
Chapter 97

his table, thinking of how to rectify his son's mistake when a knock distracted his trail of thoughts.

"come in," he said, his voice sounding harsh.

The door creaked and opened, the CSO stood before him, he lifted his face from the papers he was working on.

"What is the matter?" he asked with a note of impatience, annoyed by his presence.

"Mr Chairman, your son has been kidnapped' the CSO reported.

Mr Bruce, the father of Lucas slammed the table.


He glared furiously at the CSO gritting his teeth.

"How did this happen?" he asked, his voice raised.

The CSO lowered his head in shame, feeling a bit incompetent.

"I am talking to you damn it!" he hollered at him, feeling infuriated, he slammed the table once again.


The CSO jerked "sir, he was kidnapped at the front of the company, before we could repel them, they drove off" he explained calmly.

"you idiot!" he hollered and threw away the glass from the table.


It broke into pieces on the floor.

"you all, are a bunch of incompetent idiots!" he hollered at him, his eyes bloodshot.

"quickly inform the police, if anything happens to my son, I won't spare anyone of you" he threatened, feeling frustrated.

The CSO cowered and retreated quickly, he came out of the door, and call the police over.

Some minutes later, they arrived at the company premises.

"Sheriff, you are here" the CSO hurried over and welcomed the cops inspecting the crime scene.

"Mr Cartel" the Sheriff wore a warm smile stretched forth his arm.

the CSO identified as Mr Cartel took his handshake "Sheriff, our Boss is very upset, as I earlier reported, he was kidnapped in the front of the company" he reiterated.

The sheriff looked around and observed the tyres marks, he nodded thoughtfully, he looked at Mr Cartel, the CSO of the company.

"can I see the footage?" he requested, Mr. Cartel nodded immediately.

"Sure, follow me"

He turned and led the way into the security room.

Jeane stared at her friend's faces, Jeame was still wearing a mask.

"Let's do this," she said, Jack pursed his lips tightly "Hey, you can't be the leader, I am the leader, and everyone will obey what I say if we want to win," Jack said shrugging.

Lucy eyed him "we should be venturing into woods" she commented, irritated by the argument.

"fine, I will be the leader" he insisted and led the way into the woods, Jeane frowned and followed, while Lucy cared less about the leadership position, Jeame quietly followed from behind, watching keenly the people that are chatting going into the woods.

"Move faster!" Jack shouted.

In a close room, Linda stood looking furious, her boobs heaving, she wore a side slit mini gown, aggravating her curves.

She smashed the glass cup in her hand on the marbled floor.


it shattered and broke into many pieces, her eyes bloodshot, she turned to a lady sitting on