
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon faces for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death" My discord: Terrorsovereign 4389.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Blue Moon

"Took you long enough.you know, I was wondering why the cold lucien that's barely social would suddenly show up in my abode"

Kane said after sitting down on one of the sofas.

" I want you to vouch that I slept the night in your house even if they military should ask"

lucien said straight forwardly, he had suspected that Kane won't be buying it.

"and where would you be staying"

Kane asked with a light frown

"you know it would be pretty difficult if the military should get involved and the victim doesn't return alive" he added

"I'm spending the night in the outer Forest. I've successful integrated with an air type core and I'm going to the forest to get used to the power, I aly don't want much people knowing about it"

Lucien replied

" congratulations on finally achieving your dream"

Kane was naturally happy for lucien and went into deep thoughts

" this is just the beginning of my dream. getting to the end of my parents case is the next step"

lucien corrected inwardly while Kane was in deep thoughts

"okay I will help. when are you leaving?" he finally asked

" I will live by 6 pm and come back around 5 in the morning" Lucien replied

" thanks a lot. I owe you three now"

he added

" don't thank me yet. I haven't even completed the task " Kane shrugged nonchalantly

" The internet says that the full moon Bloom at 7 and would be at its peak by midnight. I should be able to reach deep inside the outer forest by then and would be far away from humans. they will probably freak out if they discover a high grade mayhem near the city " lucien thought

"I hope the information is authentic".

lucien and Kane played cards and games till it was nearing 6.

lucien them bade Kane good bye and left on his bike after changing his clothes. he planned on Masking his scent.

he arrived in front of the outer forest 20 minutes later and without further ado dashed into the Forest. "status"

< ding! >

moon system

Name: lucien vurcas

specie: werewolf

moon: 37 minutes to Blue Moon

level: 10/10 (19,040/1,500) exp

grade: phone

bloodline: storm

bloodlust: 40

sanity: 85

HP: 180/180 (80/80)

EP: 70/70

bp: 39

dex: 30

mind: 65 ( 30 )

def: 30

AP: 0

passive skills:

bone Harden, fast reflexes, instinct, enhanced senses, beserk.

active skills:

scan, storm bolt, hellstorm, storm field, storm shield.

currency: 0

shop: [locked]

after some minutes of running, lucien finally reached deep inside the outer Forest and had laid beside a cave his chest heaved as he panted heavily, even with his high dexility it was still a walk.

< ding! >

[ host is directly under the blue moon. ] [ transformation would begin in ]




" arrggg!!!!"

Lucien let out a painful scream as he felt his bones breaking and readjusting, his tissues tearing apart and his organs reforming.

his blue eyes slowly constricted, his mouth gradually merged with his nose and turned into a long snout with blue whiskers and teeth grew into a perfectly arranged set off 5 inch canines.

his skin burned as grey furs covered his body. a white mane rapidly formed around his neck and and stretched to his lower chest.

he grew taller and bulkier and his limbs morphed into paws with terrifying claws.

the transformation continued for a while before stopping and the pain gradually vanished.

after the painful transformation lucien was now a grey werewolf with white many of about 7.1 feet tall and was standing on his hinds. his aura was baleful and bestial, filled with unsuppressed malevolence.

Lucien felt throat burning up and he subconsciously released a loud bestial howl that echoed around the forest.