
Chapter 362

he humphed and looked around, his eyes lit up when he saw the apple phone on the floor.

He went to grab it and started jumping around happily "not bad, not, bad, it is good, I have something good like this-" he inspected the phone properly, and discovered that it was in good shape, Mrs Ming came over and snatched the phone from him.

"Humph! You are such a noisy kid that doesn't deserve such a good thing, I will take this" she lay claim to it, Zhao pouted his lips in offence, wondering why his mother is making a steal confidently.

Mrs Ming's eyes lit up in joy, she was bubbling with excitement inwardly but couldn't make it pronounce "go eat, Ju Su, I will go in, and take a shower"  she instructed before leaving for her room.

Zhao grumbled and stormed out of the house angrily, he came to a bar, where his friends were having some drinks.

"Zhao, I heard you now have a pretty, sister, why don't you let one of us have her as our girlfriend" Zhao shot him an angry look.

"In your dreams!" He retorted, and angrily stormed out of the bar, he decided to go gambling with his friends in an underground gambling hall, in a known bar, in the street.

Xiao ok getting to his office, he checked himself and discovered that his phone is missing.

"Those thieves" he cursed under his breath, his face darkened, he looked around and saw that his bodyguards were gathered around him.

"All of you get lost, all of you are incompetent and useless" he berated them angrily, his bodyguards quickly back away, fearing a violent outburst any moment.

Xiao gritted his teeth and grabbed his car keys, he drove to the station and met with captain Huzhuo, he entered his office and saw him sitting, his face became gloomy when he saw Xiao.

"You dimwits, you want to ruin me" he yelled at Xiao, who looked perplexed, and shook his head, he looked behind wondering if someone was standing right behind him.

Captain Huzhuo folded his arms and shot him an angry look, his face became gloomier, he nodded towards him "who else were you expecting it to be? I mean you, you bring nothing but trouble, your stupidity would have 'cost me my job" he talked to him sternly.

Xiao's mouth opened and closed, he was unable to say a word, his entire body trembled, he had suspected that Ming's daughter wasn't an ordinary girl.

He swatted the beads of sweat on his forehead, and his arrogance departed from him "I am sorry, what do we do next?" He inquired.

The Captain shot him an angry look "stay away from her, I won't save your ass the next time" he warned sternly, Xiao was relieved.

Under the care of Jeane, the Ming's restaurant made a lot of profits and some expansion, more workers were employed, the enrolled independent dispatchers helped them send meals