
Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Moments in Time.

Spring had most certainly sprung a long time ago, and the weather shifted into the warmer, almost summer weather. Deep into the month of June, a lot of time had passed, with a lot having happened, and almost two months had passed since the Maxima incident. There was a lot to do, and not much time to do it, and even that was a problem for the Heralds of Death, who had currently sat out on the grass in a mark in Metropolis. Harry and Kara watched Claire running around outside, getting a chance to be a kid, and the two of them allowed time to just sit back, relax.

Harry wrapped his arm around Kara's waist, where the blonde Kryptonian placed a head on his shoulder, and the two enjoyed nature in all of its splendid beauty, the tweets of the birds, the clouds in the sky, the crisp breeze blowing through the air. The blonde Kryptonian turned to her husband, a smile crossing her face.

Kara was dressed for the summer weather, wearing a red tank top that stretched over her torso, showcasing a generous amount of cleavage, and stopped just short of her midriff, showing her toned midsection. She wore a pair of rather short shirts, that tightened around her legs, and fit snugly around her shapely hips, and rear, going down to her legs, and the apex was her beautiful bare feet. She was the stuff that the wet dreams of many men were made of, but Harry did not have to dream, he had lived that every single moment in time.

Harry spun his wife around, and pressed his lips to Kara's, with a searing kissing, for no reason other than to enjoy her mouth, and her talents, his tongue scraping against the inside of her mouth. Kara deepened the kiss, both of them tasting each other, having the sights, and the sounds of nature, with Kara wrapping her legs around Harry. Harry put his hand on the small of Kara's back and stroked the skin, enjoying her moans, but suddenly Claire cleared her throat, breaking the two lovers out of their fun.

"Sorry to bother you guys, but I'm going to go over there by the playground, if that's okay?" Claire asked, and there was a moment where Harry and Kara looked up, with Chloe giving them a hint that she was there, and would keep an eye on Claire, so they could have some alone time with each other.

"Yeah, that's fine, yell if anything happens," Kara replied, with a smile on her face, and Harry tightened the embrace around Kara, smiling as well.

"And remember, if any boys bother you, what are you supposed to do?"

"Set their shoes on fire," Claire remarked in an innocent voice, and Harry and Kara just turned at them, before the girl started to laugh. "Oh boy, the look on the faces of you guys, it was completely priceless."

Claire just walked off happily, with the two Heralds watching her leave, and the two just leaned against each other, staring into each other's eyes, and Harry tilted Kara's head back, before capturing her mouth into another kiss. Kara enjoyed the kiss, and no doubt there, with the two Heralds indulging themselves in each other, but they broke apart. The alien bombshell spun around, looking into the sky, and becoming rigid.

There was something in the air, and that something in the air just flew off faster than a speeding bullet, with Kara putting her hands on her hips, and looking in the air. The blonde shook her head immediately, taking a deep breath, and Harry placed an arm around her, before focusing his expression on the blonde.

"It was her wasn't it?" Harry asked, and Kara responded with a nod of her head.

"I don't know what her game is, she just pops in randomly, to let us know that she came," Kara responded, but a frown crossed her face. "There are times where I think that she wants to just talk to us, but her pride won't let her. She's fully embraced her Kryptonian heritage, to the most horrifying extreme, and she…well she doesn't care much for humans I think."

Kara's blue eyes grew wide and worried, with a troubled expression crossing her face.

"Could I have been like that, if things had gone differently?"

Harry just cupped his hand on Kara's chin, and tilted her head up, before pressing his lips to hers with a kiss. Kara felt a bit better, but the kiss lasted much too briefly for her liking, and it broke suddenly. "Of course, you're not, Kara. You're not a bad person, and really neither is she, she had a rough life, and it's kind of twisted her into a…"

"A bit of a bitch," Kara offered Harry, and the sorcerer just nodded with a smile crossing his face, before he ran his hands through his wife's hair. Kara was pulled into a tight embrace, her face buried in Harry's chest, and Harry rubbed the skin on the back of her neck.

"Yeah, that's one way to put it nicely, but I have a feeling that she knows something that we don't know," Harry responded, and Kara broke out of the embrace, before stepping back a few feet, and offering a wide grin.

"I don't think she's going to voluntarily give up information, if we ask nicely," Kara replied, but she placed her hands on Harry's cheeks, and looked into his eyes. "But there is one thing that we can do, or rather you can do."

Harry suddenly felt a feeling of foreboding at that moment, and a grin crossed over Kara's face at this point, with the blonde bombshell leaning forward, before whispering in his ear.

"I have a feeling that she's just like me, and therefore has the same tastes, and many of the same turn-ons, therefore she's vulnerable to the same things, perhaps that's something that you can exploit."

Harry raised an eyebrow, and Kara unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing, feverishly working the buttons, and running her hands down Harry's muscular chest, feeling every inch of him, and stroking downwards to his stomach.

