
Herald of the moon : I'm a werewolf

Itz_Nemaxhz · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Strange rock 3

inside the tower, they found the found a huge throne room that was illuminated by a silver chandelier in the middle and light crystals scattered everywhere in the room and at the far end of the room was a wide huge throne made up of pure gold and silver, Lucien walked towards the throne and when he reached it he kept touching the seat til he saw a black stone with exclusive silver patterns, when he when he picked up the stone is gave out a mysterious dull glow and he Pocketed it making sure that the brothers didn't see him,"bro we are rich, look at light crystals scattered everywhere and the throne room is made of high quality gold, I told you that there was more treasures in here" the man on glasses said to the other one.

the door of the throne room opened and a girls with silver hair subsequently emerged, the girl was 6.5ft tall and her facial features could be considered a beauty but her white wolf ears and her silver tail would cause people to change their mind and run away in fear.

"that's a mmm mayhem, oh my god is this a blue portal!!!"

the werewolf disregarded them as if to say that they were ants, its white wine eyes seems to be searching for something on the throne seat and after some seconds she released a murderous aura that filled the whole room,"where is it"she asked angrily "damn humans, who took master's core"she howled her voice resounding throughout the room.

Her bone started cracking, she grew bigger till she reached about 16 ft, white furs grew out of her body and her mouth change to a long snout with silver whiskers, her feet kept on shifting till she stood on her hinds, her nails grew to 6inched claws and a tail sprang out of her clothes, "who took it" the girl that that is now a werewolf howled and dashed at the two men in black, both men shot out multiple water bullets at the incoming werewolf which dealt no damage to the tough hides of the wolf, "so they are water-type holders"Lucien thought as he gently tiptoed out of the room and ran to the forest.

the werewolf took only some minutes to detach the heads of the holders from their bodies, "is not here then where is it" the werewolf thought as she sniffed the dead bodies "that other boy must be with it how dare him run from me" it thought as she left as she let out a loud howl and ran out of the tower.

Lucien ran til he reached a place where he saw a huge lion with gold mane sleeping on the floor "another high grade mystic" he thought then he cut open his arm and placed and placed his blood on the floor beside beside a lion then run out run out of there quietly, Lucien ran til he reached a waterfall he tried climbing the fall but slipped from a stone half way through, the stone came out of his pocket and fell into his mouth, Lucien hit his head hard on one of the huge rocks and dropped inside the water.