
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon faces for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death" My discord: Terrorsovereign 4389.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
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38 Chs


[measuring bloodlust and sanity...]

[ sanity is greater than bloodlust, host would remain conscious ]

[ host would evolve in an hour ]

[ host would receive 500 exp every hour under the moon and would receive 2000 exp at the full moon's peak ]

lucien's malevolent aura slowly retracted and he felt the black mist that was covering his eyes and mind gradually dispersed.

Lucien spent some time going through the notifications before he began to examine his new body and his reflection

"lookin cool"

Lucien thought as in subconsciously wagged his half a meter tail. he tried speaking but could only let low growls

lucien widened his eyes as he felt the great changes that had occurred within his body. his physical attributes had increased by a large margin if not doubled. "system, show me my stats"

< ding! >

HP: 200/200 (80/80)

EP: 100/100 (70/70)

BP: 59 (39)

dex: 50 (30)

mind: 70 (30)

def: 50 (30)

"why am I so strong"

lucien thought while staring at his paws.

[ host's werewolf form also came with some benefits and was coupled with the benefits of the blue moon]

the system gave a short reply.

Lucien naturally had nothing to to do, so he decided to get used to his newfound strength until his so called evolution began.

he kept on doing sit ups and push ups till his system panel lit up

< ding! >

evolution would commence in




immediately after the countdown Lucien blacked out.

Lucien slowly woke up and found itself in a black space he was staring at his now enlarged system panel. it was at least 20 times the former size

[ welcome to evolution space host ]

[ searching for rare evolutionary trends... ]

[ none found ]

[ checking for mutations... ]

[ none found ]

[ host is evolving into a normal high werewolf... ]

[ please select a class to continue evolution ]

[ searching for compatible classes...]

[ seven found ]

[ please select carefully. chosen class can never be replaced ]

werewolf warrior (common):

a common werewolf class that deals devastating attacks and have great defence as well as great Dexility but low magical affinity and skills.

werewolf mage (uncommon):

an uncommon class of werewolves that have high energy capacity and devastating magical attacks as well as plentiful magic skills but deal low physical attacks.

werewolf mages have a very weak and fragile defence

werewolf Archer (uncommon)

an uncommon class of werewolves that deals long-ranged attacks. both physical and magical, but have low defence.

a werewolf archer doesn't dwell in melee combat.

werewolf cleric (rare):

a rare class of werewolves that deal on superior healing, have superior regeneration and uses average magical attacks.

clerics don't dwell on physical attacks.

werewolf tank (rare)

these classes of werewolves have superior defence and great physical attacks but weak magical attacks.

werewolf tanks are the perfect damage takers.

werewolf knight (unique):

a unique class of werewolves that deals in superior physical and magical attacks. werewolf knights have great defence, vitality, strength, agility, and mental prowess.

"WARNING": a werewolf knight is suited all round, but a knight can never become a king!!.

werewolf sage (???????):

a mysterious and extinct class.

a werewolf sage deals in all forms of attack physical, magical, spiritual and mental.

a werewolf sage has superior mental Prowess and superior intellect.

a werewolf sage is a typical 'jack of all trades and master of none'.