
Chapter 8

Chapter Eight: Immortal.

The wind blew in London, as two figures showed up, cloaked in a field of invisibility. They walked through the city street, having flown halfway across the world to be here. Harry looked around, to see if the coast was clear. He waved his hand, and Kara followed him.

They remained silent until they moved from the streets and into the nearby building. Kara's eyes widened, as she turned her head from side to side.

"So, why are we going around in some building that hasn't been used in years?" questioned Kara, before she coughed at the heavy cloud of dust inside the building.

Harry waved his hand, to clear away the accumulation of dust and brought fresh air into the building. He shook his head, and spoke in a low voice. "Because…this is the former government headquarters of my world, or rather what's left of it."

Harry blasted the termite eaten doors opened, and Kara followed him through the doorway. He moved instinctively, but allowed Kara to maintain the pace. The door pushed open, and shut it behind them. They reached a room with rows of filing cabinets lined across the wall.

"The enchantments are long since burned out," explained Harry, as he waved his hand. "No one has showed up to work since about January 2001, but the records are still intact. Yeah, here I am right now."

Kara looked at a faded picture with Harry. Underneath the photo were the words "Undesirable Number One."

She shook her head, and just sighed. "Not your best picture Harry."

"Agreed, figured the Ministry would get the worst photo of me ever," said Harry, as he looked through the cabinets. He stepped over cracked plates with pictures of wide eyed fluffy kittens on them. "Now we're looking for a man named Mundungus Fletcher. He's long dead, but if we find this address, we might find Mum's journal."

"What makes you think this guy had the journal?" asked Kara.

Harry continued to look, and then he responded in a low voice.

"He has a very nasty habit of taking family heirlooms. I wouldn't be surprised if he raided my house after I was taken to the Dursleys."

Kara jumped at a jubilant noise, but Harry found what he was looking for after an intense search.

'Bloody lifeline tracker thing only works when it wants to work," thought Harry. 'Fine, it's just like old times. Only without Hermione hissing a bunch of overly complicated magical theory in my ear. Looking for the blasted journal is not going to be the easiest thing in the world.'

They spread out the records, and shifted through them. After a minute, Mundungus Fletcher's last known address was located, and Harry grabbed Kara's hand.

With another pop, they transported to the hovel. Without any tact, Harry bust down the doors.

Kara scanned the property for anything, a journal.

"Sorry," she whispered, but Harry grabbed her hand to calm her.

"Not your fault, Kara," said Harry. A frown appeared on his face, and his teeth clenched. He began to think.

"Yeah, it was a fluke, and a shot in the dark," thought Harry "I thought it was right, this can't be the one percent of the time where my instincts are buggered.'

After a moment, he was visited by a burst of inspiration.

"Kara, I've got another idea," interjected Harry, and Kara's eyes snapped up to look in his face. "Please try, and help me find anything…receipts, any records…"

She hastened for the search. The two of them managed to scan the house in record time, and Harry located a battered file box. The enchantments long since faded, so he busted it open.

The two shifted through the receipts, and finally struck pay dirt.

"Good thing Dung kept records of all of his illegal dealings for tax purposes," said Harry in a soft voice, and then his heart skipped a beat. "Kara, he had the journal, and he sold it."

"To whom?" she asked.

Harry paused, and read it aloud to her, "Fifteen years ago, he sold it to a man named Lionel Luthor."

Clark stood outside the barn. He pondered about what he had learned recently. Three days ago he had the conversation with the Martian Manhunter about Kara, and he did not know what to believe. He wanted to believe his cousin was someone he could trust. Then again, it was almost like that they were from different worlds, for lack of a better term.

His earth upbringing kept him grounded in more ways than one. Clark was so far gone in his thoughts about Kara and Harry that he did not hear the footsteps behind him. Lana approached him, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hi," said Lana, bringing Clark out of his thoughts.

"Oh, hi, Lana," said Clark as he turned to face her. "How are you holding up?"

"Well, I've been through this song and dance before," said Lana, as she shrugged her shoulders. "You look like you haven't gotten enough sleep lately."

Clark walked over, and Lana followed him. He looked over his shoulder, every few seconds to make sure she was still there.

