
Talks With Seelima (Part-1)

As Alexander sat down with his drinks, he noticed the Queen Mother perform a certain wave with her hands toward the maid, and seeing it the girl quickly excused herself to wait by the veranda door.

And this made him remember that even before, he had remarked that the communication between the two seemed almost telepathic.

In fact, Alexander could not remember a single he had heard the two speak to each other or even the maid speaking at all.

It was as if this servant existed like the wind, ever ready to serve her mistress from the shadow without causing the slightest bit of disturbance.

Perhaps that was how real royalty was served.

Anyway, once the setting was set, Alexander got down to the main talks, asking why he was called here.

And this question was met with another question, as Seelima gave a sweet smile, and asked, "Alexander, what do you think of Ptolomy? And be frank and tell me the truth."