"Just think, her problem is that she might need some tender loving care," Kara whispered into her ear. "And since she's a Herald, no one could give it to her like you can."

Kara slipped her hand down the front of Harry's pants, and offered a saucy grin and wink, looking at him.

"Do you think you can do that for us Harry, seduce the information out of her so she can tell you what she knows?" Kara purred in his ear, before stroking him a little bit, and pushing Harry back against the tree.

Harry thought that his wife was giving him permission to seduce, and likely sleep with another one, granted it was another Herald, and she was going to be in the relationship, eventually, maybe, anyway. Her needs would need to be tended to obviously, and Harry was the only person who was able to do about.

"If you want me to do it," Harry breathed, with Kara stroking him a bit more, before getting back to her feet, and looking into his eyes, deeply.

"Yes, Harry, do it, for us, it could mean the difference of life and death, I have a feeling she'll listen to you," Kara responded, a grin crossing her face. "Once she gets a taste, I'm sure she'll do anything for you, just like I would."

Harry just smiled, to be honest, the other Herald was rather appeasing on the eyes, and he would be denied if he was not attracted to her. Her attitude left something to be desired at times, but that can be worked on easily, because Harry had a feeling that she lived a tough life. Kara was asking him to do this, not that Harry needed much prodded, and if she had any information, should he do anything to get the information by any means necessary.

The two sat back down on the grass, watching their daughter from afar, and just enjoyed the day at hand, with all of the beauty. The last couple of months had been a roller coaster ride for all of them, with the Fortress still mostly online, with Lara being the influence within the chambers, although she tried to assist Clark with searching for Jor-El, but it was slow going at the moment, with none of the knowing if Jor-El even still existed.

If there was a shred of the AI left anywhere, then they would be able to track it down, but in the meantime, Lara was educating Clark about certain matters, and tried to hunt down his mates, whoever they might be. Lana was one, they had been able to determine that much, even if Lara seemed to be rather indifferent on her right now at best, saying that she wanted to wait until she knew Lana a bit better, before making any judgment.

On the other hand, Lara took a shine to Harry, preferring him as a mate to Kara, and Kara was glad that her aunt approved of this arrangement, not that it mattered to her either way. The fact that Kara approved of Harry was perhaps the most important thing in the relationship, and it was all that mattered to her.

The two Potters continued to sit down, and enjoy the nature, on what was one of the most beautiful days of the year so far.

Metropolis was a city bustling with excitement, almost too much excitement with people going to work, in the early morning rush. There was a moment where everything was calm, but when they happened, it often was the calm before the storm. People tended to say that everything took a while to break, and that was true was one of the support beams for a large billboard had given way.

People looked up, just in time to see the creaking, and their bodies tensed up, before they all ran away in a panic, as the sign teetered below them. In the chaos, two young men had fallen to the ground, getting knocked down, and were unable to get up just in time, when the sign had toppled over, and was falling down upon their heads, their doom surely assured.

Suddenly, a figure rushed in, a blur of light that could not be picked up by anything, and caught the billboard in one fluid motion, before throwing it up to another darker blur in the air, who had caught it, and had held the billboard steady, welding the support beams back together with a dose of heat vision.

The next thing the two figures on the ground realized was that they had been saved, and their two blurs had bitten the dust, almost as fast as they had appeared.

Off in the distance, Clark and Lana looked up at the billboard, which had remained steady, like nothing else had happened, and both sped off to continue one more sweep around the city, before going separate ways for the day. They were secure in the fact they had gotten in quickly, saved the day, and not been scene.

The problem was that they had been scene, by a woman standing on a building across the street, dressed in black. She was a fit woman, by all appearances in her early twenties, of some kind of exotic descent, at least that was what one would judge, based on her appearance. The woman focused a pair of binoculars, and looked down, seeing the two figures speed off, only getting a slight hint of them, but her eyes had been bred through years of intense training to see things that were not there, whilst she mastered her surrounds.

The woman's name was Talia, and she was one of the top members of the League of Shadows, having earned that spot through hard year and toil, and not who her father was. She had fought men twice her size to earn the spot, men who would break her in half, and not think twice about it.

Talia spent eight years of her life in darkness as well, surviving on what she could, because it was a test by her father, who had always wanted a son, to see if she was worthy of the family legacy.

"He swallowed the bait just as you thought he would, father," Talia reported back in, her voice crisp and to the point.

The voice on the other end responded. "Excellent, you have done a satisfactory job, Talia. As I predicted, this young man is drawn to heroics. His power may be just what I need if my plans are to go off. He wears the skin of a human, but he has the potential to be much more, as we purify the world that has been ravaged by countless years of disease. Mankind really is a blight to this planet, but thankfully we have a gift from the stars. Have you been able to narrow down who he is?"

