
Chapter 38


But Lucy wasn't perturbed "what don't you call your grandpa to call in, the matter will be resolved better, what do you think?" Lucy suggested.

Jeane nodded in agreement and lifted her hand, the two ladies clasped their palms together in agreement.

Jeame stood looking at them pensively, "I will do that right away" Jeane said, and brought out her phone and dialled her grandpa's number.

Lucy faced Jeame, he stared back at her, his beautiful blue eyes.

"Are you deaf and dumb?" she asked, Jeame kept shut.

She repeated the same question, Jeame frowned deepened "you talk too much" he said and walked to a chair and sat down, Lucy was startled, he didn't believe a handsome athlete posture guy like Jeame will be deaf and dumb, he just cleared the doubts in her mind.

Old man Bill was about pocking up the glass cup on his table, a voice was heard coming from the chair opposite.

"what do you think about me co-cooperating with them, I see the future..." just then Old Man Bill's phone rang and he saw the one calling to be his daughter.

"a second, Charles," he said, and picked the call.

The man he referred to as Charles stared at him pensively, he held the armchair tightly, veins shot out at the back of his palm.

"what is it, Jeane?" he said into the receiver "are you in a meeting?" Jeane's voice came from the other end.

He sighed, Jeane' like asking the unnecessary question "I am, so speak, Jeane" he retorted.

"Dad, Jeame run into a faceoff with Mr Jones, and he is threatening him, can you do something about it?" she asked.

"I will call the Head" Bill agreed, Jeane's heart moved "you are the best grandfather in the world" she praised and ended the call.

Old Man Bill quickly called in the school authority and they promised to reach out to Mr Jones.

Joseph halted at the door and turned to her, Arial sighed, she didn't know why she couldn't get angry and call off what she and Joseph shared.

"have a nice, day," she said, and stared at him, Joseph sighed in disappointment, he doesn't know why Arial was acting cold and strange.

"You too" he responded and got out of the door, Arial's secretary made a subtle advance on Joseph.

He smiled at her and left, she made a face in disappointment.

Lucy smacked her friend shoulder "aah! what was that for?" Jeane reiterated Lucy pointed at Jeame.

Just then, Sam and Jack entered the classroom "hey, guys, what is going on?" Jack inquired, Sam was right behind him.

Lucy stood with arms akimbo "I thought you said he can't talk nor hear," she said, Sam and Jack were surprised also.

"I know I said so, I am sorry, friend, I was also deceived," she said, and took Lucy's arm, Jeame stood and got out of the class, ignoring all of them.

"is that your new bodyguard?" Sam