
Monster lesson

With a tired sigh, I leaned back in my chair and began to think about what to do next. After some time, the emperor and empress will receive information that their son Alurik disappeared while entering the academy.

And this means that they will start looking for me, I have completely changed, but I did not know if my blood had changed or only my appearance had changed.

I did not know a single real half-elf whom I could ask for things that interested me. Hearing the bell, I hurried to the auditorium where I was taking a course on monsters.

Having risen to the floor, I could notice that all the classrooms were closed, which meant that classes had begun. I walked up to the door and knocked on it, opening the door slightly to peek inside.

The professor was standing near the table, on which a strange creature similar to a chicken was running. The teacher was a man in his forties, short, with long black hair in a braid, deep-set brown eyes. Hearing the door open, he looked towards the door and looked at me intently.

I could feel how he was evaluating me as a new monster to pick a cage.

- Quit standing in the doorway of stufon trey, come in and take your place with the others. The professor spoke in a tired voice.

Silently entering the audience and closing the door behind me, I began to examine the office. Unlike the history of magic course, there were both paintings of various monsters and cages with some along the walls.

The students of my class were located in the right corner of the class and were divided into pairs. Looking around, I began to look for someone to sit down, there was only an empty seat next to my sister.

Approaching her, I saw how she looked murderously at me and around, but seeing that there were no more places, she could only accept her fate. Sitting next to her, I heard the professor introduce himself and begin to talk about what this course will be about.

The professor's name was Craig, he will teach us how to understand which monster is dangerous, what are their weak points and their habitats.

There was a monster running on his desk called mihyer. Outwardly, it resembled a mixture of a wolf and a cat, it was no larger than a bedside table, it had a long tail and it was more red in color, its eyes, like almost any monster, were yellow.

- Don't be fooled by the sight of this monster, they hunt in packs and can cause trouble to villages and farms. They are excellent diurnal predators, but at night their vision drops to almost zero. They can eat different cattle and various other monsters. - Explaining Craig began to push the monster's mouth and we saw fangs that are not characteristic of such an animal.

- With their front fangs, they tear the weak points of the victims, and when the victim becomes vulnerable and resists less, they begin to shred the victim with their claws. - Craig lowered his hand to the legs of the monster and showed us the claws that were hidden between the paws, they looked like long needles.

I shuddered as they hunted in packs, few ordinary villagers or farm dwellers could handle such a pack.

- Like any monster, they have a core that you can and must destroy if you want to kill this monster. Its core is located in the chest on the left side along the front paws. Craig gently laid the monster on its back and ran a hand over the left side of the monster's chest.

It could be seen that the monster tensed at that moment, but the professor gave him some food and the monster relaxed. I tried to memorize the words of the professor, since I could not know where fate would take me.

- Where do you think they live the most? asked Professor Craig.

One could notice how some stufons began to mutter something under their breath, some raised their hands.

In the Cray Empire, as far as I remember, there were no such monsters, I did not hear from anyone in the palace that some villages suffered from the attacks of such monsters.

- Introduce yourself as a stufon for a start and tell me where you think these monsters live. - Craig turned to the stufon who raised his hand.

Stoufon slowly stood up and stared at the monster, I could read in his eyes that this is not just knowledge gleaned from books.

- My name is Lei Xu, they are the nightmare of my country Mingel, their packs love to hunt animals that graze near the villages, often they can get caught by children, they don't see anything threatening in these monsters, approaching them, they pounce on a pack. Lei Xiu said viciously without taking her eyes off the monster that was staring at her lazily.

Professor Craig nodded at Lei'Xu's words, confirming what she had said. After listening to her, he rewarded her with currency and asked her to sit down and continued to talk about these monsters.

Quite right, but you forgot to add that the smell comes from children more soft and gentle, and therefore it attracts them the most. - Craig added what Lei'Xu told about.

Having looked around the class and the stufons, Craig went up to the table and took Michyer by the collar and dragged him into the cage.

The monster didn't resist and didn't try to escape into it, calmly watched how it was being carried into the cage, having closed the mihier in the cage, the professor returned back to the table, slightly leaning on his elbows, he lightly began to drum his fingers on the table.

- What do you think, stufons, which monster is more dangerous, the one that is big and strong or dexterous and not big? Craig asked, looking around the class.

You could see how everyone thought, no one raised their hand up to answer thoughtlessly. For me, the enemy who was not strong was more dangerous, but the one who could evade my attacks and level my abilities, but for many they were probably dangerous, as were those who had strength and were dexterous. I began to notice how hands began to rise one after another, but what surprised me the most was that Heya raised her hand first.

- You Stufon tell me who you think is more dangerous and introduce yourself. Craig said, pointing to Heya.

- My name is Heya, as for me both types of monsters are dangerous and they can threaten reciprocity from this or that situation. Heya spoke in a calm voice as she watched the monsters in the cages.

- True to Heya's stufon, many monsters are dangerous in the environment in which they live, so it is important to know what kind of monster you are hunting and try to find out its weaknesses and strengths. As an example, the mihyer are dangerous during the day, but at night they are defenseless and climb into deep holes along with the stee. - Agreeing with the look of Heya, Craig began to approach another cage that was larger than the one in which mihyer sits.

Approaching Craig's cage, opening the lock and opening the door, he moved to the left allowing the monster to exit the cage.

I and all the stufons began to look at the cage in anticipation of what would come out of it, but when we saw how a light elf with a hunched back was coming out of it.

Closing and opening my eyes again seeing the elf, I looked at the professor who was watching the shock that hit the whole class. Taking the chain leading to the neck of the elf, he went with her to the teacher's table.