"The young man goes by the name of Clark Kent, he was adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent at the age of three," Talia responded to him. "I have managed to get a job as a secretary at his place of business, the Daily Planet, where I shall endeavor to gain more information about him, and perhaps get a bit closer to him, to see what he is all about."

"Do what you must, Talia, do what you must, but remember, do not forget the plan," her father responded over the link, his voice stern, and offering no room for Talia to argue. "What has your observation been about the other one?"

"You mean the paramedic?" Talia asked, leaning against the pillar where she had stood, and looked out on the city.

"Yes, that is who I do mean, I feel that he could also be a valuable tool, once we have unlocked certain doors," the man on the other end responded, his voice crisp and stern. "The monster within will be unlocked, but let us see what will happen when he has been exposed to one of the Lazarus Pits."

Talia's father paused, before he added a few more words, almost framing them as an afterthought.

"I do in fact believe that these two survivors are destined to fight to a cataclysmic end, whilst one or neither may survive the coming battle. If I am reading what is written in the sacred temple correctly, a Doomsday is coming, and the world will need the one empowered by the yellow sun to save it, for none shall slay the monster except for him. Not even those who have been empowered by Death herself."

"And after the battle is done and many have been wiped out, you shall purify the Earth," Talia answered, knowing her father's plan by heart.

"Yes, the destroyer could kill countless, but they are all acceptable losses," her father responded, in a crisp voice. "This Clark Kent and I will be meeting before too long. The information that my men have coerced out of Swann's daughter once we have grabbed her has allowed my plans to move forward, but continue your observation, and report back to when you gain more information."

"I will father, I shall not fail you," Talia responded, before she added, almost as an afterthought. "Have you run into any further snags in Gotham City, and your operations there?"

"True to form, the detective is getting closer to my operations, but rest assure, this is by design, he will be another one that I will endeavor to meet face to face before too long," Talia's father said, his voice once again crisp, and it sounded like he had everything under control.

Talia had only met Batman or Bruce Wayne rather, during his days of traveling the world. It had been a memorable meeting between the two, that led to quite the wild night in Cairo, but that was another story for another time.

Her father had went on about the Detective like he was the son that he always wanted, and it made Talia feel a little inadequate, especially after all she had done out of loyalty to her father. All of the sacrifices she had made, losing the best years of her life to training, and dedication, to prove she was worthy of the last name.

"It sounds as if you have a contingency for everything," Talia remarked, breaking herself out of her thoughts and breaking the silence.

"Naturally, I have a plan, would you expect anything less from Ra's Al Ghul?"

Talia would have say given that all she knew about her father, she would not have expected anything less.

"Do take care my daughter, and I will continue more of my work unearthing the map to lead me to the First," Ra's Al Ghul stated over the communication link.

Talia knew the First to be an ancient myth of someone who had been empowered by the gifts of Death herself, and had been able to twist the laws of morality. In many ways, he or she was a herald, a Herald of Death, so to speak.

Ancient legend had it that his soul had been trapped in a temple somewhere in the middle east, and would be able to grant powers to anyone, mastery over life and death. Her father had been using the Lazarus Pits for centuries, but the trips had less time in between, due to the fact that they were losing their potency.

For now, Talia had other matters on her mind, and she would be getting a closer look at the enigma that was Clark Kent all too shortly.

The Daily Planet bullpen buzzed with the news of the day, and in typical fashion Lois tore like a bat out of hell, nearly running over half of the staff, in her pursuit to file the latest story whilst it was still hot off of the presses. Chloe sat in the corner, kind of exasperated by her cousin's actions, but she just filed it away with Lois just being Lois.

Clark walked over, he had a lot of time to think, and to mull things over during the last couple of months, and talking to his mother was a refreshing change from talking to his father. Although Lara did tell Clark not to judge Jor-El too harshly, given his AI counterpart was not an accurate reflection of the real deal. Clark was trying hard not to, and Lara did in fact admit that Jor-El had plenty of faults, but all and all he was a good man.

Adopting a clumsy demeanor was something that Clark had decided to do, mostly to throw everyone off of the scent of the Blur. Lois in particular was starting to ask a lot of questions, and while Clark enjoyed her company, there were times where she could get mighty persistent and pushy.

The psychotic version of Kara had wiped Lois's mind of that day, and none of them felt inclined to clue Lois in on what she learned, at least for the moment. However, it was not the first time where Clark found himself racked with guilt about people not being able to let people in on his secret.

Clark was too caught up in his thoughts, where it led to the point where the clumsiness was not an act, and he bumped into a woman.

"Excuse me," Clark replied in an apologetic voice, and the woman just looked at him. She was beautiful, Clark would have to be blind not to see that, with an exotic look that one did not normally see around Kansas. Not that he was going to say that much to Lana, but Clark Kent was only human, well not really, but he was raised as one, so that sort of counted.

