
Chapter 71

introduced himself and quickly dug his fangs on Jeff's nape, and pinned his two arms forcefully on the door.

Jeff shrieked and cried loudly when the excruciating pain from his neck spread all over his body.

Jeame turned and looked at Jeane, "can I treat you to a meal, later" she said, Jeame simply nodded.

Jeane let him go and he quietly walk away, Jeane pulled out her phone placed a call.

"Lucy, where are you guys? how is Sam doing?" she asked in one breath, the feeling of exasperation overwhelming her.

Lucy at the other end "he is in the school clinic now, he has been put on a bed, Jeane, where are you? are you doing fine?" she asked, worried for her friend.

Jeane sensing her worry "I am fine, Lucy, I will be coming to the school clinic quickly" she said and hung up.

She swept her gaze around the College's love garden and see some couples having a nice time and making out, her heart became shy, wondering if Jeame have other thoughts for bringing her here.

She quickly discarded the thought by smacking her head, she quickly marched out of the garden.

A jeep sped down a vast area, heading directly to a container house.

The driver of the car stepped on the brake and the jeep skidded and came to a halt.

The drive alighted and looked around, he removed the eyeglass and walked towards the container's house, just then, a mouth of pump-action emerged from the widow.

"Who the hell are you, before I blow up your fucking ass?" a voice threatened behind the window.

Carl was surprised, he wasn't expecting such reaction from the occupant of the house, he raised his hand "ho ho, it is me, Philip!" he called the occupant's name.

But the assailant hiding away was unwavering "I repeat for the last time, who the fuck are you, dummy?!" he reiterated with a more icy tone.

"It is me, Carl" the man raising his arms introduced himself, just then, there was silence from the container room.

A few seconds later, a face peered from the window, "Carl!" he called happily, and the head left the window.

Carl began to approach the door, the screen door was pulled open by a fat man bearing a firearm.

"is good to see you, again," he said and welcomed him with a light embrace, Carl patted his back and smiled mischievously "what are friends for!" he retorted, and he was let in.

Philip and Carl got into the house and he offered him a seat, he handed a beer to him.

Carl observed the room keenly and noticed many pictures on the wall, he opened the cap of the bottle and drank directly from it.

"you haven't changed your mind, Philip, how long are you going to hold on to this, and the grief?" he asked, sounding a bit annoyed by his friends.

Philip's eyes moistened a bit and he looked away quickly,