
Herald of the moon: i'm werewolf

In the post apocalyptic era, where holders, those capable of using mana reigns supreme. Follow the adventures of the coreless, Lucien vurcas a worthless trash [Ding!!!] you are in direct contact with moon energy absorb moon faces for 3 hours to load moon system "which scammer is hopeless enough to try scamming me with this flashy tech" Lucien mumbled on seeing the silver panel appear at his front "I'll definitely beat him to death" My discord: Terrorsovereign 4389.

Terrorsovereign · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Beat up

After school hours, Lucien saw his sister already waiting for him in his bike.he sighed as he mounted the bike

"brother, hope you remember your promise?" dea said immediately Lucien entered the bike "how can I forget. we are even going there right away"

Lucien replied and he drove off.

it took them an hour before the could reach their destination, a popular amusement park that had just opened a few days ago.

"alright sis, we're here"

Lucien said and the got off from their ride and entered the park

" wow!!!"

dea mouthed as she started at the beautiful and fun filled and lively park, parents with their children, lover with their partners excitedly entered or departed from the different rides and game shops, there was an arcade room, hotels, restaurants and a huge roller coasters that was over 10 meters tall!. Lucien spent a lot of hours playing games and entering rides with his sister. due to his sister's abnormal love for roller coasters they had to enter the huge roller coaster seven times!!. and each and every single one of it was horrifying experience to him.

thanks to his sister, the money in his main account was now slightly above 90,000 dollars.

after the hours of fun, they two of them entered one of the numerous restaurants.

dea ordered a lot of deserves coupled with a vanilla flavoured cone ice cream while lucien ordered for a chocolate flavoured ice cream he slowly ate his ice cream as he observed a group of boys that had been ogling at his table or more specifically at dea.

the four of them chatted among themselves in hushed voices, Lucien could have sworn that he saw a drop of Drool drop down from the mouth of the boy that seems to be the leader.

he knitted his brows and kept on enjoying his ice cream

"why does trouble always come knocking?" Lucien sighed as he sensed the approaching presences.

The goons finally made up after talking among themselves and ogling at dea for a while, they walked over to lucien's table

"hey pretty lady, am pak and my dad owns this place is one of his mini companies. can I have your number?" the leader that was drooling previously asked pompously with a rough accent that matched his messy black hair.

the four of them completely ignore Lucien.

< ding!! >

[ bloodlust is rising ]






[ because of the Blue Moon, host's bloodlust can't exceed 50 ]

[ bloodlust have receded to 45 ]

the system notified.

Lucien felt abnormally calm and his anger receding at a fast pace.

"sorry. not interested"

dea replied briskly and continued eating her ice cream without even sparing the four a glance if one observed hard enough they would see a thin layer of ice slowly corroding her ice cream cone.

The goons felt greatly insulted, especially their leader Pak, the abrupt turn down left a bitter the taste in his mouth

" seems, you have a nasty mouth chick, who do you think you...."

pak angrily tried to grab her hand only to feel someone grab his own hand.

"who the f*** "

Pak cursed and angrily looked at the disturber,

a blue haired boy that was holding his hand the face of the boy was calm and expressionless but the boy's glowing blue eyes told another story.

"was he always here. I didn't even notice him" pak thought and he subconsciously gulped his pride suppressed his fears and he exploded at the next moment.

"let go of me, peasant!!!"

he yelled and tried freeing himself.

he was a high E grade holder but he couldn't free himself from the boy's firm grip despite using all the strength he could muster.

" is this guy, really human"

Pak thought and he desperately tried to free himself

"never get your filthy hands on my sister!" Lucien mumbled and tightened his grip


pak yelled in extreme pain, his wrist made a very loud cracking sound

Lucien coldly flinged him to his goons that were staring at him like he was a powerful mayhem that was well known for its brutality. " hurry up and kill him "

Pak ordered with difficulty as he nursed his broken wrist, his goons looked at Lucien warily and hesitated

" not so confident now are we?"

Lucien chuckled lightly.

"what the f*** are you guys waiting for. kill him already!"

Park screeched

"my dad will cover you guys up and would nicely reward all of you"

he added and that was that sentence was enough to still their resolves and they brought out their batons and madly dashed at Lucien


pak smirked and a vicious glint flashed through his eyes

" I'll kill you all when all this is over"

" hellstorm"

Lucien mumbled slowly while he mentally canceled the lightning and water attributes. the goons were a few metres away from him when a small scale hurricane descended upon them and forcefully swayed each of them to the other end of the restaurant.

Lucien drop some dollar bills the table, grabbed dea's arm and hurriedly left the restaurant.

" brother you really did have an element and a powerful at that"

dea said excitedly after they departed from the restaurant.