"I'm much better now," said Lana as they entered the house, and sat down at the kitchen table. "I guess after what happened, you learn to take these things in stride."

Clark nodded.

"After all we've been through Clark; you know you can tell me anything."

Clark just regarded the woman, as she gave him a smile. She did have that effect on him, where he felt he could tell her anything.

"Did you ever feel as if you couldn't identify with someone you should?" asked Clark, and Lana invited him to continue. "Kara…she came to town, for a second I thought I had found a blood relative. Yet, it's…she's just fiercely independent and doesn't seem to understand that there are certain ways she should act, so she doesn't draw attention to herself."

Lana took a cup of coffee, and drank it. She chose her next words rather carefully. "Your cousin has a bit of an attitude on her."

Clark raised an eyebrow.

"Well, she threatened me the other day," said Lana, who tried to brush it off with a chuckle and a smile. "She seems to think that I'm out to get you or something."

"Kara's just adjusting," said Clark after a moment's thought.

He looked outside. She had been back, and then she was gone.

"She does identify with Harry a lot more,' thought Clark, as he looked out into the distance and out the window.

"So what do you think of her friend?" asked Lana as she looked directly at Clark.

There was a long pause, before he answered the question.

"He's something," said Clark. "He's adapting from his own loss, in his own way."

"I don't know, there's just something about him that seems rather suspicious," said Lana, as she shook her head and frowned. "I don't know both of them just seem to be up to something a lot of the time. And they are living together you said."

"Kara can make her own decisions," said Clark, as he turned to walk, as his thoughts stirred in his mind.

'She came here, expecting to find a baby, and found a twenty one year old man,' thought Clark. 'Not to mention what her father did, she's got to have some guilt when she found out the reason why she was sent here. It's a wonder she didn't just run far away, and never speak to you again.'

Treating Kara like she was a teenager who needed discipline would not go over well. He got shut down every time he tried. Then again, Clark admired his father for what he put up with. He wondered if he could ever be Jonathan Kent.

He suspected he might never know.

"I'll be back Clark, I need to check on something," said Lana in an abrupt fashion.

Clark just nodded, and waved her off.

Lana moved off. She checked the monitoring she set up of all of Lex Luthor's incoming messages.

She spotted one of the messages; it was a request to meet with Harry Potter. Potter had accepted.

'So, he's up to something,' she thought to herself, with a triumphant smile on her face.

She also noticed Lex Luthor seemed to be interested in keeping something really safe. Lana bit her lip, and prepared to investigate that matter more.

Kara and Harry arrived, to speak with Chloe.

"So, what do you know about a man named Lionel Luthor?" asked Harry without any preamble.

"Yeah, I'm fine Harry, thanks for asking," said Chloe sharply, before she looked up, and turned to them. "Lionel, well he's current missing in action. It appears with the entire incident with the dam, someone picked him up and walked him into the night."

Harry just looked at her, frustrated, as he and Kara sat down.

"Why do you want to talk to him of all people?" asked Chloe.

"We found evidence that he has the journal," said Harry.

Chloe just let that sink in for about a second. "On a scale of one to ten, your bad luck must range on about a twelve. A Luthor has this mystical magical journal?"

"No one can access it but Harry," argued Kara, but Chloe was silent before she spoke.

"Well that's only a small relief," countered Chloe, as she got up to start pacing. She sat back down after a minute "Lionel has the journal, or at least he did. If Lionel's been missing for this long, who knows who has been going through his things? I wonder if Lex knows anything about it."

Harry and Kara looked at each other, before Harry's head slowly turned to Chloe.

"That's a happy coincidence," said Harry. "I'm meeting with Lex Luthor today."

"He seems rather insistent, almost kind of pushy," chimed in Kara, as a frown appeared on her face. "I don't know...about that guy, something about him seems untrustworthy."

"That's a pretty good instinct Kara, a lot is off about Lex," said Chloe, as she leaned back for a minute. Then she looked at Harry, serious. "If you're meeting with Lex today, I'd keep both eyes on him at all times. Don't tell him any more than he needs to know. If he gets a reason to be curious about you, he'll obsess over you until the end."