"It's quite alright, I was not really watching where I was going," the woman replied in a beautiful voice. There were women who could turn on men with their voices, and this was one of them, with Clark taking a step back, to keep himself in check. "I just got hired as the new secretary of this place, and I find myself a bit lost, Metropolis is not something that I'm used to. I grew up in a small village in the Middle East, everyone knew everyone else."

Clark nodded, that sounded a lot like Smallville in many ways, where everyone seemed to know what was going on, and it was at that point where Clark realized how lucky he was to keep his secret for all of those years.

"You seem like a nice young man, so I was hoping that you would show me around," the woman responded, looking at Clark, and her lips curled into an expression that would cause even the strongest of men to jump off of cliffs.

"I'd…if you want me to," Clark responded, and the woman just offered a smile. Had Clark been a bit quicker on the uptake, he would have noticed that this was the same type a smile that a predator had given, when cornering its prey.

"My name is Miranda, Miranda Tate," the woman responded in soft voice, looking into Clark's eyes, and he backed off into the wall. "And you are…"

"Clark Kent," Clark responded, and he did not know why, but he kind of hoped that this woman was one of his mates, other than Lana. Lana was still good, as Clark reminded himself, even though this woman had the charisma to threaten to drive Lana out of his mind.

"Lead the way, Mr. Kent," the woman responded.

Lois watched Miranda leave, her arm snaked around Clark's, and her eyes burned a hole into the back of the woman's head.

"I don't like her," Lois responded, and Chloe raised an eyebrow, before Lois hastily amended. "I mean…I mean she's not good for Clark, that's all…"

"You don't even know her," Chloe responded, but the truth be told, she had her misgivings. Considering that Clark and her had come to agreement that Clark not talk to her about the arrangement with Harry and Kara at all costs, Chloe thought it would be hypocritical to give Clark an earful about it.

"Look at her, she's the type of woman that Martha would have warned Clark to stay away from at all costs, because she's bad news," Lois responded, and Chloe just turned around. "Lana would agree with me if she was here."

"Clark's just being friendly," Chloe responded, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm not saying that he isn't, Clark's a good guy, but the problem is he's too good, and people like her exploit people like him, and eat them for breakfast, shit them out, and eat them again for lunch," Lois responded, and Chloe pulled a face at that image.

"Thanks for the imagery this close after I've eaten, Lois," Chloe replied, closing her eyes and pulling a face.

It would be a lot easier to explain certain matters to Lois if Clark had been upfront with her, but that was another story. Lois had been through so much with them, she was kind of being left out of the loop, and Chloe could not explain her arrangement to Lois, without Clark explaining his secret.

Yet, Chloe would never betray him, telling Clark's secret to someone, even though that someone who was her cousin, and potentially one of Clark's mates. That was just a theory, there was not one way or another for Chloe to prove it.

Lois on the other hand had a feeling that she should be remembering something important but found her memories to be a bit hazy for some reason. She remembered flying which was weird. Lois wondered if someone had drugged her or something along those lines.

There was also the fact that things just seemed much more breakable than they have had before but that was just her opinion.

Karen slipped into Tess Mercer's office, walking through the shadows, seemingly undetected, and knew that she had only one hour to get any more information. She felt she was getting closer and closer to figuring this out, when suddenly, a hand grabbed her by the wrist, and spun her around. Karen prepared to fight, but relaxed when it was only Harry Potter, standing there in the flesh.

Harry had a smile on his face, the kind of smile that would melt the hearts of most girls, and make their panties dampen with excitement. Karen wasn't going to fall for that, mostly because she was not wearing any panties, and she sat on the desk, still dressed in her dull disguise.

"Sneaking around here like this, spying on people, one might say that you're up to something," Harry replied, putting a hand on her cheek, and Karen backed off, before Harry grabbed her by the waist, and slid her onto the desk.

"I am up to something, something that you should be doing, destroying everything Luthor," Karen replied, and it was at this point where the blonde Kryptonian's eyes flashed with malice. "Do you even know who Tess Mercer is, and where she came from?"

"Yes, I do," Harry replied without missing a beat. "She has certain controlling tendencies that are hard to turn a blind eye to. But does she know?"

"She did in my world," Karen replied, and Harry put a hand to her knee.

"That was your world, this is our world, and things are very much different, things have happened, the world has changed, and it's nothing like the world you remember, which I think is the problem. Something bad happened, and you don't want it to happen again, now do you?"

Karen was silent, and she refused to answer, just on sheer principle. The blonde Kryptonian stood, arms folded, she had put the mask of deception on for the longest time, and now it was slipping, as Harry burned into her with those green eyes that were so bewitching. Harry placed his hand in her hair, and he stroked it gently, and Karen did not pull away, rather she leaned in closer, to allow Harry better access.

"Drop the mask," Harry replied, and Karen relaxed, the glamor fading away.

