
Chapter 99

on him, he leaned towards his ear.

"I won't kill you now, but next time, I won't let you free either," he said, his voice stern and devoid of emotion.

He let go of him and straightened up, Lucas coughed hysterically with his eyes bloodshot.

"Deal with him before letting him go" Jo instructed and turned around, and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

The door opened and two fierce-looking burly men entered holding batons, slapping in their own opened palms.

Lucas's eyes widened in fear, and he broke out in cold sweat.

Jo's Butler nodded at them and they darted towards him and started beating him.

"aah!" he wailed.

Jack led the way into the woods, they came to a cave and saw that the direction is where the golden ball was kept.

Jack stood still when he saw Drake and his friends standing at the cave mouth, Drake folded his arms with an expressionless face.

"Why are you not going forward, lead us in there" Jeane urged Jack, pouting her lips.

Jack seeing the situation swallowed the lump of saliva in his throat, his palms became sweaty and he became nervous.

"who is your leader?" Drake asked with a loud voice, in a taunting manner.

"is Jack"

One of his pack members answered from behind, they started laughing, Jack turned around.

Lucy grabbed his arm before he could make up his mind, she glared at him "you are our leader, move forward" she pulled him forward.

Jack stood nervously and broke out in cold sweat.

"He is scared" Drake taunted, and his pack members laughed, suddenly, Jack scurried abandoning his group members.

Jeame stepped forward and lifted himself high in mid-air, and landed at the entrance of the cave mouth, behind Drake and his pack members, he strode into the dimly illuminated cave with light bulbs.

"Fuck! get him!" Drake thundered, the six boys with him ran in, he glared at Jeane and Lucy threateningly before going in.

The first boy delved at Jeame, but he was slapped away, and he slammed on the cave wall.

"aah!" he shrieked.

The next one, transformed into a werewolf and stretched out his claws, darted at Jeame to scratch his claws on his face, but he was punched on the chest, which forced him backwards, and fell into his colleague, both of them were flung out of the cave.

The moment they landed outside the cave, Jeane and Lucy were startled, that they jumped back in freight holding each other fearfully.

The last boy standing, leapt at Jeame who grabbed him and plunged his head on the dome of the cave, which made him fall, wincing painfully.

Jeame turned and kept on walking towards the direction of the golden ball, which was kept some metres away from where he was.

"stop!" Drake roared, and his voice echoed in the cave, even scaring Jeane and Lucy who were both outside the cave.

Jack ran back, looking scared to see the