"I warned him,' thought Harry in an exasperated manner.

"I'll be as discreet as I can," said Harry, dismissively waving off her warnings.

"Try to and be careful around anyone with the surname Luthor," said Chloe, as she looked at Harry, without blinking. "I know the journal means a lot to you, so I can't advise you to steer clear…but just don't give Lex a reason to start looking into you. He did it to Clark."

"What did he do to Clark?" asked Kara, as she got up to her feet.

"Kara, don't worry about it," said Chloe, as she looked at the other girl. "Clark's a big boy, he can handle himself. "

Kara just blushed, and then continued in a quiet voice. "Yeah I know, it's just hard not to see him as this little cute baby after all of this time. When I went out, that's what I see and now…he can handle himself I'm sure."

'He doesn't need me,' thought Kara. 'He's just too different. His Earth upbringing is both a blessing and a curse.'

"Thanks, Chloe, we've got to run," said Harry, as the two left without another word.

When the two were safely behind a privacy barrier, Harry talked to her. "Just talk to Clark about what you heard, if it's bothering you. The longer you wait, the worse it will be. I can handle Lex on my own."

"Be careful," breathed Kara, as she hugged Harry good bye. The two lingered in each other's arms, and Kara lightly kissed him on the cheek. Surprised at her own daring, she flew off to meet with Clark.

Harry stood there for a moment. He shook himself back to reality. With a shrug, he turned invisible and went off for his meeting with one Lex Luthor.

Clark walked around to get a good start on the day's chores. A pair of hands grabbed him around the shoulders, and forcefully yanked him through the opened doors of the bar.

He staggered, before he saw Kara hovering in the air, staring down at him.

"You and I need to talk," said Kara, peering down at Clark. Her voice was firm, and hinted a bit of danger to it.

Clark was confused, her tone indicated that she was not about to argue with him.

"Kara, where have you been?" asked Clark.

Kara folded her arms, and answered him. "Well, I've had my own things to do. You know, I have a life that doesn't revolve around the whims of the son of Jor-El. So, I didn't bother to clear my schedule with you, Kal-El. I'm sure you had some visitors around here to occupy your time. You know, like bill collectors or neighbors or Martians."

Clark's mouth went dry. She had heard his argument with the Martian Manhunter the other night.

"Kara, I…he just said some things," said Clark.

"Who do you trust, Clark?" asked Kara abruptly. "The Martian or me?"

Clark stammered, but he was at a loss for words.

"I asked you a question, Kal-El!" yelled Kara as her voice rose, and her eyes flared up. "You see, the Martian Manhunter, he's nothing but trouble. My father was someone who didn't win the prize for decency, but Jor-El was no better!"

Clark felt inclined to defend the Martian Manhunter, since he was not here to offer a defense, "Now, Kara, he's helped me…."

She dropped down and snatched her cousin by the jacket. "Kal-El, listen to me. The Martian is nothing, but trouble! He stood there, and watched as my mother as she bled to death on the floor. She was caught in the middle between Zor-El and Jor-El!"

That comment caught Clark's attention. He opened and shut his mouth. "I'm…sorry about that."

"Not your problem, it happened long before you were even a thought," said Kara, as she looked at him. Her tone softened slightly. "But you need to figure out where your trust lies. I've done nothing, but try to help you."

Kara turned, as her arms folded and her head inclined. "Just think about what I said Kal-El. Trust me or trust the Martian. Harry trusts me, and gave me somewhere where I could fit in."

"About Harry, are you sure you can trust him?" asked Clark, but Kara had lost her temper at that moment. She grabbed Clark, and flew him over, before she pinned him against the wall of the barn. Her eyes glowed, as she stared him down.

It was twenty seconds before her eyes returned to normal, but her strong grip tightened on his arms.

"I…trust…Harry…okay!" she spat, before she backed off. "You're going to become exactly like your father if you're not careful!"

Silence, but Clark then spoke up in defense of the man who raised him.

"There's nothing wrong with being anything like Jonathan Kent," said Clark, as he looked at his cousin, as her fingernails tore through his jacket. "He was a good man..

"I don't doubt that," said Kara, as she relaxed her grip. She flew back, to give Clark room to breathe. "But I was referring to Jor-El. You don't want to become like him."

