
Chapter 349

and her husband, they came to the kitchen and saw Zuo on the floor wincing in pain

"Serves you right!" The middle-aged woman smirked and went to grab a plastic bottle of water and drank it, Jeane came over to help Zuo up.

"Zuo, you are bleeding, come let me help you take care of it," she said and took him inside the sitting room.

She took the first aid box in the house and disinfected the wounds, before helping to dress it, the middle-aged woman walked past them with her husband tagging along, she rolled her eyes.

"Humph!" She humphed and walked away, giving the young man attention to, a stern look before going inside.

The next morning, a heavy knock landed on the door, the middle-aged woman, rolled on the bed, upset that she has been wakened from the bed, by the time of the day.

She stormed down from the room, with an angry look, she opened the door and saw Xiao's lackeys were the ones who were 'causing trouble once again.

Immediately she opened the door, they wanted to rush inside the house, she used her body to block the door and glared at them with a stern warning look.

"Where do you think you ill-mannered twerps were heading to?" She sneered.

The man at the front, leading the muscular man at the back was stunned, they looked at the middle-aged woman, and laughed drily.

"We are going in, and if you stopped us, we are going to beat you up, and the authorities will do nothing to us," he said.

The commotion at the sitting room have woken Jeane who woke grudgingly to the sitting room, her eyes were still sleepy, but doesn't belittle her beauty.

And her nighties exposed her curvy body, her long legs were also in full display, she came out to see the commotion.

"Mama, is anything the matter?" She asked, the woman threw the door open, and shifted a little from the door.

"These are Xiao mem, they are here for nothing but trouble.."

Before she could complete her statement, she has shoved aside, and the two hoodlums advanced towards Jeane.

They were itching to get hold of the beauty, Jeane frowned not liking the gawking she was getting from the two hoodlums.

"Come with us, our boss would like to see you" they tried to be polite at first, she is still their master's soon to be bride, they will have reasons to touch her anyway.

"I am not going with you, tell him to wait, we will bring his money, in time, our savings are now growing, just a little while, we will pay up" she tried to reason with the hoodlums.

But, they didn't lesson, they latched at her, she kicked one of them at his groin, and knocked a punch to the other forehead, he grabbed it, and yapped in pain, wailing like a little kid.

She made a move and dropped on the floor, the