
Chapter 93

take him to the hospital" Arial said, her breath heavy, and her voice coarse, seeing Jo in that pitiful condition broke her heart.

He was helped into the car by his guards and, Arial drove him to the hospital, escorted by several other men of Jo.

Lucas waited impatiently for the men he had sent to capture Joseph, he curb the time on the wristwatch, once again! his frown deepened.

The door made a forceful creaking sound, and a man, tipped over, almost stumbling to the floor.

His face was engraved with fear, his body shivering and his heart beating rapidly, panting heavily, and swallowing the lump of saliva.

Lucas seeing the way he got in, became furious.


He shot a kick on his chest and fell back, falling back on the floor, looking scared and breathing heavily, he broke out in cold sweat when he saw the menacing look on Lucas's face.

Lucas gave him a condescending look and folded his arms, glaring at him "where the hell is looser, I sent you to bring to me?" he yelled, the man on the floor, quickly got on his knees.

"Boss, we did capture him, but his bodyguards ambushed us and took him back, we didn't expect them to possess firearms.."


he slapped him, and kicked him furiously, he turned around and smashed the bottle he was drinking on the floor.


"you all are all useless!" he hollered, feeling the arousing frustration, he brushed his head with his palms and hissed.

The next morning, Joseph became conscious of his environment, Arial was sleeping on a sofa.

Joseph saw the drip attached to him, he looked at her, sleeping on the sofa and smiled.

Arial stirred and woke up, she yawned and stretched weakly, her eyes lit up when she saw him.

She quickly stood on her feet and hurried to meet him, "you are awake?" he asked, looking at him curiously.

Joseph nodded "I am fine" he responded, Arial smiled and pecked his nose, and he nodded, she hugged him and shed tears.

Jeane woke up, she quickly came out of her room and went in search of her Grandpa, she saw him reading a newspaper.

"Good morning, Grandpa!" she greeted, beaming radiantly, Old Man Bill stretched his arm, and she sat just by his side, he pecked her cheek.

"I won't be home, Jeane, I will be travelling, you should take care of yourself..." she turned to Jeame who was standing by his side "ensure she is safe" he instructed.

Jeame nodded, Old Man Bill stood on his feet and Jeane escorted him out of the house.

Carl hurriedly came over "Sir, you sent for me" he said, bowing slightly to Old Man Bill.

"connect with Philp's family, make sure, everything went as planned" he instructed.

"Yes, Boss" he affirmed.

Before Old Man Bill entered the car, he turned to Jeane "be a good girl" he said, tilting his head towards Jeame, who was standing some