Kara backed off, as she flew towards the opened doors. She spoke to him as he left. "Clark, you had a good home. A good childhood, and friends here, it's both a blessing and a curse for you. You had two parents, I did too! I hope you're like Lara more than Jor-El. And I hope you understand something…I'm not my father!"

Clark stood, dumbstruck, as she flew into the air. He rushed out the barn, where Kara floated out of reach, and she got further away. She paused to say one last thing.

"If you don't want me around, I understand," continued Kara softly, as she hid the tears in her eyes. Her back was turned for a second, before she looked over her shoulder towards Clark. "Just at least think about what I said long and hard, if nothing else. Good bye Kal-El, maybe I'll see you around."

Kara flew off as Clark tried to chase off after her. Yet, with her ability to fly, she was long gone before he could make it to the end of the driveway.

Of course, it gave Clark a lot to think about. It was a good thing Lana was inside, because he did not feel comfortable bringing this up to her.

Clark decided to take a long walk. Perhaps that would clear his head, and give him some time to think. He slipped inside and saw Lana was still in bed. Then, Clark scrawled a note to her, that he was going to be gone for a couple of hours. He bolted outside, and into Smallville.

Two young men stared down each other for a moment. Then the dark haired young man broke the ice, speaking to the bald young man.

"Harry Potter."

"Lex Luthor."

Both men shook hands, in an attempt to get a feel for each other. They maintained eye contact, a firm grip, and did not flinch.

"Nice to see you in the flesh at last," said Lex, as he broke the silence.

Harry just nodded. "So you wanted to see me."

"I did," said Lex as he kept his voice low and neutral. "My study is on the next floor; my employees know better than to disturb me when I'm conducting business there."

The two young men walked off. Lex opened the door, and invited Harry inside. Harry looked around, to discreetly conduct some scanning spells.

'Three listening devices, just on a basic scan," thought Harry. 'Choose you words carefully, Mr. Potter.'

Lex closed the door, and bolted it shut, before his eyes traveled to a chess table.

"You play, Mr. Potter?" inquired Lex as he looked at the young man, waiting for a reaction.

"A bit here or there," said Harry, as he sat down on one side of the chessboard and Lex sat down on the other side of the board. Both men maintained eye contact, neither taking an eye off of the other.

"Well, I've been schooled by the best at the art of chess," said Lex, as the pieces were set up. "My father, Lionel, was a chess master."

"Was?" asked Harry, as he began to make his first move.

"He's missing in action," said Lex, dismissive and uncaring. "One of his many enemies likely finally caught him. It was bound to happen."

They remained silent, as they continued the game.

"So, your father, did he collect any oddities?" asked Harry.

"Well, he did have some interesting hobbies," said Lex, as wondered where this was going. The players continued to move their pawns into place.

Harry paused, and continued in a casual voice, "My mother had a journal, and I have received intelligence your father might have purchased it, about fifteen or so years ago."

"Well, if he did, he long since threw it out," said Lex, as he prepared to trap his opponent in the corner. "I wouldn't know anything about it."

"Oh, you wouldn't?" asked Harry, with a raised eyebrow, as he managed to outmaneuver Lex. "What was the purpose of you asking to meet me?"

There was silence as the game continued.

"Your work and your intentions perplex me," said Lex, as he continued to look at Harry. "A non-profit charity organization just randomly shows up in Smallville, to help people infected by the meteor show. Some people might think that you're up to something suspicious."

"Well people will think a lot of things," said Harry, as the game continued. "It doesn't make them true."

"Point well taken," conceded Lex, as he concentrated on the game. "Still, there are many of these people who have been warped by their powers."

"One could argue they are products of their environment," commented Harry lightly. "After all, a person's upbringing can have an effect on people, wouldn't you agree, Lex?"

Lex just nodded in a stiff manner, before he changed tactics. "So…do you know Clark Kent?"

"Why do you want to know?" questioned Harry, as the game continued.

"Well, I assumed you would have come across him," said Lex, as the game kicked up. "We used to be friends, until I grew up and grew beyond him."

"I see," said Harry. "I met him only briefly, through his cousin. She was my friend for years."

