
Juminus's Struggles (Part-2)

Chapter 591

It was natural for the ends of escape tunnels to usually lead to ports, rivers, or forests, places from where one could easily hitch a ride such as on a ship or a boat, or hide from pursuing enemies.

And in the case of this tunnel, it was the former, likely designed with the intention of escaping the city by a secret ship or skiff placed nearby the exit.

And as Cambyses made her way outside, she soaked her body in feeling the fresh, cold winter air run through her lungs instead of the stale wind back there, rejoiced in seeing the lit-up sky as dawn approached instead of the pitch darkness save of the dim glow of the torches, and stretched her body in comfort to shake off that claustrophobic feeling of that narrow tunnel.

Even for Cambyses, who could be said on the smaller size, the tunnel had felt quite cramped, never mind how the bulky soldiers in full suits of armor felt.

Perhaps that was why the first few soldiers had run towards the light at first glance.