Harry saw all of her at that point, and liked what he saw; she was a specimen of beauty, just like his Karen. Her blonde hair framed her angelic face, that right now had a frown on it, with her blue eyes simmering, and full of so much unbridled passion that she tried to hold back, yet she could not. Harry could sense her body heat up at his mere touch, and understood that she had been sexually repressed, emotionally distraught, with all of her emotions shut off.

His eyes traveled down to the tight blouse, with the buttons straining to pop because of her large breasts, that were round, high, and firm, the pinnacle of Kryptonian female development, and he saw her cleavage. Karen's shirt rode up a little bit, to see her toned stomach, with a cute little belly button.

Harry's gaze traveled down to her short skirt that wrapped snugly around her hips and Karen was not wearing any underwear underneath, now that the glamor had faded. Her legs were adorned by a pair of stockings that ensnared his mind, and made his mouth water.

She was beautiful, and Harry took another step forward, taking advantage of the attraction that she felt to him. He turned on the Herald of Death charm effect, knowing that every woman who was nearby would feel the sudden urge to have some quality time with themselves, alone in private, or with a significant other, but Harry did not care.

"So, tell me what's this all about?" Harry asked Karen, and Karen's mouth watered.

She knew she should be fighting this, but the problem was that she could not fight it, she wanted it, and Karen wanted to feel again. She wanted Harry to take her into his arms, and kiss her, giving her pleasure.

Karen collapsed into Harry's embrace, and she tried to remain calm, even though her heart fluttered, and she felt ensnared, bewitched by his very being. Karen was slowly losing herself, losing control, with Harry pushing her back onto the desk, his hand on her knee. The very touch was causing Karen to lose herself.

"You really want to know," Karen breathed, but then her breath hitched in more, when Harry's hand went up her skirt, before placing firmly on her inner thigh. Harry leaned forward, and licked Karen behind her left ear, causing the blonde Kryptonian to shudder, and her body to warm up, that spot was really sensitive.

"Yeah, I want to know," Harry replied, and by design or perhaps accidentally, the buttons on Karen's top began to pop thanks to the sexually charged magic in the room, and her already short skirt got magically shorter. Her blouse was mere a few threads, just covering the essentials, as was her skirt, not leaving anything to the imagination.

"I'll tell you anything, baby," Karen replied in a husky voice, her lips moistening with desire, and her eyes burning with passion, literally given the heat vision came dangerously close to setting Tess's entire office on fire, but thankfully she reigned it in. "I'll give you anything you want, but all I ask is for you to give me something."

Karen reached forward, and grabbed Harry's crotch through his pants, emphasizing what she wanted, before squeezing his package roughly, and she leaned forward, whispering sensually into his ear.

"And I want it, right here, and right now."

Harry looked at her, and looked around. "Here, in Tess's office?"

"Her desk is clean," Karen replied, with a shrug, before she threw her legs around Harry, and wrapped her arms around him, before pushing Harry back onto the desk. This busty blonde began to kiss the breath out of Harry, as she grounded her heated mound onto his erection, before the real fun began.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Like a sex starved animal, Karen attacked Harry's mouth with hers, forcing her tongue into his mouth, and Harry returned the favor, rubbing his tongue against hers. Karen's lips were very sensitive, they've never been kissed until now, not that would stop her from having everything that she wanted, everything that she needed.

Karen grabbed Harry's shirt, and tore it off of him, before she stroked his flesh with her hands, playing with it. Her hands were very skilled, and they eased lower, before Karen stuck a hand down Harry's pants, teasing his very stiff rod. Karen wanted to see the merchandise, and immediately, she tore Harry's pants off, before she made quick work of his boxers.

Harry stood in the office, naked as the day he was born, and Karen's eyes widened, with heat filling her body, when she saw the sight of muscular frame, beautiful eyes, messy black hair, and that huge, thick piece of meat between his legs. Karen got before Harry on her knees, and worshipped her new god, grabbing his meat, before she gave it slow strokes, sensually rubbing Harry's member, feeling every throb, every vein, every twitch, just every inch of this meat.

If this was Karen's first time doing this, then she was a natural, or that's what at least Harry summarized, she played with his cock, placing her mouth around the head, and with a swift motion, took the entire length down her throat. Harry gritted his teeth, hissing like a snake, and Karen's head bobbed up and down, up and down, taking Harry deeper and deeper into her tight throat. Harry felt her throat muscles convulse around him, and Karen sped up at his sounds of pleasure, deep throating him at every movement.

Karen was born to do this, she wanted this cock, and she would get what she wanted, taking this thick tool down into her throat. The blonde Kryptonian sped up with every single passing moment, and continued to suck Harry down, the cock hitting the back of her throat, feeling it twitch.

"That's it baby, such a hot mouth, suck that cock like the whore you are," Harry breathed to Karen, and Karen, spurred on by the dirty talk, sped up, whilst vigorously rubbing her clit, bringing herself closer and closer to an erect.