Lex just nodded, feeling compelled to give Harry the head's up about Clark. "Just a word to the wise, Harry, Clark tends to be about secrets. He will use you just like you used me. He's not exactly the all American boy scout he portrays himself to be."

"Well, that's an intriguing interpretation," said Harry, as he continued to concentrate. "Well, this was an illuminating meeting."

"I guess I'm not the only one capable of intriguing interpretations," said Lex, as he found himself in a bind.

"Checkmate," answered Harry, his voice rising a little bit and showing a slight bit of emotion. "Well it was interesting meeting you, Lex, but business calls, I'm sure for both of us."

Lex nodded, unable to believe he had lost this game of chess.

"So, until next time, best of luck to you in all of your business endeavors," said Harry, as both men got off their feet, and shook hands.

"Likewise," responded Lex.

Harry walked off, as he had planted his own monitoring device inside of Lex's study which would be able to monitor the entire building.

Lex sat down, and pondered his meeting with Harry.

'Looks like I'm not the only one who learned a few tricks from a master chessmaster,' mused Lex.

He returned to his daily activities, but he looked forward to a return match someday.

"I'm three blocks away from Shining Light main HQ, I'll be there in a few seconds," said Harry.

The ear pieces that he and Kara used to communicate worked out rather well. They could not be tapped in by any force. Given the government seemed to always listen in on every communication, Harry felt the need to have his business remain discreet. His systems directed a bunch of mindless small talk and chatter, nothing the government would be concerned about, and get him branded as a potential terrorist.

Harry moved up, and met Kara inside the lobby. She was now dressed in business attire, although she seemed rather flustered at the moment. Without a word, Harry directed Kara into his private office, so they could sit and talk.

The door was shut behind him. Harry poured her a glass of water, and she took it. He poured one for himself.

"I'm guessing that your meeting with Clark didn't go as planned," said Harry with a frown.

"That's putting it mildly," said Kara, as she leaned back in her chair and sighed. Harry looked at her, but Kara shook her head. "Just drop it, please; I don't want to talk about it."

Harry respectively understood, and knew she was upset.

"When you're ready to talk about it, I'll be ready to listen," said Harry before he changed tracks. "So, I'm pretty sure Lex knows something about the journal."

"That's great Harry!" cried Kara her mood improving, as she jumped up, and hugged him in triumph. She broke apart from him and sat back down.

"I wouldn't be cheering yet," said Harry in a firm voice. "We still have to find the thing first. I was able to slip a bug, for lack of a better term, inside Lex's study."

Kara nodded. She could wait. It almost seemed the journal was right in Harry's fingertips. She did wonder if Harry would want her around after he had found the journal.

Her head shook as she rid herself of those negative thoughts. They were friends, after all.

'Maybe more one day," she thought, before she shook her head at those thoughts. "No, he's cute, but it just wouldn't work out…then again, maybe I can…just focus on your job, Kara!"

"I find myself rather curious about what's in it," said Harry. "What did Mum leave me? It better be good for all of the trouble it's caused me."

Kara just leaned over, putting her hand on his knee. She looked in his eyes, before she spoke in a soothing manner, "I'm sure it must be vital, and it will be worth everything you're went through."

Harry nodded, as they sat. He absent mindedly shuffled through papers. He was not about to bring up what almost happened the other night, and Kara was not either.

The phone rang, and Harry picked it up immediately

"Harry, thank God!" yelled Chloe over the phone. "Sinclair, there's someone who looks like Sinclair, she's outside…"

A loud scream echoed in his ear, and the phone line went dead.

"Chloe, stay there, we'll be right over!" yelled Harry, but he had no response on the other end of the phone.

In a flash, Kara and Harry moved off, hoping they would not be too late.

'It ends tonight, you and I, for good,' thought Harry, but he reminded himself. 'Don't get fixated, innocent people are in danger. Take care of her, when you're sure innocents are safe.'

Chloe tried to move out the nearest exit, but she was trapped. Against the wall, she breathed heavily, and she seemed beyond words. From the shadows appeared a gaunt figure, with sunken in eyes, scarred face, and the smell of decay filled her nostrils.

