
New Shipyard

Chapter 646

"Lord Alexander, welcome, welcome. So sorry, I could not come to meet you at the gates, hahaha," 

As Alexander stood around the gate looking at the bustling scenery, this voice suddenly rang out, his tone loud and energetic.

And Alexander quickly turned to face the origin of the sound, his eyes meeting a black man with a handsome, chiseled face, clean-shaven, with slight wrinkles on his face betraying his age.

His head as white as snow, and clothed in a luxurious tunic he walked with strong, steady steps showing he still had quite some life left in him.

"No, no, Lord Nuraman, it is perfectly alright. I know you are very busy." Alexander respectfully greeted back.

This man was Lady Inayah's youngest uncle and one of the people who had been in charge of building the family's fleet for the last 20 years.