She was so dirty, she was so filthy, Karen needed this cock, and Harry was giving her the meat she needed, slamming it down her throat. Karen could almost sense that Harry was getting nearer, and grabbed his ballsac, fondling it tightly with her hand, coaxing him to cum at that moment.

Harry felt her talented mouth on his rod, and her skilled hand on his ballsac, so his balls tightened.

"Going to cum," Harry groaned, and Karen's mouth popped off, stroking Harry's cock up and down, while she did, pumping it faster.

"That's it Harry, cum all over my pretty face, and my big tits, soak this dirty slut with your cum," Karen cooed, pumping Harry all the while faster, and he proceeded to cum, sending several thick jets of cum, it pumping out of his cock like a fire hose.

Karen slid back, catching some of it in her tongue, and some of the cum splattered in her hair, not that she cared. This was a pinnacle of manhood, and she had just serviced him well, but now she had little time to reconcile what had happened for Harry had just jammed three fingers into her cunt. Karen moaned, eyes glazed over at the unexpected intrusion, but she felt Harry slowly pump into her.

"Manipulate that cunt," Karen breathed, and Harry fingered her, jamming his fingers in and out, in and out, in and out, feeling the heat in her mouth, and Karen felt herself coming close, with her pussy clenching around his fingers.

Harry manipulated her inner most pleasure centers, before grabbing Karen, and leaning her back on Tess's desk, pulling his fingers out of her. Karen groaned from the lost, but did not have long to grown where Harry had spread apart her extremely moist lips, and shoved his tongue down into her tasty pussy, making circular motions with it as he slowly licked her out.

"Oh, great fucking Rao," Karen groaned, her hips bucking up to match Harry's tongue, when he jabbed his tongue deep into her gushing cunt, and Karen felt Harry go down on her with the skill, he was talented at oral sex, that much was for certain. Karen's eyes fluttered, her heat beat fast, and her body warmed up, with her moaning and cooing becoming more and more labored with each passing stroke of Harry's tongue.

It was until Harry started hissing in her core, and Karen screamed to the heavens, hoping that Harry remembered to put silencing spells around the office, because she sure as hell didn't. Harry's tongue was working such great magic at her, and his hands found her tits, with Harry fondling them, squeezing them, whilst he went down on Karen.

Harry tasted Karen's pussy, it was mostly the same, but at the same time, very different from Kara's. It had a more exotic taste to it, wild and untamed, while Kara's was more sweet and savory, but both tasted the same. Harry continued to go down on her, stimulating every single spot of her, and Karen's legs squeezed together around his head, with a force that would decapitate a normal human being.

Karen's pussy clenched, and after a time of Harry stroking his tongue deep into her, and hissing deep into her cunt, Karen came hard, splattering Harry's faces with her love juices. The sweet nectar splashed onto Harry's face, and Harry reached forward, scrapping some of the juices off of Karen's legs, before offering it to her. Karen greedily and gladly feasted upon her own girl cum, licking it from Harry's fingers.

Harry decided to go where no man had ever gone before, and he rubbed Karen's lips, teasing the opening.

"You better do it, and fuck me hard," Karen demanded, Harry just teased her, rubbing her lips up and down with his fingers, and then brushed his thumb over her clit, sending sparks of magic into it, which caused Karen to whine. "HARRY! HARRY! FUCK ME!"

Karen's legs were spread, and Harry hovered over her, aiming his cock towards her pussy, before he jammed it into her. For a moment, Karen's maiden head had been busted, and she felt pain, but that was fleeting for her powers could heal her. Harry then offered slow strokes at first, penetrating her pussy, and then built up the tempo.

"Harry, fuck me like you mean it," Karen demanded, putting her hands around his back, and sinking her nails into it, to encourage Harry, and Harry sped up his thrusts, slamming his cock harder and harder into Karen's moist sex, his balls slapping against her. "Oh, that's it, fuck me, fuck me long and hard, fuck me nice!"

"You really are a cock whore, aren't you?" Harry grunted, as he continued to saw into her, pounding his cock into her.

"Yes, I want you, your cock, your cock, you're my master, fuck this dirty little alien," Karen breathed, and Harry continued to smash his cock deep into her, punishing her cervix with his swift, and fluid motions.

Karen laid back upon the desk, and Harry just rammed his thick tool into her, giving her pleasure, stretching her inner walls, and she tightened her legs around him, moaning deeply. It was now that Harry had a mouth latched on her right tit, sucking it hard, and Karen screamed when Harry lightly bit down on her nipple.

"Do you like it rough?" Harry grunted, and Karen looked up at him, with Harry reaching around, and grabbing her hair, tugging on it, and slamming hard into her pussy.

"Yes, fuck me, fuck me, break this fucking desk," Karen managed, and sure enough, the desk collapsed underneath them, but Karen still hovered into the air, feeling Harry's incoming thrusts, fucking her with the full force of a train slamming into someone, while Karen fucked him back with the full force of a jet. Her body was feeling so good right now.