"Get…get…GET BACK!" managed Chloe, but Sinclair grabbed her roughly by the arm.

"At ease, my child," whispered Sinclair, as she used one hand to snap her own jaw back into place. "Relax, I'm here to liberate you from the shackles that you have been placed in…the house of lies you have been trapped in."

Chloe broke free, and knocked Sinclair down with her efforts. She tried to get through the door, but it jammed shut.

Without another word, Sinclair threw Chloe to the ground.

"Why do you fight me?" asked Sinclair as she looked at Chloe. "I'm only here to protect you. The other three, they don't have your best interests in mind. You will be part of a new order, the world will be a better place when those who have been gifted rise above their oppressors."

'Insane, she's nuts, completely bent,' thought Chloe as she began to lose her nerve.

Chloe tried to pull herself away, but Sinclair tightened her grip around the woman's arm.

"What are you?" asked Chloe, as she found her voice. "I've seen some weird stuff before, weirder than you'd believe, but you're…not really alive are you?"

"I can draw breath, my organs…work," said Sinclair, as she shut out the pain. "Blood flows through my veins; I am capable of human emotion."

"Yeah, well you're supposed to be dead…deader than dead," whispered Chloe, but she was choked by the woman.

"I decay, that fool Knox didn't do his job properly," said Sinclair as she felt her heart struggle to draw blood. "HEAL ME!"

Chloe's eyes watered, as Sinclair's grip around her throat relaxed.

"N-no I can't, it could…" started Chloe, but Sinclair just threw her to the ground and pinned her by the arms.

"Either heal me with your powers, or I'll finish the job I started a month ago," said Sinclair through gritted, rotting teeth, as Chloe struggled. "Your friend, Clark isn't it? He nearly wilted like a rose trapped in nuclear fallout around me. My very breath contaminates him, he can't save you."

"Don't hurt Clark, and I promise I'll help you," whispered Chloe, and Sinclair gazed at her.

"You're a good child, Chloe Sullivan, do what's best to heal your mother," said Sinclair, with a twisted grin, to show off her decayed teeth.

Chloe closed her eyes. This was going to hurt. She touched Sinclair, and felt unbearable pain before she blacked out.

Rosalina Sinclair performed some basic healing charms to ensure Chloe did not die. Sinclair was whole again. She took out her phone, and dialed her partner up.

"Knox, I have your guinea pig, your temporary solution as I promised," said Sinclair, shortly, as she scooped up Chloe gently in her arms, and left a little message for her hated enemy to find when he arrived.

As Sinclair left, she was visited with another flashback.


A shy eleven, nearly twelve year old girl with auburn hair and green eyes made her way up to the Hogwarts Sorting Hat. She heard mutterings over at the house tables.

"Blimey, she looks almost like Lily Potter…"

"…yeah, she sacrificed her life so the Boy-Who-Lived could survive…"

"I wonder if they're related…"

"I wonder if she knows where Harry Potter is."

Rosalina just blocked all of those words, and sat on the three legged school. She was found in the streets of London by a kindly squib named Phillip Sinclair. She was taken to St. Mungos, and healed. Then she was adopted, and renamed Rosalina Sinclair.

"Hello Rosalina," said the Sorting Hat in her ear. "Or should I say…Rose Evans?"

"I have…no clue what you're talking about,' thought the girl in a panicked manner. 'My name is Rosalina Sinclair; I don't know anything about this Rose Evans girl. Maybe you have a defect, or something. How often do they check you out?'

"Ah just like your sister,' said the Hat.

'I'm nothing like Petunia!" thought Sinclair, nearly voicing that thought out loud.

"I was referring to your other sister" remarked the Hat. "But never mind the small thought, hmm, curious, curious, this is quite interesting."

'Could you just sort me?" thought Rosalina impatiently. 'They're staring at like me because I look like my s…this Lily person.'

"You are a tricky one to sort," muttered the hat. "You are brilliant in your own way, but also cunning. You do have a fair amount of courage, bred on the adversity because of the life you lead. Yet you are fiercely loyal to those close to you."

Rosalina waited.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the Hogwarts Sorting Hat.

