many things. ob found a treasure cave but refused to tell his master. ob's master is a mean hobgoblin" the little gnome slowly explained.

the werewolf let out a soft sigh but it's eyes were filled with restrained rage "okay then lead me to the settlement"

Lucian said to ob

" follow me " ob said and Slittered away while Lucien silently followed from behind.

After some minutes, Lucien and the gnome reached a mini camp surrounded walls made of wooden stick.

"what a stinky settlement"

Lucien inwardly exclaimed.

inside the camp were poorly made dirty tents, some big while others small. but there was a slightly clean huge one at the middle, and erected beside it was a wooden throne and by the side was another green tent Lucien saw some gnomes working fearfully not even talking to their brethren and some abnormally large goblins coldly supervising them on their hands was a dirty horse whip.

"so the hobs command" lucent thought before shaking his head.

"if I don't come back after 4 hours come find me. go free the prisoners" Lucien said to the raging gnome and he left hurriedly.

Lucien waited till 5 Green short humanoids with extremely ugly face, uglier than that of the gnomes and bald heads. three held short rusted swords while other two held bows with crude arrows at their back.

finally what I have been waiting for. a patrol squad " Lucien sighed in relief .

he has been waiting for over 20 minutes, a werewolf patience patience can never be underestimated.

he smirked and equipped his daggers and immediately dashed inbetween the goblins swinging them horizontally.cleanly slicing of the head of the two archers.


[ bloodlust is rising...]



40 ....




[ for every 10 increase in blood lost temporal + 2 BP ]

Lucien accurately threw one of his daggers to one of the goblin with a sword killing it instantly. he grabbed a head of the nearest one and slammed it hard on the floor shattering the unfortunate one's head to paste then he looked at last standing goblin whom was already scared out of his wits with his glowing blue eyes that released red streaks. the goblin tried screaming for help but the next thing It saw was his upper back, the latter was too dumb to interpret his Faith, he simply widened his eyes till his upper body met the floor.

the prowess of a werewolf as one of the apex predators was really great. even if it was a newly turned. the last goblin couldn't even understand how it died.

Lucien looked at the dead bodies in distaste yet he subconsciously dived at them. sounds of bone cracking and the ripping of flesh could be heard as Lucien devoured the bodies of all of the goblins

"although is not as sweet as steak, is not as bitter as I had imagined. it even gives good rewards"Lucien thought as he looked at the holographic screen at his front.

[you have gained 250 exp ]

[ you have leveled up].

great news guys, am back. and their would daily update of this book for aleast two and half weeks. depending.

Then, on a more serious note I really don't like the growth of this book, no power stones nor comments and it's not encouraging at all. please try to vote and refer this book to your friends.

there's no way I improve if you guys don't comment about the book.

criticism is very much allowed.

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