Harry thought that the imprisonment had made Karen rather horny, and as it turned out, he was right, this woman really was built for fucking, she wanted it. He thought Kara's sex drive was amazing, and Chloe's wasn't anything to sniff at either, but Karen's tight cunt massaged his stiff prick, and Harry felt the warmth around him.

"Such a fucking great pussy," Harry managed, and he continued to slam his cock in and out of her, it appearing and disappearing, banging their hips together with miniature sonic booms that cracked the paint and the windows in the office.

"Such a huge fucking cock, keep doing it baby," Karen moaned, and Harry continued to pound into her, thrusting his dick into her, and pounding at her, knocking over cabinets in Tess's office, not that neither of them really cared, lost to the moment.

Karen felt herself being driven to orgasm after orgasm, and Karen tightened herself around him, trying to milk him, using every single trick she knew. Her cunt wanted his load badly, and she thrust against him. Harry's hands were all over her floating body, her breasts, her ass, her face, legs, everywhere, sending little touches that drove her beyond wild.

Harry slammed his rod deep into Karen's core, and felt her heat up, with the two of them hovering in the air, blowing around everything, the two powerful Heralds fucked each other long, and fast, with their lips now smashing together with a passionate kiss, as they swayed in mid-air.

Karen tilted back, her back arched, and Harry impaled his cock into her core, with her moaning, and writhing in midair.

"Here it comes," Harry told her, what seemed to be a long time later, nearly an hour, maybe more, but Karen had long since lost track of the time.

"I need your cum in me, now," Karen growled, biting her lip, and summoning all of the power to her pussy muscles, giving Harry the tightest squeeze she could, for the best cum he would ever have.

Harry's seed splattered deep into her, and Karen screamed to the heavens, feeling Harry unload into her, draining what seemed to be more cum than a hundred mortal men could have. It was thick as it went into her too, splattering the inside of her walls, and Harry came directly into her womb. Karen couldn't have any children because of Lionel's experiments, as far as she knew, and that gave her another reason to hate everything Luthor.

Right now, Harry drained his thick fluids into her, and Karen fell back on the ground, satisfied.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Karen reached into her jacket pocket, when she put her clothes back on, and pulled out a flash drive, before handing it to Harry.

"That's everything I've been able to find on a project Luthorcorp has been working on, called Project Promethus," Karen responded, and Harry looked at her. "We…I think it's Lex's last lifeline before his body gives up and dies. He's paralyzed from the neck down, and might only have a couple of months to survive after his injuries."

"Who are we?" Harry asked, and Karen disappeared into the night at super speed. At least Harry understood why she was destroying all of the Luthorcorp facilities, she was searching, but the blonde Kryptonian left him a note this time.

Next time bring Kara or Chloe, or both, so we can have some real fun.

Your third mate.

See you soon.

Harry had no time to mull this over, for the office door opened at that time, and he went invisible, not having the time to clear up, get out, or anything else.

Tess entered the office, after enjoying lunch, if it could be called that. The problem for Tess is that more often or not, lunch was just an extension of the insanity of the day, and thus she was on business for most of it. She did not fully get the situation that was in her office, before Tess stopped, and stared.

The entire office had been trashed, and it looked like someone or something had went through it like a tornado, or maybe a pack of wild animals. Tess really wondered who could have done this, and she spun around, making her way back down the hallway.

"Check the security logs for my office for the last two hours."

Tess continued to quicken her strides, moving quicker yet with each passing motion, and she was not about to waste. Something like that happening was not giving her much confidence in her staff, and she thought that she was going to lose mind at that moment.

After walking down the hallway at the most rapid speed she could allow, Tess stopped and stared at the man in the chair, who had done just as she asked. The man offered an apologetic smile, and looked at Tess, who tapped her foot on the ground.

"There's someone in the office, but the security cameras can't pick it up, until about ten minutes ago, where it looks like a wind looks like it toppled everything in the office."

Tess's eyebrows raised in confusion, and she moved over, trying to slow the tape down, but found nothing, except for a blur of light, and then everything in her office was totaled.

"I see," Tess replied, knowing what she had to do, she would have to double the security around her office to make sure nothing like that happened again.

Also for some reason the moment where Tess walked into her office, she felt the need to have a really long, and really cold shower, but she shook that sensation off. There was just something in that office, that Tess could not shake, and right now there was only one thing for her to do.

She would comb every inch of her office, trying to find the culprit, and then Tess would get to the bottom of this entire mess; leaving no stone unturned whatsoever. Of course, the real problem was where to start, because Tess was flummoxed about the entire mess, and at a loss for words.

She wondered if this corporate saboteur was sending her a powerful message of some sort, but at this point, the woman was at a loss of what it might have been.