Rosalina joined her new house mates. Another girl joined her a second later. She had bright pink hair.

"Hi!" said the girl in a chipper voice. "Man, Hufflepuff, I can't believe it. My entire family was in Slytherin, except for my Dad and my cousin. They were both Gryffindors."

Rosalina just nodded in a polite manner.

"My name is Nymphadora Tonks!" said the girl in a hyperactive voice. She resembled a chipmunk on a sugar high. "But, just call me Tonks!"

She looked serious, and concluded in a low voice, "Call me Nymphadora and you die."

Rosalina did not know how to take that little comment.

"Right, um Tonks," stammered Rosalina. "My name is Rosalina Sinclair. I'm a Muggleborn witch, adopted, by my dad. He's a squib."

"Oh," said Tonks as she looked at her new house mate. "Rosalina…mind if I call you Rose?"

"Please don't," said Rosalina, turning to hide the shudder she gave from that bad memory.

"Okay, Rosalina it is," said Tonks. "So what do you think of Hogwarts?"

"It's interesting," said Rosalina, as she looked up at the ceiling in awe. "I might like it here. My dad's really sick right now, and I hope he gets better. At least this gives me something to do."

"Hope he feels better," said Tonks, as she patted the other girl on the arm. "I think we're going to be best friends forever, kind of like sisters, maybe!"

Rosalina just smiled. She would like a sister like Tonks, given how her two biological sisters abandoned her when she needed them the most.

Sinclair shook her head, and scowled at the memories of that wide eyed, innocent, eleven year old child that visited her.

'I'm not that girl,' thought Sinclair, as she returned to Knox's lab with Chloe.

After breaking several magical barriers, Harry rushed into the apartment, and Kara followed closely behind him. Both looked frantic.

"She's been here," said Harry, trying to remain calm, as they searched around for Chloe. There had been a struggle for sure.

It took a moment to realize that Harry had been too late.

"You brought this plague here into Smallville."

Harry and Kara spun around, to come face to face with the Martian Manhunter. Kara's fists clenched, but Harry grabbed her arm. Then he placed himself between the two, to avoid a scene.

"Plague, funny, real cute," remarked Harry in a sarcastic voice. "So you're the Martian Manhunter. I suppose Martians are an endangered species."

The Martian Manhunter replied with a swift nod. "I am the last of my kind."

"Well extinction might be in your future if you ever get in my face again," said Harry as he stared the Manhunter right in the eye. "I know what you did, you and Jor-El both. You have some nerve acting like Kara is in the wrong because of who her father was. Given how you let her mother die, my patience for you is in short supply."

The Martian Manhunter did not offer any protest, or any words. Harry continued to stare him down, before he spoke once more.

"I don't know what your game is, but I have enough people trying to play games with me without adding you to the list. Kara is my friend, and I don't take too kindly to what you are doing."

"You need to open your eyes to the truth, Harry Potter," said the Martian Manhunter as he regarded Harry. "You cannot let your physical attraction to this girl blind you to her true nature. She will…"

"Enough!" snapped Harry, and Clark showed up at that moment. Harry rounded around to him. "Call your father's pet Martian off before I send him to join the rest of his kind."

Clark sighed. The Martian Manhunter took a step back.

"Look we can solve this later…something might have happened to Chloe…"

"We all know who did this," said Harry darkly as he walked around to search for a clue. He picked up a folded piece of paper.

Bring the Philosopher's Stone, and I'll make sure your friend is safe. Come alone to the address on the back of the paper. Bring your little extra-terrestrial girlfriend or her cousin, and I'll kill them.


Harry caused the paper to burst into flames, and turned around, to face the three.

"I'll handle this alone," said Harry as he turned his back, and walked away.

Needless to say, Harry Potter was trapped between a rock and a hard place. His mind worked into overdrive to try and find a situation.

First, he had to find out about this Curtis Knox. He moved to a secure spot, and put up the privacy barrier.

"Work please," said Harry, closing his eyes. "Who is Curtis Knox?"

"Curtis Knox is the latest reaction of an immortal known as Vandal Savage," said the Lifeline. "He has been around since before even Hogwarts. "

"And he wants the Philosopher's Stone," concluded Harry. "Why would he want it, if he is immortal?

