
Chapter 46

he chuckled and pushed her away, he looked at her menacingly in the corner he hauled her to.

"I will do more than this if you don't keep shut" he threatened, he grabbed his school bag and hurried out of the class.

Sam, Jack and Lucy came out of their hiding place and went inside the class, they came to the sobbing girl.

"are you okay?" Lucy asked, concerned about her "I knew Keane's return is no good" Sam said.

Jack turned to him "should we inform Jeane, I think Jeane will be in danger if Keane gets to her" he suggested.

Sam clenched his fists angrily.

Jeame watched her quietly "how long are you going to stand there?" she asked, Jeame was surprised.

Jeane opened her eyes and turned to him, the carpet grass, made the environment green and beautiful.

Jeame walked to her and gave her the package, he sat down with her and ate quietly.

He took the package and thanked him, Jeame shrugged.

After they were done eating, she faced him, he was eating very slow, Jeane had a lot of questions to ask, but he doesn't want to be the reason why he didn't finish up his food.

Jeame raised his eyebrows at her, Jeane's phone started ringing, distracting the moment.

She pulled it out from her trouser pocket and stood, walking to a corner.

Jeane looked at her phone screen briefly before answering the call "Lucy, I am fine" she said immediately.

"I am not calling to ask how you are doing, I think Keane is after you, not in a good way, the motherfucker is fucking after your life," Lucy said with exasperation from the other end.

Jeane couldn't believe what she was told, she gave a sore smile, not accepting what she just heard "what are you saying, Lucy, do you have to lie against, Keane, for me to accept Sam?" she asked, with a tone of disappointment.

Lucy shuddered when he heard what her friend was saying "I don't fucking lying to you, babe, I overheard Keane threatening a girl, snd I think he came back because of you, not to rekindle the love you both shared, but for something cynical" she commented, desperate hoping that Jeane believes her.

"she isn't lying"

Tears rolled down from Josep's eyes, he stood and walked to the door, he grabbed the door's handle.

"I am sorry, Jo, I wanted to be a good father, and I made many terrible mistakes, but, Jo, know, I will always love you" he reminded him of father affection.

Joseph turned to him with teary eyes, before going out of the door, he hurried into the elevator and got down, he headed to his car and sped out of the company.

Chin entered the eatery and saw a man at a corner, he walked to him and sat down "do you think, Bill's hand is in the raid?" he asked.

The young man shook his head "I think someone