
Chapter 60

looking confused, they suddenly chuckled realizing the fuss.

Jeame couldn't concentrate, he had tried to get Jeane's attention but she has proved stubborn.

When the class was over, she parked her books and waited for Lucy, Jeame was ignored.

Sam and Jack entered the class and saw the two young ladies already standing to go out, Jeame sat on his desk without moving.

"Is he not coming?" Sam voiced out, seeing him engrossed in what he didn't understand.

Jeame could hear the ticking time of a bomb.

Jeane looked at him briefly "he isn't coming" she responded and the three of them left.

Jeame heard footfalls approaching the classroom, suddenly Keane emerged with a bag strapped to his back.

He glared at Jeame with disdain before going to his desk and dropped the schoolbag, he sat for a few minutes and stood walking out of the class.

Jeame got up and trailed him, he got to the locker area, deserted by students that have all gone to the canteen to have their lunch.

He pulled out a bag from a locker, and switched it, he looked around and left after he didn't see anyone.

Jeame walked to it and saw a locker where he heard the ticking bomb sound, boldly written Jeane.

He switched the two schoolbags before walking away, he went to the canteen and saw Jeane having lunch with her group of friends.

She was laughing heartily and he was mesmerized, he stood there merely watching.

Someone nudged him from behind and he shifted.

Drake glared at him before going into the canteen with several boys accompanying him, Jeame furrowed his eyebrows at him after smelling him.

He realized that there is a pack in the school, he didn't know earlier, he would have hidden his smell.

He turned and left, Jeane saw him leave and misinterpreted the situation, she felt a longing in her heart.

She quickly packaged a meal for him and hurried out of the canteen "where is she going to?" Jack asked, puzzled.

Lucy had seen Jeame earlier before he left "duty to our noble bodyguard" she taunted, Sam and Jack didn't get the joke, so, none of them laughed.

Lucy rolled her eyes unimpressed "what the fuck!" she exclaimed, surprising them.

Jeame strode calmly and walked into the school garden, they were couples having a nice time.

He sat on one of the benches, Jeane emerged and looked around, she went to him when she saw him.

She stretched forth her arm bearing the packaged meal "here, take" she said, Jeane looked at him, her kind gesture moved his heart.

He received it and mumbled "thank you", Jeane hesitated to leave but finally left, she felt sweet to her stomach.

Drake stared dagger at Jeane, as she came in " she is the one who brought it into the school" he accused, the boys around his table turned towards the direction and saw Jeane walking in.

"yes, she is" one of them reiterated.