"It would indicate that he wants to give his gifts to others, potentially a loved one," said the voice. "His cure scheme is a front, as he's studying the meteor infected, and harvesting their organs."

Harry counted to ten, before he spoke again.

"So, no Philosopher's Stone, and I can't make one," said Harry "Too bad there isn't a cure for immortality, kind of like a reverse Philosopher's Stone?"

A piece of paper appeared in the air, and dropped in Harry's hand. He looked at it, and scrambled to make plans.

Time was of the essence.

Chloe's eyes opened abruptly. She was strapped to a table, and unable to move.

'Bad omen,' thought Chloe, before she peered into the face of Rosalina Sinclair. She could still smell the decay coming off of her breath. 'Worse omen.'

"So you managed to survived, just rest my poor little child," whispered Sinclair, as she brushed Chloe's hair away from her forehead and pattered her on the head. "All of my other children, they're safe under the care of Doctor Knox. They will be better, stronger, and we will make the world a better place."

"Knox…he's offering a cure to the meteor infected," managed Chloe, as she tried to pull herself free. It was useless.

"Some of my children have forsaken me, others have perished at the hands of the false savior," said Sinclair. "Harry Potter is not the shining beacon of hope the world wishes him to be…he's nothing but the spawn of two diseased bloodlines. I shall correct the matter."

"Harry's…he alright!" yelled Chloe, as she tried to pull herself free, but failed. "He might have a few odd quirks, but he's an alright guy…and you're…."

"I'm what, Chloe?" said Sinclair, as she looked at the bound woman. "A monster, a serial killer, a freak who doesn't deserve to breathe air? What I am?"

Chloe tried to remain strong, but the flood of tears overwhelmed her. Sinclair just dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "Hush, Chloe, once you've seen the light, you'll understand. Clark, he didn't appreciate your friendship, did he? Kara, she's cut from the same cloth. As for Harry Potter…well he brings death wherever he goes. I just bring about new life, and new hope."

Sinclair just adjusted her shoulders, and slowly stroked Chloe's hair, a twisted reflection of a motherly smile appearing on her face.

'She's nuts!" thought Chloe as she felt her heart beat faster. A door creaked open, to bring another party into the room.

"Rosalina, thank you, but I can take it from here," said Knox, as he held his hand out. Sinclair departed to the other room.

"Look…what are you doing?" asked Chloe. "Sinclair's…she's a monster, she killed hundreds of people and…"

"Yes, I'm aware," said Knox, cutting her off. "I'm aware of much, about her. You see, life is fragile. Bones break, limbs get removed, and skin gets melted off. Yet, you have the ability to heal others, even with a great risk, mitigates them all."

Knox prepared his surgical tools. "My wife, she lingers half of an inch between life and death, always. Yet, my dear Sophia, if I can give her the same gift I have, I would be a happy man. Your abilities fascinate me. I've used Rosalina Sinclair as the perfect guinea pig, now it's time to do the procedure for real."

"Just what do you want from me?" asked Chloe, as her breath grew labored.

"Your organs," said Knox, as he looked at her, seeing the fear on her face. "Let me prepare a sedative. It may sting a little bit."

"CLARK!" yelled Chloe at the top of her lungs, but Knox had put a gas mask on her.

"Calling for your friend, how touching," said Knox. "I have heard about Clark Kent, or Kal-El as he was born. In another life, I might have been like him. However, with immortality, there are no alternate lives."

Chloe's eyes grew heavy. Knox looked at her. "Now sleep."

In the dead of night, Lana Lang snuck into a guarded building. She knew from her monitoring that security was most lax around this time. Dressed in black, with a mask over her, she moved around the shadows, sticking to them. She crept around, looking for her objective.

She reached a control panel, and gently opened it. She deactivated the security. Without another word, she slipped past a half asleep guard.

Inside a small study, Lana pulled back a book, and a fake wall between a book shelves slid open. Inside a glass case rested a red journal with strange green markings.

She had no idea what the journal even was, but if Lex was hiding it must be something valuable.

She swapped out the journal for an identical copy, and covered her tracks.

It was like Lana Lang was never even here at all.