

A car parked out front and all doors flew open as Simon, Jane, Aaron, Adam along with Mr and Mrs. Wayne got out of the car with a torch at hand. They had come across Mrs Wayne on their way tracing White and she had told them to hop in as they filled her in on the way, Mr. Wayne was the only left utterly speechless as Mrs. Wayne promised to explain after they get Lynn back.

"He's here." Simon said as he knew it was the only place White could take her to.

They stood quietly in the dark woods with nothing in sight and the others looked around.

"I don't see him," Jane said and Aaron sniffed the ground

"Aaron says he can't smell him or Lynn, neither can I. Where are we anyways?" Adam asked and he saw Simon and Mrs. Wayne stare up ahead but he couldn't see anything in sight.

"Is that really Aaron?" Mr. Wayne asked in disbelief and Adam tapped him on the shoulder sympathetically "You'll get used to it,"