"I wouldn't beat up yourself too much, Kal-El, your development is coming along better than many would hope," Lara lectured Clark as he stood in the Fortress of Solitude, speaking about his doubts to his mother about the fact that he wondered if he was ever ready. "Many would be crack under the burden that you have been given, and would fall. When the time is right, then you will be ready."

"And what if that time never comes?" Clark asked his mother, and there was a long pause, before Lara responded.

"Then it is quite fortunate that there are others who will be able to pick up the work in the meantime, but I feel that there will come a day where you will be ready, when it counts the most," Lara answered, and Clark just responded with a nod at his mother. Lana stood next to him, giving him an encouraging smile. "If I have learned anything about humanity is that it has any number of able protectors that will jump to the call when needed. It is wise that you have such an able protector."

"I try my best," Lana said in a modest voice.

"And you will keep trying, because I think that you understand what is on the line," Lara answered, and it was almost like she was looking at Lana, with the dark haired girl being put under the radar. "Do not falter, Lana Lang, and stand by Clark, and perhaps you will be prepared for greatness, for not because it is your destiny, but rather due to the choices that you make."

Lana nodded in understanding, and suddenly there was a cracking.

"Is that what I think it is?" Clark asked.

"Yes, Kal-El, I believe we have finally recovered your father," Lara responded, but they waited and watched before Jor-El slowly, and surely came back on line.

Jor-El took a moment to regain his bearings, because had he been worked over a lot by Lily, and there was a moment before the AI found himself regaining his bearings, before he began to speak.

"Hello, Kal-El."

Clark responded, preparing to say the words that he never thought he would ever hear himself say in his life, but there he was saying it. "It is good to hear your voice again, Jor-El."

"Hello, Jor-El," Lara responded without preamble.

This was a statement that was simple, with two words, yet it was two words that had caused the Jor-El AI to sputter, not understanding how this had happened, this was not something that he planned for.


"Pleased to see you remember me, given that it was I who gave birth to your son, so you could send him to Earth on some grand destiny," Lara responded crisply, and there was a moment where she paused. "Did you not think that I would not have made sure that I would also be watching over my son?"

"The thought had not crossed my mind, but you must understand, that I have everything under control," Jor-El responded, and it was at that more where Lara's voice got a bit sarcastic, if an AI was capable of such a thing.

"And I suppose the fact I found your data bits buried in….where was it again, Lana?"

"Someone's Facebook Wall," Lana responded, barely keeping a straight face at the entire amusement of the situation.

"Kal-El, Lana, Chloe, Harry, Kara, and I have worked tirelessly for the past six weeks, and I do hope that you are grateful for it," Lara responded, but then she added. "Unless of course you enjoyed being subjected to the mental angst of Earth teenagers all day long, then by all means, I shall send you back, and we'll pretend we never had this conversation, and furthermore, you owe your niece an apology. She's not Zor-El, and that petty family feud between you two should have died with Krypton. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lara, I understand you clearly," Jor-El responded, being a program of logic, he knew that there was none in arguing with his wife when she had her mind made up in such a matter. Jor-El took a moment to collect his thoughts. "There is one matter of business that I wish to discuss with Kal-El."

"By all means then discuss it, his eyes are on you, and his ears are open."

Sure enough, Clark was listening, as was Lana, because she knew that if involved Clark, it may as well have ended up involving her one way or another.

"Kal-El, you have taken a major step towards growing into your destiny, but there is a looming darkness that is coming, an enemy that you must master, and you must master it alone. There is a danger beyond anything that the world has ever known, and it is you and only you that must face it."

Clark swallowed the lump in his throat, and Lana just grabbed him by the hand. Resolved, the Last Son of Krypton took a moment to stare forward, determined, as the Fortress was whole once again. "I'll be ready."

"Do be ready, my son, for Doomsday is coming upon us, and whilst you attempt to hide from your heritage, the monster will get stronger from the day."

'Vague as usual,' Clark thought to himself.

Lana looked at him, and tugged on his sleeve. "Come on Clark, your parents look like they have a lot of catching up to do."

"Well, see you later, both of you," Clark responded, and Lana turned around, standing at the door.

"Race you back," Lana said, and she sped off, with Clark trailing behind. "C'mon Kal-El, pick up the pace, I'm only going at half speed."

Clark had noticed that Lana had taken to calling him Kal-El at random times, mostly when she tapped into her powers. It had been happening ever since that night at the Fortress where Lily downloaded all of the information from it into Lana's brain, and Lana seemed hush-hush about what exactly it entailed, only that she would tell Clark when she fully understood it herself. Even after the sessions with Kara at the Shining Light Foundation, it was almost Lana had changed, been programmed into something more Kryptonian.

Perhaps Clark was being paranoid, but never the less he chased Lana, determined not to lose the foot race. If anything, he thought he was getting faster, but the problem is, so was she.

To Be Continued in the next arc "Nevermore."