
Herald of Dusk: Shadow's Messenger

As Yami Bakura chances upon a clandestine platform shrouded in mystery, it appears that the long-awaited opportunity has arisen. Yet, he questions the rationale behind attending a mundane, mortal school when he already possesses a proficient host to fulfill such duties on his behalf.

Hadrian_Pottarris · Book&Literature
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Chapter 5 - Schedules and Sorting

The spirit watched as the woman, Professor McGonagall, swept from the room, heading off to retrieve the hat that would grant him a place at this school.

"Now," the headmaster said, turning back to the spirit. "We haven't made our introductions yet. I am Professor Dumbledore, and this is Professor Snape. He is Head of Slytherin House, and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Pleased to meet you," said the spirit, bowing his head respectfully. "My name is Ryou Bakura. Thank you once again for granting me this chance. I won't disappoint you."

Professor Snape's expression was still twisted in a scowl. "If you are to attend this school," he said coolly, "then there are several things you should know. First, you will address all the educators in this school by either Professor or Sir . Second, for any misconduct you will have your selected house docked points from the tally toward the House Cup, among other disciplinary measures, all the way up to expulsion. You will be punctual to every class you are assigned, and you will bring the designated supplies."

"What Professor Snape means to say, I'm sure," said the headmaster with a smile, "is that you are most welcome here, Ryou Bakura. But there are a few details that we must go over before moving forward. Given the absence of any previous magical training, I think there's no avoiding you will have to begin in first year, with students quite a bit younger than yourself. However, I think you may take a couple of other subjects with older students as well. We have a variety of beginning courses taken by third years, if you are interested, though I warn you it will mean extra work."

The spirit thought about this. The more exposure to more magical subjects, the better, he decided. "I would like that," he said. "I am prepared to work extra hard to make up for lost time. What subjects do you have available?"

The headmaster began ticking them off on his long fingers. "There's Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies- muggle refers to normal humans without magic-Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Divination-"

The spirit considered briefly. His thoughts flashed back to the demon-horses he had seen pulling the carriages, and he quickly decided one course, and his other choice seemed almost a given.

"I would like Care of Magical Creatures and Divination," he said. He added, playing the part of his character, "I've always loved animals. And I've always thought seeing the future might come in useful."

The Headmaster nodded. "As you choose. Though I do warn you that Divination is quite an imprecise branch of magic."

The spirit bowed his head. "I will keep that in mind, sir."

"Then it's decided," said the Headmaster, clapping his hands. "Once you are sorted, I'll have Professor McGonagall fetch you a list of the supplies you'll need for each class. Classes begin tomorrow morning, but I'll arrange to have someone escort you through Diagon Alley to get them. And speaking of sorting-there, I see Professor McGonagall now. Excellent."

Professor McGonagall approached them, dingy old hat in hand. She was also clutching an envelope made from what appeared to be parchment.

"As he is to be attending this school, I thought the student might like a copy of this," she said crisply and, turning, extended the letter to the spirit.

He took it and examined it briefly, then stowed it inside his ill-fitting robes to be perused later.

"Now, for the sorting," she said. "Simply place this hat on your head, and the hat will do the rest."

The spirit closed a hand carefully over the faded, dirty material, then cautiously raised it above his head and lowered it onto his crown. The hat slid down until it cut off his view of the room.

The spirit waited for a tense moment, not sure what to expect.

"Ah," said a voice suddenly. "I thought I was done for the year, but never mind… Hmm…"

The voice seemed to whisper in his ear, and the spirit was only just able to stop himself jerking in alarm and yanking the object from his head in reflex.

"Two minds in one, eh?" it continued in a musing tone. "That's something I haven't seen before. Strangely divided the two of you seem."

The spirit did not answer, but mentally cursed. This thing, whatever it was, could see inside his head. No doubt it could also read his real intentions. Perhaps this had been the old man's plan all along, to see what he was, and he had fallen for it.

However, the hat didn't the alert the headmaster, or blurt out all of his secrets, and only continued amiably, as though thinking aloud.

"Yes, one is loyal and hardworking. I see potential for courage there, too. The other is cunning and quick-witted. But in which House should I put you?"

The spirit realized then that the hat was sifting through his mind, not to rat him out to the headmaster, but to decide which 'House' to place him in. He knew from observing the proceedings earlier that students were placed in Houses based on their personalities. However, as he had two personalities in one head, the hat was having trouble making up its mind.

I will make it easy for him, thought the spirit.

Put us with those like me, he said. The other one is not important.

"Hmm," said the hat.

However, before the hat could pronounce its judgment, the spirit felt a shift at the back of his mind. Feeling the presence of a third person in his head, the consciousness of Ryou Bakura stirred, then awakened.

/What?-/ he managed to mumble. /Where-? What is going-?-/

"Ah," said the hat. "There's the other one. What do you have to say? Which House do you wish to be in?"

Bakura was silent for a moment. /House?-/

"Yes," said the hat. "I could put you with the loyal sort. Though there are the courageous ones, too."

The spirit did not like the hat asking for his host's opinion, and had no intention of allowing him to interfere.

He is of no consequence, the spirit repeated, with more force this time. I order you, hat, to place me with the ones most like myself, and pay no more attention to this worm.

Bakura's consciousness was clearly still disoriented, but a sliver of understanding had come to him now, and he wasn't ready to give in. /No, please. If you're going to put me somewhere strange, whatever you do, don't place me with more people like him./

"Divided," said the hat again, almost smugly, as though it enjoyed starting fights for its own amusement. "Considerably divided. But who should I listen to?"

To me, said the spirit. The hat could not, would not listen to his pathetic, docile host over him. He was the one in control, and he would prove it.

/Please,-/ begged his host.

Silence, commanded the spirit, with a deadly force that could not be ignored. You are nothing. Now, be gone.

This time, the boy did not answer, and the spirit felt his host's slow retreat back to the confines of his soul room. The spirit's mind was once again silent but for the sound of his own thoughts, resonating with power and authority.

Now, hat, the spirit said. I tell you to place me with those like myself Put me with the cunning ones.

The hat made a sound almost like a sigh, then said, "Well, if that's what you think you'd like, then I'll make it…"

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat screamed, and the sound of that single word echoed all throughout the giant hall.

" Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." 

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