
Chapter 77

one, witnessing his comrade being chided, he has no intention about pursuing the matter anymore.

The young man picked up the dead lying body and carried it on his shoulder, trying to walk away, but the body tried to resist him.

"The bo.." he barely completed his state,  before he was sent flying away with a kick, the other one who has been aloof about the matter was stunned.


he landed his weight on a door, and suddenly went numb, and dropped to the floor heavily, definitely unconscious.

His comrade stood standing and watched him carry the dead body away.

A man sitting on a throne quietly, a young man stood beside "Boss, he has taken the body away, should we kill him?" he asked while standing.

The man sitting on the throne face curled into a smile and gave no response, his body emanated a murderous aura.

Jeane arrived at the hospital and met Lucy at the lobby area, she quickly stood the very moment she sighed her friend from the chair kept for visitors who were at the emergence area.

"How is he?" Jeane asked, her face creased in worry, Lucy smiled "he is fine, is just some few minor injuries and fractures" she downplayed the situation, but Jeane was no kid.

"is he out of danger?" she asked, still maintaining the same spirit, Lucy dropped the pretence knowing she couldn't fool her friend "he is fine, we will be able to see him soon" she assured.

Jeane nodded and walked briskly to meet Jack who was sitting and hugging himself, she pressed his shoulder comforting him.

Jack turned to him and smiled sorely before facing the door of the ICU room that Sam was inside "I wish he is fine" he said, more of a regret.

Chin was still unsettled, he was alarmed by the police presence, he had sent his subordinates to keep watch if the police are about to search the house.

The entrance door was pushed open by the person he had sent to the gate "Bos, they are gone" he reported.

Chin gritted his teeth in regret, he wished he had a chance to pull the trigger on the person who had tried to murder him.

He stomped hard on the floor, infuriated that the police had ended the show before it barely started.

"Get me my phone!" he snapped at one of his subordinates, who quickly dashed out of his presence and returned quickly with his phone.

He dialled a number clenching his teeth, immediately it connected "any lead?" he said quickly into the receiver, ignoring every formal pleasantry.

The one called on the other end didn't respond quickly, but he did anyway.

"You have gone overboard, Chin, what nonsense is this?" the one Chin spoke to quickly reprimanded him, but Chin was in no mood to chit-chat.

"if it were for you, I would be living free and worry just about the authorities, but, those you offenders are fucking after